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Everything posted by jerbs

  1. thanks LBH. FC, That fish probably wasn't caught too far from yours. : CA DELTA BABY!!! so....we're looking for the same trophy fish ;D We do fish some of the same waters, well if you still venture out to the southbay area. I even got a few pictures on your site. I've always wondered why you don't throw plugs for stripers. Baitfishing isn't as fun as throwing out your arm from throwing 9" plugs all day I haven't thrown too many big plugs for stripers, as I can't put down that rattle-trap, but I will be doing so soon. Good luck out there buddy! Stick a biggie 8-)
  2. CRAZY!!!! nice job dude! I can't wait for one of those...a 40lb will do too ;D I caught my PB striper the other day too, only 10lbs though Keep sticken'm dude and you'll find your trophy 8-) Here's my puny fish ;D
  3. cool dude! 8-) No chawzer and I can see the backgrounds ;D
  4. NICE! cool trick 8-) I know a few retaining walls that need a little bangin', ;D
  5. jwo...lots of people in Alaska get what you are talking about when winter comes. SAD (seasonal affective disorder), google it. Sometimes if it gets real bad people use lightboxes that mimic the suns rays, however most people cure it by going to the bar ;D
  6. avid, are you referring to my waders? yeah...I know kinda nerdy, but I don't like pruned feet ;D
  7. Take a kid fishing.
  8. thanks for the welcome. 8-) I plan on contributing what little I know and learning as much as possible from you all. yeah...another one of those cali dudes that likes to get skunked 4 straight trips in the pursuit of one big one... ;D I grew up catching these babies, this was from last summer up in AK. Almost as much fun as catching giant mama toads. : SimonSays, Here is what two kickboats completely broken down looks like in the back of my jeep(with the seat up). One of my friends is lazy and decided I don't need all my trunk space so he leaves his kickboat in my Jeep. Everything you need for both boats is in that jumbled mess.
  9. snap your rod downwards, let it set for second. snap it again, let it set for second. repeat....wait till you feel the rod load when you get blasted, then set the hook. Braid can help too(due to low stretch), but it gets hung up in the hooks much easier. I usually use braid w/ a mono leader.
  10. Be prepared to lose them, lots of them, especially from shore. Get some good florocarbon too. O'yeah...swings are free, so swing on anything that feels "different" unless your fishing in wood. Those trees like to take your jigs when you mistake them for fish ;D
  11. I deflate it and take it apart everytime. Takes about 10-15 minutes to set up once you get it down. You fold your bladders into the frame and take apart the seat and back piece. It would probably fit in your trunk. I used to store it in the back seat of my old toyota camry.
  12. Thanks dudes! 8-) JC, I picked this one up used, homie price $80. It is probably the most ghetto kickboat ever. ;D Duct taped on rod holder and fishin buddy(fish finder) mount, screwdriver holding one of the pegs in, and currently has to be pumped up once a trip...but it gets the job done New ones run anywhere from $250-$1000+. If you do a few google searches you can find some crazy tricked out toons. IMO these boats are very under utilized in the bass fishing world. After purchase there is virtually no extra costs(i.e. gas, insurance, launch), which is good for people like me who are bassin on a budget. 8-) You can cover pretty good amounts of water very thoroughly too.I will have a boat in the near future, as my parents are going to hook me up for graduating from college in 8 weeks. I'm sure the toon will still get some play in local kickboat tournies. If you have any more questions about kickboats feel free to ask. 8-)
  13. I'm just about to graduate in 8 weeks (business degree w/ concentration in marketing)...yeah! I've wanted a boat for awhile now, but I settled on a pontoon boat. A new one cost about $300. No gas, no insurance, no need for storage(mine stays deflated in the back of my jeep), don't get backseated, and I get to work on the beer belly I've been steadily accumulating. ;D I can go pretty much anywhere a big boat can go, just not as fast, and catch just as many fish. Just wanted to give you another suggestion on boats. Pontoons and float tubes are both under utilized fishing machines. I would tell your parents the college isn't ALL about school, its the whole experience and you need to be able to do what you want for fun when not in school. Ask them if they would rather you be out drinking every night or hittin the sack early so you can catch the morning bite. If they are really opposed to one during school, get them to agree to get you a bass boat for graduation if you attain a certain gpa. 8-) My parents haven't helped my through any of my college, but they are sooo stoked that I'm finally finishing that they are going to throw down some cash for a "real" boat....wahoo! As for the school thing...go to every class, make sure to take an english and math class every semester till your done with both.You'll be done before you know it. Good luck!
  14. I've been lurkin' for awhile now (fourbizzle caught me ;D) and figured I would finally stop by to introduce myself and contribute what little I know about bass fishing....like I don't spend enough time on other fishing forums : I think this forum is great cause you can see what other people around the US are doing to catch bass. A little about myself...my name is Jerry. I grew up in Alaska and fished for anything that swam. Moved to San Jose,California for skateboarding and eventually school. I picked up bass fishing about a year ago and I guess you could say I got bit by the bug pretty hard ;D In AK I would see bass fishing on TV and wonder why people fish for such small green fish, well know I now. I started bass fishing from a canoe, but recently moved on up to the poor man's ultimate fishing machine, a water skeeter pontoon boat. These things are AWESOME!!!!! I've been fortunate enough to be able to fish some of the best waters in the US...clear lake, the delta, and a few other trophy lakes. I know a few people that post on here regularly. Fourbizzle saved me and my canoe one day at my local lake when I tipped and sunk my canoe. (funny story, thanks again buddy!) And he gave me my first shot of big bass fishermans herion, a huddleston! I still hate you for that, and so does my bank account ;D I've tried to convince brokejew to get a pontoon boat to no avail on another forum( your missin out bro). Supermat has given me some good advice over the past 6 months or so. Fishchris (eventhough I've never met or talked to him) gave me the confidence to go get skunked consecutive times in search of my first double digit bass, which I was finally lucky enough to accomplish. All the other posters on here have also contributed to my knowledge of bass fishing, whether they knew it or not. Well....sorry for the long intro. Glad I could become part of BR fams. Here's a little fish porn for you all.... 13lb12ounce florida strain beauty: delta PB...7.5lbs. still lookin for that 10+ delta toad 8-) and cool shot of my "boat", don't mind the dink CHEERS!!!
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