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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. It's ok to look at tackle, and maybe even put it in your cart, but I wouldn't hit submit and complete the order until you sober up....
  2. Berkley should fire the guy that came up with that name, and make the marketing guy at YUM their VP of marketing, Sonar Minnow is brilliant.
  3. A 7. something gear ratio in a smaller spool, has a similar enough IPT to a larger one with a 6. something. Either will work ok as an all around, the real difference will be the greater delta along the casting distance. I'm more concerned with the 7'3" rod being anything near all around, that's just silly talk. No, that would be like comparing Shimano, Daiwa, and Lews, not gear ratios, more like F150, Explorer, Taurus, ok, maybe not Taurus...
  4. Rods say a lot of nonsense sometimes, I have one that blurts out "fluorocarbon?" every so often, obviously I just ignore it...
  5. I need the high mileage synthetic to keep the tail pipe smoke to a minimum, and my swim jig needs a new head gasket.
  6. If I ever spilled Gulp Alive on the deck and slipped and hit my head hard enough to actually come to and buy a 7'3" medium/mod fast rod, that's the one I would sell, hypothetically of course..
  7. Hypothetically, do I have another cranking rod?
  8. I could, but why would I want to? I'd be reducing my efficiency, and would have to fish different bodies of water, and different locations than I would prefer, no thanks.
  9. PX4 Storm, and 20 Ga compact Mossberg. There are a bunch of good pistols out there. Something that fits her hands well, and isn't too fuzzy cycling would be my suggestion, as well as trying out a few different ones before deciding.
  10. Did you get your 2nd covid booster recently?...
  11. I think the Eagles are screaming because they know something is about to break. Not a fan of War Eagles other than their finesse ones. Snakeheads turn them into a slinky in one bite.
  12. I'm not too fuzzy on the head shape itself, but I don't want a large frontal area, or a top heavy one, bullet, and the flattened fish head ones are some of my favorite, but I find the balance between the head and the blades is where the juice is. Funny, the one that was working for me this week was a Hart body with a colorado Stanley blade in front of a SK willow one. I really like fishing a spinnerbait, and they just started chewing it last two days, yesterday I was humming "It's the most wonderful time of the year" as I ran it through cover.
  13. Went out yesterday to a local spot I'm fairly familiar with carrying only one rod (6'6" Med/Fast) 14 lb mono and one chatter, and one spinnerbait, and nothing else, not even replacement trailers, got 10 between 1 1/2 and 3 lbs in a little over 2 hours, my Jansport will get over it I hope...
  14. I never understood how if its "duck and cover" the presenter was a turtle...
  15. "Doc Bruce Banner, belted by Gamma rays, turned in the Hulk..." Marie Currie just died of bone cancer leukemia thing. The atoms of all elements have the potential to decay, some are so stable that for all intent and purposes don't, others have such short half lives that are all but instantaneous. Somewhere in the middle are the ones that are radioactive. Isotopes of several elements are used in medicine and science extensively, but don't get as much press as reactors, or things that go boom!
  16. I Damiki rig below a bobber, I mean strike indicator... LMB guys are entertaining with the nomenclature.
  17. I don't own any BC Lews reels, but that Super Duty wide spool one would get a lot of use if I did.
  18. What is it with the love for tiny reels and frogging? Yall don't make long casts? I tried a Fuego and the SLX, and spooled them with 50 and 65 braid, not to mention that the IPT way out there is way lower on a smaller spool, but hey, maybe they are in tight, and frog pitching is a thing somewhere...
  19. I still have a couple of their rods and reels, they're good. The reels were rebranded Silstar/Pinnacles which were very similar to the Pfluegers of the time, which were also Korean made. That Silaflex rod is good if you like pasta....
  20. On a gravity less flat earth, yes.
  21. Nothing to do with the brand, too small.
  22. I can't imagine frogging with an SLX.
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