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About SlateTundra

  • Birthday 06/28/1981

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    Central Wisconsin

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  1. I don't mean to hijack the thread...but it's somewhat related. Have any of you have problems reaching the company? I need to send mine in and have questions to ask them. It keeps going to their warranty voicemail and they have not return any of my phone calls. Gander Mt will not take the rod back...told to send it back to e21. Do not have the receipt anymore...bought it 3 yrs back.
  2. I haven't taken this particular reel apart and I don't have the schematics of this reel in front of me...but I'm assuming that both bearings are the same?
  3. Came across this video on youtube... Got a few of these Curados...and this tune up got me wondering if I should give it a shot. What's your two cents on this?
  4. My PB...it's getting old, I want a new one.
  5. I'm right handed, all my reels are lefties, so no switch here. I just never understood why most right handed anglers use right handed reels. Basically using their dominate hand/arm for casting & reeling. Their non-dominate arm/hand, on the other hand is doing most if not all the action and hook setting. Then flip/flops when it comes down to spinning gear setups. Personal preference, I suppose.
  6. Those who truly don't understand the game will fall victim to the new shiny toy, believing it will up their catch ratio. If you ask me...I think pretty much all lures will work, anglers who do know how to play the game, knows when, where, & the tricks to use them. My younger bro fell into the "Sexy Shad" trap when it first came out hard after KVD's success. Bought a set @ Bass Pro Shops...no success with them. I told him it didn't matter if he didn't know when or where to use them. Your knowledge is the most important lure.
  7. I watched a bit of it last night...didn't care for it. If I wanted to see boobs/butts....that's why we have the internet.
  8. Right...they don't stop within the show and say "hey, look at this neat thing by so & so!" For example...I personally like how the Lindners pitch their sponsors products by just showing short fast video clips of it. No stopping the action to talk about it. They do it very well by just letting the audience see the gears they use on their show, every now and then, talking about the usage & functions of that particular equipment/lure. Kill two birds with one stone.
  9. Here's my rant. Roland's need to inform the audience of his sponsor's product, every five minutes, is absolutely ridiculous. It could be a good show, but all the pitches = garbage show. Charlie Ingram - Fishing University is a very close 2nd. "how do you like those Diamond Gusset jeans?" They're garbage!! And the repetitive music...oh my ears! Bill Dance - the only thing I hate about his show...same private lake (probably his)...1st fish is a 5 - 6 lber...so is the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th...you get the idea. Informative...scenery and action is very repetitive. Roland & Charlie...horrible pitches. They completely stop what they're doing...pitch the product to the audience...go back to fishing...and repeat. Not very subtle at all. Strike King's Pro Team Journal - the entire show is about their product! That's why I like Lindners Angling Edge/North American Fisherman/In-Fisherman...they pitch products as well...but subtle...it doesn't stand out like a sore thumb. End of my rant.
  10. Go Pack Go!! Aaron Rodgers proved to many that he was the right choice for GB. We'll see how well the protection is and if the secondary could stop the passing game.
  11. I won't believe it till the 2010 season is over. ESPN is drooling over the guy right now as if the guy is officially retired...pathetic.
  12. I got one of these net...awesome for bass. I like the flat bottom nets...fish lays nicely in it and tangle free. http://www.frabill.com/store/landing-nets/conservation-series.html
  13. Got a Humminbird 798 SI unit that worked fine up until the last trip. Had a burst of short beeps followed by a distorted image on the screen and then the power just cut off. Check my lines, battery, fuse, and connectors and they appear to be just fine. When I try to power it up, nothing appears on the screen. The lights on the buttons do however light up, but that's about it. Would like to hear some inputs before I decide to ship the unit in for repair...thanks a bunch!!
  14. The entire NBA is in an uproar because of this one man's decision. It goes to show how much power/influence he has and you can see why so many are so upset. Sort of reminds me of the whole debacle here in WI when Favre left Green Bay. So quick to crucify & judge him after all he's done for the organization. He honored his contract with the Cavs. Took their organization to a whole new level. Brought TONS of cash to their city/state. A free agent, free to sign with whomever. Took less in order to win. Isn't this the perfect painting of what the media & fans have desired for so long out of a pro athlete?! And yet...people continued to crucify him for a decision he had every right to make. Damned if you do...damned if you don't. Face it people...whatever decision he made...whether to stay or go...there was bound to be some type of backlash from it. Dan Gilbert...wants to talk about LBJ's loyalty, narcissistic behavior, and desire to play the game. It's a business (he should know) and there's no loyalty in it. He and the Cavs made him into the monster that he is. If he's a quitter, why was he willing to pay top $$ for a quitter and why was he so upset that he decided to leave?! Sounds like he was more ticked off the fact that LBJ was walking out of town and taking all the $$ with him. Well, what's been done is done. Miami's got BIG expectations in the upcoming season. All eyes will be on them.
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