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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. Yes, but not like you think, I'll just be shipping more product, "I need more money, more fish are going to die"...
  2. If you are walking a small popper, you are barking up the wrong tree... I find most "small" poppers cast really well with the right equipment, and distance isn't usually the issue. I like a "mid sized" popper or larger for walking. The small ones are mostly for glass water spitting for me.
  3. I make a lot of $ from guys who think you can't catch a fish with whatever.
  4. If 30 braid broke away from the knot, it was either compromised, or you have an issue with a guide, and you can't loose your PB...
  5. As a kid, I couldn't wait for fall when the snappers were all around and getting larger, often there would be small weakies and stripers under them as well. I don't think there is anything they wouldn't bite. I'd rig a sabiki made of small hooks and aluminum foil with a 1 oz sinker at the end and catch them 3-5 at a time, and bell bottoms!...
  6. I've tried all sort of buzz baits, and the standard, boring, 2 blade aluminum bladed ones are the ones I've settled on, I just don't see an advantage to the others.
  7. Launched further south in the early spring at that latitude and sticking it out there with that kind of temp difference would get you a healthy scratch for the next series, and a stint with Columbus, pointy wading pool or not.... LET'S GO RANGERS!
  8. Abbot and Costello used the call that the "one three"... I don't do it as much as I should for bass, but for all the Esox, I purposely throw stuff that will make them reveal themselves, and then come back and pick them up with something they will munch, either immediately after, or minutes or even hours later.
  10. I only wacky rig on days that don't end in Y...
  11. No, a lot of golf on the Severn...
  12. No, he is fully developed as an angler, so specialized equipment, and more importantly the knowledge and experience to know when and how to apply it makes sense. You wouldn't tell someone who says "I'm having trouble hitting the target" to try a 50 cal, wait, maybe you might...
  13. Because most humans should be able to detect most bites with mono. While going to extremes in equipment will produce short term gains, it can and often does does delay or curtail long term higher level gains. When I teach tennis to beginners, no extra long, extra oversized, extra wide raquets are allowed for the same reason, it teaches your brain and hands to lean on a crutch. Now if you plan to be a beginner or mediocre devotee of any sport, then yeah, have at it.
  14. Sounds like inexperience and rust to me, luckily the cure is the same, time on the water. I would suggest you stick to the same equipment and lures until you get a better feel, eliminating the variables will accelerate the learning curve.
  15. I agree with vile...
  16. No clear polarized lenses, but in theory, you could have some with a much lighter tint, but that kinda defeats the purpose, so there isn't much market for glasses with light tints. There are many different polarized lenses for science purposes though. You could make a two lens set that you could rotate to increase and decrease the effect, try it with two polarized sets of glasses, also a good way to test if a pair is polarized, if you have a set you know are.
  17. I keep hearing Vibrax in upstate NY from a bunch of guys, I roll my own, but the Vibrax did well in the St Lawrence and Grass recently.
  18. Offshore Angler shrimp twin tail, comes in 3" and 4".
  19. I doubt it's a break in thing, but make sure you are doing it by manufacturer's instructions, or you can void your warranty. Most 4 strokes should be set up to WOT at 5500-6000 rmps with a light load and (in a boat that size) 1 passenger. Assuming there is no issue with the actual throttle set up, which is unlikely, the motor height and prop size and pitch is where the tuning gets done. Is this a new boat?
  20. The uni knot is very strong and one of the easiest and quickest knots to tie, the palomar is an excellent knot, and on hooks or other small terminal tackle just as easy, and it's just a tad stronger than the uni. The twice through the eye uni is a tad stronger than the palomar, and not as clumsy with large lures or trebles, and leaves a much shorter tag. Recently I got a spool of Izorline XXX to see if it might replace my dwindling supply of AN40. I tested 15 lb Izor against 15 lb BG by tying a 5 turn uni on either side of a salt water swivel, and pulling either end till failure, interesting results, On a steady pull the Izor beat the BG, not surprising, as it's got a slightly larger diameter. On an impact test, where slack is pulled quickly with about a 20" length, BG beat Izor, And..... Once tested with either test, the winner lost to the other line when the test was repeated without retying the winner, regardless of which line it was.
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