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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. So is a long narrow(ish) cove a ditch?
  2. Oh man, I'm surprised we didn't bump into each other, we used to spend a lot of time in Gilgo, the sore thumb and that general area. Getting chased out of Connetquot was almost a weekly thing, and the bass fishing, well....
  3. I thought I was the only one left fishing these. Careful you don't get a hernia Calais have those no lock nut, blind, loosen and squeeze the drag star and spin the handle backwards handle thingy (technical term), so they are not compatible with "standard" handles. I think Shimano has discontinued support for these reels. There may be after market knobs that fit, and those knob cover things are also an option. Remember, lift with your legs, not your back...
  4. LOL. I always sat with my back to the wall in the Hampton restaurants, I'm in decent area, but I will say that growing up on the border of Brownsville and East New York was good training for parts of Baltimore, and "Southern Maryland" is a euphemism for Mississippi...
  5. LOL. You must still be newlyweds. I get "GO FISHING ALREADY!"
  6. One isle over from feminine hygiene...
  7. Ditch, submerged creek channel, depression, gully, blah, blah, blah. Fish don't own or have access to dictionaries or a thesaurus.
  8. I think I'm somewhat of a unicorn when it comes to fishing. I don't really enjoy any aspect of it that isn't fishing. I'm like that with all my sporting goods equipment. I think it comes from decades in sporting goods retailing. I don't like playing with tackle, I don't like prepping tackle, I purposely don't have fishing buddies, and if I'm not catching, I'm not having a good time.
  9. Bass fishing is stupid.... ?
  10. It's LI, like NY light... I want to hate the Bucca Baby Bull Shad and Baby Bull Gill, but the dumb things get bit.
  11. No. "You have city hands Mr. Hooper, been counting money all your life"...
  12. Protect the finish? Bone and clear are two of my best colors. Dyed surgical hoses my friend. A guy from NY/NJ should know this...
  13. Umbrellas don't have a top and a bottom.
  14. Can't help with that, no one can really. I buy tackle the same way I buy lunch...
  15. That will work. I was actually talking about the LP one, which like many other than Shimano or Daiwa of the time, is a rebranded Korean Pinnacle, so any of those will work as well.
  16. Trolling plugs, but yeah. We use a sidewinder reel to bottom fish, that is even more primitive.
  17. I got mine on New Years, I've been doing "Last bass, first bass" for a while, where I go out on the 31st and the first, no matter the weather and catch at least one. Some years it's easy, some miserable. This year it was good until the first week of January, then went down hill fast.
  18. Over priced jacket and matching hat?...
  19. In really cold water, I like them level, and sinking ever so slightly, as the water warms, a slight nose up and suspending (yeah right) or rising ever so slightly.
  20. I buy BPS lipless during the Spring sale, just to share them with kayakers... The thud seems to wake them from their stupor...
  21. Not a dumb question at all (there is such a thing, unlike most people think) A book could be written on the subject, in fact many have been. When trolling with the current, your speed (in relation to the water not over ground) has to increased, conversely, when trolling against the current, your speed needs to be reduced. There are exceptions and caveats, and it is often better to troll at an angle to the current, and the deciding factor should be the lure(s) getting to where the fish are, and maintaining their action, this is where lure selection, and/or added trolling weight comes into play. Keep in mind that some lures are more speed sensitive than others, and that some work better faster or slower. An old trick is to keep a rod to dip a lure boat side to test speed by checking the action.
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