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Everything posted by stilldontlikeyou

  1. lol I know right....I don't know why, but I'm really allergic to the slime on the fish. My hands turn red and I get a lot of bumps and hives and they can itch up to a day or two! It sucks wearing them, but I do what I gotta do. Anyone else have the same issue?
  2. Ok everyone, very happy to show the following pics . I didn't catch the fish, my buddy James did. I had the photos on my camera so I'm posting them for him....Needless to say, this is by far his PB and the biggest bass I've seen come from this farm pond.... Couple stats....During the day the temperature was around 100 degrees with very high humidity. The pond water was pretty warm and clear, with TONS of weeds/grass floating in patches and all over the bank. This momma hit a small yellow grub worm about 15 feet off the shore right where the drop off is....Weight is unknown, but by feel and size I am almost certain it was at least 9-10 pounds....maybe more!!! I'm the guy in the camo shorts handing him his first big a$$ catch!!! Enjoy! 8-) At this point the drag was really going and we knew this was going to be epic!! You can see the smile building on his face After a nice fight she got right up to the shore and just laid on her side exhausted, I jumped into the thorn bushes and quickly grabbed her before she could make one last attempt to spit the hook and get away. Here James daughter snaps a photo right after I pulled her from the water to hand her over so he could really look at his catch. You can slightly see the 1 inch grub worm on the right side of her mouth still. The adrenaline has really kicked in here!! ;D Just awesome!!! This is why we sit outside in 100 degree heat with bugs and thorn bushes, for moments like this!!!
  3. Yep, I got your friend request, I will approve you tonight!
  4. Yeah you should be fine....Just start it up and play a few times to make sure. I had the RARE event of the power going out during a save, and my profile became corrupted.....Lost all my achievements, game saves, everything...This was before I was on Live so I couldn't recover my GamerTag.......still recovering from it!
  5. Welcome aboard!!! I was in your shoes this time last year as a matter of fact. Go out and buy a variety type box for fresh water fishing. You can find them at Bass Pro, Dicks, I think Wal-Mart....It has worms, cheap spinners, buzz baits, lizards, and lots of other stuff. Some of the stuff isn't the best but it will get you started. You will become comfortable with certain baits, if your tie your knots wrong and cast your spinner and see it flying 50 feet and then sinking ;D it'll be ok because you didn't drop 5-6 bucks on it. I think I paid 15-20 for a nice little started kit. My best success so far has been with plastic worms. Stay on the forums here, this is where I pretty much learned most of what I know. Great group of people always willing to help, and the knowledge here is amazing. Welcome to the sport!!
  6. JCrzy4Bass - I have Rainbow Six Vegas as well....Beat the game about 3 months ago before my hard drive crashed....I haven't tried it online yet, so you can school my n00b *** ;D Brian - I'll add you either tomorrow or Monday night when I get back into town..Got some fishing to do this weekend! Thanks everyone!
  7. Yep, I got it! Actually I will be picking up COD4 this weekend....I am still addicted to the GTA4 and Army of Two 8-) Thanks for the add
  8. Hey everyone, just checking in to see if anyone here is on Xbox live??? When not able to fish, my second addiction is video games. Send me a friend request and maybe we can play sometime. Tag is Milkman9mm
  9. Yep that's it!! I still can't find my camera! I was going to take a picture of the set up....Ah well, this is it!
  10. Sure I will send your a picture when I get home from work tight....It's weird but it worked! 8-)
  11. Hey everyone, I guess I'm out of the "Rookie" range of bass fishing. Now, I got a large man made pond/canal that is about a mile long, maybe 50 yards wide, and about 20-30 feet deep. I've seen catfish swimming around from this walking bridge on it. I've only been cat fishing once and almost caught something. I know the techniques used as far as bait goes, but my question is about handling the fish. I heard somewhere that they have poisonous spine or fins on their back? And not to "lip" them because they have small teeth?? If I catch something today, how the heck do I handle this thing?? ;D What can I touch and not touch? I'll be wearing gloves regardless because the fish slime makes my hands itch for hours. Thanks for the help!
  12. Adding another picture to give an example of size...I had the fish right up to me, no holding it out.
  13. Got a lot of new tackle for Xmas though...Got some tubes and tried those. They look great floating in the water! My next purchase for sure is a scale!!! I caught this the morning of a cold front coming in. It was about 67 degrees for two days prior, then the morning of the 24th it started cooling down into the mid 40's. I just put on a YUM worm (red and black) wacky style with a black bullet weight and threw her out there. I fished it pretty slow. I would let it sink and set for about 5-10 second, then pull up on the rod slow, then reel in my slack. About the 5th time, I went to pull up and felt a tap tap...I reeled just a little and felt the line go tight, then set the hook. It was a good fight. Had my adrenaline going for a good 30 minutes.
  14. Not sure on my old one...or this one really...Didn't have anything to measure or weigh with, but it was a hog for sure....I know my old one was smaller length wise, but a lot fatter. This one was a lot more "toned", weight a bit more too. All from same pond.
  15. Hey guys and gals... Just thought I would share this with you real quick...This big girl was caught Christmas Eve morning around 8am on a private farm pond. I was using a YUM worm whacky rigged with a bullet weight. I got the classic sun in the eyes expression ;D
  16. Oh I will....can't wait until Sunday morning. I compared it to my Shimano rod today and its much thinner and lighter, curious to see how the sensitivity is
  17. Ok, the bait monkey bit me hard in the a** and said I needed to step my game up. I leave behind (but a trusty backup) my spinning reel and rod combo that was given to me to start off with. We've had good times, but now it was time for my to buy my own decent set up while staying within budget. I picked up a Okuma Stratus GT (I've read many many great things about these reels) and a Ugly Stik lite, also picked up some YUM worms, and frog as well...... Total cost $72!! Rod: On sale for 39.99 Reel: On sale for 24.99 (orig. 50.00) plus the price of the baits.....I can't wait for this weekend!!!
  18. So far I've got Fishing Across America and and Fishing with Roland on my DVR so far....Haven't watched them yet
  19. Hey all! Finally got cable back (been over a year!) and I was wondering what good fishing shows come on tv and what channel??? This way I can fuel the addiction even more. Thanks!
  20. Yes!!!! It's the MIDDLE of October and it's finally cool. This is great. Since I've only fished in really hot weather so far, I am curious about this as well. I've heard you just need to fish slow....if its not slow enough....go even slower
  21. Appreciate the post! Well the wife was showing signs of pregnancy the past couple of days and she took a test and it was negative... :-[ I think we were both dissapointed.....It'll take time though, I know you can't rush things like this it will come in due time.....I can't wait for that day though!!! At least its fun trying ;D Thanks everyone!
  22. Steeler Nation!!! I think we have a great team this year, kind of reminds me of the 15-1 season, though I don't think that will happen this year....However, we do have trouble if we meet New England in the playoffs
  23. Thanks everyone!! I feel better knowing I'm not the only who freaked out this bad. Like someone said, I'm ready....But not ready. I gave up my party days years ago, I was never really into that scene. We were both the dorky types. Either way, I'm excited, now I'm just waiting for the day she gives me the news PS. Good tip on the housework thing, I'll have a few questions for the Dr. myself
  24. Ok guys, I came here scared and looking for support Me and wife decided on trying to have a baby, we're both 25, and both have that urge to be parents. We've thought about it now for a good year, and recently started trying. I am excited, but also scared! I'm not afraid to admit it....I got a million things running thru my head. Does anyone here know of any good websites??? Or have advice?? My wife is being more of a man about this than I am lol ;D I know I got 9-10 months to get ready, but that'll go fast!! Thanks!!
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