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Everything posted by granadethrow

  1. you could try wachusett reservoir for smallies in MA. It has produced about half of MA's records. or about 15 min away from there is a secret spot in the woods called Quinapoxet Reservoir, only way to get there is to walk along train tracks, look on google earth, its between the towns of princeton and holden
  2. does anyone have that lure, is it worth it, or is it a scam what about the blinking lure or the worm that curls by itself? i think they are all from ngcsports.com
  3. oh, so thats why i always fish this small back up reservior that gets one of it's tributarys stocked with hundreds of hundreds of trout 3-9 inches in length in the spring and always catch bass 2-7 sometimes 8 lbs all fat on trout. However, the extremely northern pike and muskie (only rare for central massachusetts) ravenge the all the trout within two months but get really really big. I'm talking about 4-6 year old bass being 6lb plus
  4. oh yeah, of you are an autobawn tree hugger go have some fun with a tree or spy on squirrels making more squirrels if you are not a tree hugger, you rock my sox
  5. Go skiing and get p'd off at all the snowboarders ruining the slopes > aw c'mon now, that's not true at all. everyone knows it's skiers that ruin the slopes rockin the "pizza wedge" and other rad techniques. ;D i kid, i kid... but seriously, i can't stand the whole "skiers vs. snowboarders" thing that's been going on since i started riding 12+ years ago. a lot of my friends ski, a lot ride, and i have just as good a time with the skiers as i do with the boarders. Yeah I don't buy into the whole boarder vs. skier fight too much, it just really annoys me when you see bad snowboarders scraping down the mountain sideways creating long wide ice trails. And skiers and snowboarders alike, can't stand the ones with no etiquette. yeah, well fortunately, i live near wachusett mt and at nighttime and during the week and "i got in an accident, the road was icy" days, there aren't too many people scrapping down the mountain leaving an ice trail, besides ice trails are fun, just follow then and suddenly hit 50mph. if you like edditquite, stay away from the trails where younger people ride and two plank. I have no eddiquite when i ride, knocking down closed signed to go down closed trails, white washing people, and running away from those nasty autobawn conservation people not letting you go threw the trees and ride up them.
  6. go shred the slopes on a snowboard. ( plz don't tell me the details about your derriere hurting) trying the 540's barrel rolls front flips (always drink a monster before you hit the slopes)
  7. bass109- not trying to be racist, but, it would be really funny if there was a japan-usa tourny on usa water. lol just imagine it, chop suey bait, and one partner attacking another cuz he lost a fish i'd like to see that, as long as they don't eat my dog
  8. i usually fish at points when the tide is coming in or out and the baitfish are getting stuck in the fast current, try using live eels, caught a 45lber on a live eel one day, a striper will eat an eel any day. Also filet whatever baitifhs is there, put both filets on a hook, and start casting it, i catch lots of stripers on that too, they think it a wounded baitfish.
  9. if the trout are jumping at flys, try and match the fly and fly fish with it, caught numerous wild rainbows that way. If they aren't jumping at flys, make a spawn sac out of salmon eggs and my personal touch, raw fresh crayfish meat from a live crayfish. Also try a spoon, caught a 3 lb stocked brookie that way.
  10. Fish Chris, Maybe you and your buddy should come to my water for stripers, go to somewhere on Cape Cod Massachusetts, they have huge saltwater stripers, 20-70lbs!!!! If you didn't know this: new england is where stripers came from, and they came from the ocean Anyway, nice fish!!!!
  11. i caught a lil carp on a yellow perch spinnerbait / double silver blades I was surprised to see a carp since the lake had tons of bass and pike, (pike like shiny, carp are shiny= pike going yummy yummy to all the carp)
  12. Funny, I don't think it's the same fish but "Dogfish" is my answer too. They are a type of sand shark that love to ruin $70 Tuna leaders. Once they are in the area,.....move. This really sucks when you are on your secret numbers. ya i hate toe dogfish aka sandsharks, ruin a day of striper fishing only to find out the next time you go striper fishing all your hooks are in a dogfish's mouth swiming around somewhere
  13. That happened to me too. The bait are now scattered further apart in the deeper parts of the lake. So fish deep spots close to shallow spots. Don't throw in the towel, I got 3 yesterday on a smelt jerkbait. Besides, when it does ice over, go snowboarding!
  14. nvm bps opening in 11 days and 21 hours! nov 14 6pm
  15. Novemebr 14 6:00PM sweet!!! i'll blowoff my paycheck over there!
  16. Don't asian people eat monkfish?
  17. mm schoolies, i love em i fish @ castle island boston. I usually try chunking with one pole and a spoon or a rapula on another pole also try and catch some live bait, works 200% better
  18. i caught a nice bullhead on a GULP! worm. Also got a crayfish on one.
  19. you should come to my fishing hole... 2 square mile reservior, middle of nowwhere but near my house so YOU WILL CATCH A NEW PB EVERY 10 MIN IF YOU COME. (ps, im not *** or ****, i was a kid once too.) just saying GREAT FISH but try some other spots too, bigger muddier weedier spots.
  20. Me friend dropped his Chocolate in the water (chocolate the cell phone) I know the perfect solution for u... 1. take the battery out 2. go home and blow dry it 3. if it still doesn't work, play tackle football with it instead of a football to see if you can maybe put some wires back togather. 4. do a 10 yard punt with it 5. Does it work now? My friends ( Andrew's) chocolate now does! What a fix huh? P.S. true story
  21. I used to have the same problem as you a few months ago. what I did 1. used all my computer game CD's as clays 2. Skipped worked at least twice a month to go fishing 3. Spent my paycheck on new gear 4. Ditched a weeding and went fishing, and caught my pb of 6.5lbs ( a true trophy in New England) northern strain. 5. Hit myself as hard as I could in the gut when I thought of playing a mmorpg ( massive multiplayer online role-playing game) Also, In the winter you the suns goes down before i finish work so I can only fish once a week. Every winter I take a break and go snowboarding and use a snowblower to snow people in or out of there house via the front door. Very fun except when I buried a nerd up to his chest in the snow and he later called the cops on me :'(
  22. Same with me, i've gotten straight A's in school and hope to do good on my SAT and make into Harvard Buisness school ( i know i'm a dreamer) and get a good start, save 1-2 million, and become a bass and whitetail guide around lake fork texas.
  23. what about BPS in foxboro MA? open yet?
  24. mmm... ya its like 45 min from my house. Anyone know if BPS sells any small bird lures? I see HUGE bass, salmon, lake trout, pike, and walleyes just blowing up on small white/gray birds. I saw, must have been 10lb+ landlocked salmon blow up on a bluegay at watchusett reservior.
  25. Firstly, Landlocked Salmon kick *** in case you don't know, I fish watchusett all the time, once got an 8 lb landlocked salmon, he would have been yummy but watchusett has a limited ammount of them so i let him go. Secondly, yes we do have shiners, if they stocked winnapisaki with shiners it would be full of them, and smelt are just as good, if not even better, my friend used to have a cabin on waters that had 7lb brook trout from all the smelt in the pond. If i were you I'd head into to crick arms anyway, all the trout and smallies, and largies will be filling up on all the salmon roe they can eat, they will be very fat, try and get that lunker or 4lb+ trout
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