LOL. Striped bass are not particularly hard on tackle. They don't fight much for their size, and usually swim towards open water when hooked. Some of the nutty MD guys here use 10-15 lb braid with medium bass rods. Being a good striped bass angler is like being a good Tic Tac Toe player...
We just sold one NOS in the box at our fund raising fishing flea market for $15. It had been in storage since before covid. Have a Silver Calcutta in great shape for like $100. I am not allowed to buy stuff (by the wife) but I "donate" $, and get some freebies, so no quid pro quo...
Sold a bunch of Shimano BC combos for a song too.
No, I usually have the Korean hottie do my nails to match whatever color reel I'm fishing with that day, and if I have time I'll get tips in my hair to match the lure. What is wrong with bass anglers?...
I didn't know what a top or a bottom drag was, so I googled it. I had no Idea Rue Paul likes fishing...
Now I'm really confused, but I think one is more versatile and the other more flexible and can be made tighter somehow? Maybe...
Either way, I'm sticking to bait casting.
If I hit my head hard enough to ever want to fish from a yak, I'd be more concerned with the rod's dimensions based on fishing from that thing. The power and action will be the same as when fishing from a boat or shore.
There are some monos with less stretch than others, (or is that some monos with more stretch than others?) either way, it's not a huge difference, and yes, increasing the diameter of line results in less stretch for the same application, and is a good way to go assuming it doesn't negatively affect other aspects of what one is trying to do.
I find that to be very true as I get older...
Can someone translate to boomer (barely cause I'm 1961) the above, cause I see "I've used both for a few years and want someone online to tell me which one will work best for me" and that doesn't compute in my old brain...
I don't derive pleasure from buying or owning tackle, so N/A on that one. As far as which is "more important" as far as catching fish, it's a matter of it being adequate for the job at hand, be it rod, reel, line, lure or terminal tackle, anything above that goes into the pleasure thing and FOMO I guess.
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