I use Gamakatsu EWG hooks - I've used 2/0 through 4/0. I fish almost everything "Texposed" and I make sure the bait isn't too tight, per GYCB instructions. I am currently using a 4/0 hook on a baby brush hog, but I think the fish I am missing are less than 1 lb runts, so maybe going down in hooksize would help.
I will work on the "snap" hook set as RW described. I tend to use a long "sweep set" with a lot of reel movement. Perhaps that is the problem.
Don't get me wrong, I catch my fair share, I'm always looking to get better !
P.s. - Davis, I must admit, considering the BASS pro's land to strike % in some tournaments is around 40%, it's pretty impressive that you've "never missed a hook-up" !!
Also - this is copied directly out of the bass resource article on plastic worms.... :-?
When a strike occurs (you'll feel a tap on your line or detect movement in the line), immediately lower the rod tip and bring the rod back overhead sharply. This slack-line hookset will drive the hook point into the bass' tough jaw. Never allow a bass to swim with the worm. On the strike, set the hook as quickly as possible. Always set the hook with a strong upward jerk. However, you don't need to tear the boat seat out of the boat on the hookset. If you're rigged right, the bass will practically hook itself.
So it sounds like there as many techniques as there are fisherman!
Keep the opinions coming....