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Everything posted by SurferDave

  1. Fishing Eastern KY, Cave Run Lake 4/25/09. Not Bad for this lake. A 7 lber and a 3 1/2 lber.
  2. I live in East Ky and mainly fish Cave Run Lake out of a Ranger 390V with a 200 HP Merc. Would LOVE to get down and fish KY lake but it's a fairly long drive. eastkybass...I haven't forgotten about a trip to Yatesville and I hope you'll put me on some fish come spring.
  3. to a great site!
  4. kybassangler, I understand what you're saying about wanting the labor charge. That's how they make their money. I actually looked at the diagram and parts list on Mercury's website and got the cost, just to make sure they weren't going to rip me off. I guess it's a lesson learned. I'll just stay away from them for all my boating needs and go somewhere else and encourage my buddys to do the same.
  5. DELee36, I have a little small repair shop like that here local and I probably should have gone there too. They don't sell boats, just do service. I just thought the other place should have at least kept track and called me after 4 days to tell me they forgot. Of course, if they forgot I guess they couldn't remember to call me. BTW, I called this place again and he told me that it takes about 2 weeks for parts to get there when they order, so I think I'll go to the service place next time.
  6. CP Bass, I also had one of the XPS extreme rods to break the tip on a hook set. I called BPS in Tenn (bought the rod on my way home from vacation) and talked to the Shipping and Receiving supervisor. She sent a tube for the return and asked if I wanted the same or an upgrade. I told her the same and not only did she ship it out that day but she shipped it NEXT DAY! I can't say enough good things about BSP customer service. Thank you ROSE!
  7. I split the motor mounted oil tank cap on my 200 EFI Merc and on 8/28 called my local Merc guy to order the part for me. He says that he doesn't have it in stock, but can order it. I tell him to order the part and let me know when it's in to pick up. No problem, he tells me. So today I call and this other guy comes to the phone and tells me that the guy I talked to on Tuesday got busy with another part and didn't order it. He just pushed it aside on a note pad and left it on a desk. Of course, this kinda got me p!$$ed . I guess if I had waited for another week and called it would have been the same story. This is the first part I ever had to order and the first time I've had to deal with this place. Is this normal at other places? Do you folks run into this often? I think that I would rather drive another 100 miles to another dealer than to deal with these guys again. For you East KY guys and girls, it's Cave Run RV & Marine in Salt lick. Anyone find this strange?
  8. With all the hot temps lately and having to add ice to the livewells, I wondered if anybody had tried to add a thermoelectric cooler to their livewells? I've looked at ones for aquariums. They are a little expensive, but operate off 12vdc and have about 50 Watts of cooling power. I don't know how well this would do in a livewell at 90*, but it will cool 10 gallons of water 6-8*. I think I might try one in a portable cooler, fill it up, close the lid a see what it would do. Maybe add a small pump for water flow around the probe. I was looking at this unit. http://www.coolworksinc.com/IPAC-50Manual10-28-03.pdf In any case, I would like to hear about your experience if anyone has tried it. Thanks.
  9. Welcome! Pull up a stool and sit awhile.
  10. What the heck is a German beagle. I though they were all made in America. ;D
  11. Welcome to a great place with great people. I've owned several pair of German beagles myself. Great dogs.
  12. Valtec, I've heard that Grayson it very pretty and it looks like it from the roads that I've been on. I'll give you a shout when I come to Yatesville and try to catch a few. We were running late yesterday and didn't make it very far up the river but I did catch one (about 15") off the river point at the main lake. In about 22 feet of water in a blowdown in the channel, just working a brushhog in some really thick stuff. It's been tough lately. We caught 3 more small fish, about 12" in 8 feet of water on spinnerbaits and a c-rig. The local guys have a tourney every Monday evening and I think about 6 lbs is tops here lately, and I haven't heard of anyone catching any good fish. Anyway, hopefully we can get on some decent fish in Sept and I'll give you some info about it.
  13. Hey mignight_madness! Thanks for the welcome!!
  14. You got it right about the water. Weeds everywhere and the water is very clear. We're headed out this afternoon to the river. Last weekend we caught a few small ones (in the slot) off the main points. If the water temp is down maybe we'll pick a few up on the secondary points in the coves. Caught ours on spinnerbaits and I caught 2 fish on a brushhog around the standing timber. I would like to get up to Yatesville maybe in Sept. I've never been to Grayson to fish but I've driven by several times. Is the bass fishing good up there? Anyway, wish you luck next month in the tourney!
  15. These are pictures of Pacus from the Aquarium of the Smokies. These get very big.
  16. Great reading Catt. One thing that I do just to try to help me visualize, is pick an area on land. Something familiar like a place you drive by going to work everyday. Then I think what it would look like under say 10 feet of water. Where would the structure or cover be that would hold bass? Then imagine where those places would be under 20 feet and so on. It helps me to see how that a point would run into a creek or how a ledge will transistion into flat areas. When I get to the lake(after looking at a topo map) I try to see how the structure blends into the shore. Then look for the cover on that structure.
  17. SurferDave


    Welcome from Eastern Kentucky!
  18. This is a real Rock Bass. Rock Bass is a local term for Striper in some parts of the country but it is like calling a Bowfin a mudfish, it is not the real name. As for me I have caught Largemouth, Smallmouth, Striper, White Bass, and rock bass in fresh water. In saltwater I have caught Sand Bass, Calico Bass, Spotted Bay Bass, and White Sea Bass. In the picture that Infidel posted, we call those red-eyes in KY. I used to catch alot in the creeks that run into the main lake. Great eating fish and tremendous fighters.
  19. Valtec, Good to meet you. Good to see someone else that's close. Do you ever fish Cave Run?
  20. Hey Zeta, Back at ya. This is a great place. Nice people and awesome information.
  21. Hunter69 and Hammer, Glad to meet you guys and thanks for the welcome.
  22. Sounds like you might have a short in the wiring to the trim switch on the throttle. It only does it when you move it forward to put it in gear, then you might be pulling a wire or shorting it when moving it forward. When you get on the water try trimming it up a little and then shift in to reverse and see if it still does it. If it doesn't do it in reverse, I would check the trim wiring in the throttle. HTH.
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