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    North Carolina
  • My PB
    Between 11-12 lbs
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  1. Jake.


  2. 65 degrees today and 72 tomorrow. ;D
  3. The Steelers get a terrible call in their favor. What a shock. :
  4. Not again. He's quite the entrepreneur... :
  5. Cute story. It really changes my opinion on the team. Not. :
  6. I'm very sorry to hear this. He will be missed.
  7. Jake.

    Dream Car

    2011 Subaru Impreza WRX STI Limited.
  8. Tidepool Sculpin maybe? This says they often change their color to green: http://www.vichighmarine.ca/reports/fishes/tidepool-sculpin
  9. I'm a die-hard Chargers fan. Philip Rivers is not the problem. With the talent they have, a 9-7 record is unacceptable. AJ Smith, the GM, makes poor personnel decisions. He should have swallowed his pride and paid Marcus McNeill and Vincent Jackson instead of forcing them to hold out for most of the season. Norv Turner is a mediocre coach at best and isn't authoritative enough for a roster loaded with talented players. Smith and Turner need to go if the Chargers want real success.
  10. I like the PS3 better. Online play is slightly better on the 360, but I don't have many issues on the PS3. The Xbox controller is arthritis waiting to happen.
  11. The only part I don't like is the wood handle. If someone has the money, and likes the rod, then why is it? People pay very high prices for lots of different things.
  12. It appears to be either a 14th century ceremonial samurai sword from the Kamakura Shogunate, or a poached bill from an endangered Knifetooth Sawfish.
  13. This coming from a Vikings fan...
  14. How are the Pats not on that list if they have beat 2/3 of those? LOL How did the Chargers even make that list? Are you just playing favorites or do you really think they are good? I wasn't being serious with San Diego. I do think they are better than what there record indicates though. They won't have any real success with Norv as the coach and A.J. Smith as GM. Smith lets his ego get in the way of what's best for the team. New England would be in my real top 3 along with Baltimore and Pittsburgh.
  15. Very true. Rangers in 6.
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