I started with a zebco 33 combo...about 6-7 years ago. I still have it, but dont use it much. My kids do.
I love experiementing in all things fishing... and have found what I prefer over the years. I am a bargain hunter, and prefer shimano cumara rods and 200E/50E series rods - most bought used. They feel better in my hand. I used to be an avid, maybe even fanatical archery shooter...the only place that has contact with a bow is your hand. Cumara rods and shimano reels fit my hands.
I do have a couple okuma komodo reels, a couple bps gold carbonlites, and have tried many others. I don't judge anyone, and hope others get as much enjoyment out of fishing as I do, no matter what gear they are using, car or truck they are driving, or boat...or bank they are fishing from.