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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. I thought that was birds in a tree, which reminds me I almost had to reel in an osprey yesterday, not sure if it went for my spinnerbait or a fish behind it, but it ended lifting it out of the water about 20 feet or so, I managed to somehow give it slack and shake it off, lucky, cause raptor protection act or not, I was going home with my spinnerbait, just ask the pelicans and gulls how that ends...
  2. Shimano requires retailers to contractually adhere to MAP pricing, so some bend themselves into a pretzel to attempt to discount their products. Shimano is the Nike of fishing (and cycling) and I don't mean that as a compliment.
  3. I'm not sure what part of purified you are having trouble with, all water comes from the same place if you trace it all the way back, no?
  4. One of my mentors said to me "you work the lure with the top two guides, you set the hook with the bottom two" One of the best fishermen I ever met. Try that, and you will never break a rod setting the hook.
  5. Yes, I have an unofficial "If I touch you you count", as I try to shake them off a couple of times before lifting them out.
  6. Yup, kill switch is like a safety belt, you don't need it, until you need it, and when you need it, you really need it.
  7. fishing doesn't break rods, fishermen do...
  8. I don't care if he was his surrogate mother, he was clearly not feeling it. And a safety video from this clown is priceless.
  9. Your point? reverse osmosis removes almost everything from water, kinda like a filter with a mesh size the size of a water molecule, so yeah, it's a good thing...
  10. Up to 3/8 with a smallish trailer, I find a medium works ok, everything bigger, the rod gets over powered while working the bait, as well as on the hook set, I fish chatters on 14-20 lb mono.
  11. You could see that the passenger was not comfortable with this guy's driving. The sad part is that once the shock wears off, he's probably going back to his old ways. Cue the fiberglass vs aluminum thread... There is a local charter captain (I use the term loosely) that did this on his first day, (and blamed it on the sail boat), can't explain that either.
  12. If you look under the Body of Water column, you will see "private pond" listed, so obviously public access isn't required to chest pound.
  13. Pretty much every crank and JB come with split rings, some even come with snaps. Loop knots are silly.
  14. "Its a floor wax AND a dessert topping"... Happy Birthday Navy Chiefs!...
  15. Snaps on cranks and JBs sometimes, ball bearing snap swivels on inline spinners.
  16. Patient: "Doctor, I want to cast 1-3 gram lures with a baitcaster" Doctor: "Are you related to the guy with the spinnerbait and the snap?"...
  17. Well, if that's a kayak, then so is this...
  18. 1:1 direct drive, no drag, (if you don't count the palm of your hand) and no AR... (if you don't count the palm of your hand), 3 bushings, and 2 of them are in the knobs... I fish straight 60 lb mono, or 80 braid to 80 mono leader on em.
  19. My frog reel has an on/off drag, but it didn't start out that way...
  20. I have a couple of spots like that, fish them on Wednesdays really early or really late, weightless plastics or large swimbaits, and top water, (or live bluegill).
  21. Fix the backlash and answer the phone is a good presentation this time of year.
  22. Patient: "Doctor, my snap slides down my spinnerbait" Doctor: "Have you considered golf? and not having children"...
  23. I like them, but I'm not sure I can grow out a mullet...
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