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Everything posted by jerbs

  1. Been alright. Lots of fishing and skateboarding. Been fishing a dropshot at anderson for a bunch of dinks. tons of fun though. 4" robo sculpin pattern ,straight down to 20-30 fow, no movement. Yeah we will. That is a BIG time bummer. Just an excuse to spend more time on the delta ;D Good to see your still kickin. 8-)
  2. bizz and dropshot in the same sentence I use 10lb braid and floro leader too. awesome combo for deadstickin. hope you've been good dood, it's been awhile. 8-)
  3. haha...I send mine to my homie too if I want it to look good. ;D I think photobucket has a blur function now. iPhoto works okay too if you got a mac. I generally try not to do any blurring, but for some spots out here in california, you gotta protect the bass from all the "bucket brigades" ;D Good job on that fish man. You've been fishing like a madman and putting in some time.
  4. My toons retired... ;D You should just blur the background instead of whiting it out. Teens are cool 8-)
  5. Sweet dude...now you just need to work on your photoshop skills ;D....J/K. The hunt never ends. 15+ is next. 8-)
  6. Nice dude!!! I see you finally got the toon out....Was I right? ;D
  7. NICE DUDE!!!! I might have to try one of those bad boys : How many cans of cope went in to each one ;D
  8. NICE! I can't wait to catch one of those bad chickens...
  9. That right there tony is why a pontoon is much better then a kayak. Having fins to be able to move around at your own pace and pull some bass out of some junk is why a toon is much better then a yak. Try pulling out a 5+ brusier of some brush while trying to oar backwards ;D kayaks are great fishing vessels, especially for the ocean, but for bass I'd choose a kickboat anyday.
  10. http://www.creekcompany.com/ Pontoon boats for $199. Good boat, for great price. I like water skeeters but ODC's are cheaper and customer service is good.
  11. Get a kickboat!!! I've fished out of pretty much all lower budget fishing vessels and a kickboat is by far the best. Control, stability, storage...the list goes on. You can find some much cheaper then the one you were looking at though. If you wanted to get top of the line pontoon boat, go with a versa vessel. ODC creek company sells some good boats for a good price, as does water skeeter. I own a water skeeter and before I got my boat I took that thing everywhere a boat could go and more.
  12. Thanks dudes...(except for that picture ;D) So do you try to find the warmer water or the clearer water?
  13. whoops...I didn't see the "what would you do" thread talking about the same thing. You can still add your .02 here if you wish ;D
  14. It recently poured here in San Jose, CA, thankfully filling up all of the reservoirs. Water level is up anywhere from 10-20 ft on different lakes with less then 1 ft visibility. 48-51degrees. Got any tips... ;D I've been using bigger black jigs, w/ rattles, and scent. Fishing from 0-20 ft. What's better to fish, the warmer but dirtier water or the colder but clearer water? cheers!
  15. I got this boat for graduating from college this december....soooo stoked!
  16. you have to "fish backwards". meaning....approach your spot kicking backwards and after you have past said spot then start fishing it. kinda hard to explain. You'll get the hang of it, just try different things. Make sure to use the wind to your advantage.
  17. I'm partial to water skeeters, but any of those will work. The fishcats are heavier then the ODC ones. I have friends that have both and all of them like their toons. oregonfishing.com has a few deals on waterskeeter toons. I would recommend getting a suspender type PDF in the manual version too.
  18. IMO...They're are the best way to fish on a budget. A boat is obviously better, if you like speed ;D You can put on a trolling motor,but I think it's more of a pain in butt. You gotta carry all that stuff, it adds weight to your toon, and you have to register it. I enjoyed the workout when toonin'. Believe it or not, you can actually go faster rowing, especially in the wind then when powered by a TM.
  19. Thanks brokejew ;D You'll be stoked once you learn how to fish out of it effectively. The best way to learn is time on the water and going out with people that have used a kickboat for a long time. You will enjoy your toon much more then a zodiac or kayak.
  20. Thanks mayassa. Nope not a member of fishinnetwork. Just a few CA boards. I think that I've showed that photo on another thread here. Pontoons are a great way to fish, altough mine hasn't been blown up since I got a "real" boat a couple of months ago.
  21. it should fit in a small car. here is what two fully broken down toons looks like.
  22. Safe, real safe. I've been in 4 ft rollers out here in Clearlake with mine. And 15+mph winds on the Delta. I've pretty much been anywhere a boat could go. These things are a blast.
  23. Pontoons are SWEET!!!. I fished out of a canoe for awhile and will tell you a toon is 100 times better. ODC has a special on one of their toons right now. $199. Never used this one, but I do know ODC has good customer service. http://www.creekcompany.com/index.php You can propel yourself with oars( for distance) or fins (for moving around slowly). Beats anchoring up in a canoe anyday. Out here in CA alot of people are using pontoons. They even have a few toon circuits. http://www.bass-n-tubes.com/ A nice side effect to toons is the good work out too.
  24. I don't know the exact material of your pelican, but I got a green coleman canoe givin to me a while ago that was cracked. The material was that RAMX stuff, HDPE (high density polypropylene). Nothing sticks to it. I had a friend that has a plastic welder so we welded it together with some HDPE strips. Pretty easy to do once you have the plastic welder and tube feeder. The canoe has been through some stuff since and hasn't failed yet. I would suggest that you weld it back together, cause I tried everything before eventually welding it.
  25. Get a pontoon boat...way better fishing platform, sorry avid ;D I used to fish out of a canoe and caught many fish out of it, but I got tired of anchoring and/or dealing with the hand controlled TM. I flipped and sunk my canoe once too, it sucked. With my kickboat I can pretty much fish in any kind of weather and don't have to worry about big boats flipping me. I've been in crazy tides, 20+mph winds, and 4 ft rollers with my kickboat. You control your boat w/ fins and move from spot to spot w/ oars. O'yeah...and you can't get wasted and not have to worry about getting a BUI. ;D Here's a cool pic of my friends and I waiting to "blast-off" at a friendly turkey shoot.
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