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Everything posted by JVM

  1. It could be a mix between a peacock bass in a Florida strain Bass. Peacocks are often orange around the mouth like that look em up.
  2. I am headed to the Talladega National Forest and was hoping somebody could point me in a good direction for some red eye or small mouth fishing. Largemouth Northern species trout and crappie also okay. New to Alabama and never been to the central portion. Anywhere in the National Forest is fine thanks for your help in advance.
  3. 10-4 I haven't gotten much help. I think you have given me enough to get started and now that the weather is playing nice, nothing beats time on water. I am JVM on TFF too so if you see me, give me a shout. Do you fish in a club? What club?
  4. And thats why you're the MF Man!!! Are you on TFF? Thanks again, as always.
  5. Thanks FF$. I'll let you know how I do. Tomorrow is supposed to be windy so it'll make for tough navigation. Sure need to drop the extra money and make the troller a foot-action!!!
  6. Why not make it a poll... be more fun
  7. I think Ray Hubbard should be on the list or close. Palestine too. Other than that, dont know a whole lot about South Texas so that leaves alot of territory uncovered for me...
  8. How'd the trip turn out? I am hoping to be put there in a week or two
  9. I am fishing a small club tourney at Ray Hubbard this weekend and know little about the lake/Texas/etc. Any tips, info, reports would be helpful. Most of all I'd like to know where the bass are, whether beginning to move shallow or still hanging deep. Also, anyone ever fish the lake or want to, I live right there and dont have a boat but will have access to a few boats in the very near future. Just llet me know. -Josh
  10. Granted the weather has not been great, but I've thrown jigs and t-rigs along the chunk rock, draggin the bottom, etc. Any advice on colors or presentations? Again, I have learned to bass in Virginia reservoirs so texas lakes, structure, bassin is all new to me. Would appreciate any help I can get, really hoping to put a biggun on my new Falcon rod.
  11. Zapata huh? Very nice. Have to make it out there one of these days. As for the SAL program, what a blessing. Keep up the good work folks.
  12. Also... where/what brand of map should I buy if I want the very best for this lake? If I need several, let me know... Sounds good Fish4. We'll get up and do some fishin then. Just let me know next time u r around.
  13. Great fish hoss. Congrats. I hope to hit Fork in March-ish. 1st time I'll be back since being skunked there as a little kid... Turns out it was the day after a BASS tourney! This time the Lake wont be so lucky and I wont be so forgiving! Fish On!!!
  14. Great, will do. Hopefully I can get thru traffic in time to get an hour or so in tonight... Doubtful though? Thanks for the help. I'll let you know how it pans out.
  15. I just moved from Va back to Tx. I am still fairly new to the sport but like to think I have done enough homework to call it a decent start. ANYWAY, I am hoping that someone could give me some info on the lake. Even on TX bassin vs VA/Northeast. I will take any help I can get. Primarily I am hoping that someone could point me to a good shore-fishing spot or two, as I don't yet have a boat. Maybe recommend some colors/tactics/lures. I haven't fished but 1 body of water for most of my life and it was a reservoir-filled valley back in VA so most of what I have applied may not fly out here too well. I am hoping to pick up a Jon boat soon so I'd also appreciate if someone could suggest a location or two. I am not looking for specifics, just general info to get me started. I appreciate the help guys... -Josh
  16. Ray Hubbard is a pretty good LMB fishery though from what I understand. Texoma shld be just what u r looking for as far as smallies go. Used to live in Plano Tx, now in VA. Moving back sooooooon. I'll be living right off the water near Ray Hubbard for a while at least... then maybe out twrds Athens, closer to action. Can't wait to be back in N.Tx... FISH ON!!!
  17. And the fishing is Onnnnnnn! Decent weather, hope ya'll are slayin em!
  18. Well Shim is new to area, they r rollin Jon, and two/team versus three... D@mn!t thats who im rootin for got it Socc!!!
  19. Good luck all. I'm rootin for the underdogs rollin Jon boat. Are ya'll still fishing BIG vs. little? What is the boundaries? Leesylv/Potomac, Belmont?
  20. Yeah I dont think most of those guys fish the river much. It isnt but 3-3 1/2 miles the stretch and I think ya'll keep it on the river and don't go out past the mouth to Belmont Bay, I think that will keep it fair given boat/motor size disadvantages. I guess you could take it as far as Occ bay where it meets potomac, leesylvania etc but then big boats would have a huge disadvant. keep it to the river n no wakes, etc.
  21. ;D .....OUCHHH!!! Since my man is fishin the tourney Thai, and you decided ur too good for it, I would have to bet that Socc outfishes you on Saturday! Regardless of where ur goin!!!
  22. I am def in but can only fish until noon this Sat so if there aren't enough boats which is liklely, I'll sit it out. :'(
  23. I can fish this Sat but only until noon... no boat. I can possibly get a jon boat for a sunday tourney but not this sat. Also, we could still do Anna and rent a boat or two. It'd be more expensive but I am down to split the cost of a $100+-/day bass boat with someone. I have to work this sat so can fish till about noon. If we do this we can figure the rules once we have a day time and participation figured, thats the important stuff. Anyways, I am def in however we figure to do it. Scrapping this tourney isnt really an option the way I see it so if u dont like the idea, you can post ur comments on another thread Lets make it happen. I'll be in Tx in a nmonth or so and this is my last chance at catching a state record bass in VA with a BIG bait!!!!
  24. I agree. This time of the yr would prob work good for the whole big bait vs finesse theory too. Just my 2 cents tho. With fishing slowing it would be nice to get some kind of tourney going soon just for fun.
  25. I have been to Burke a few times and yeah it seems just as hard as any body of water to learn. I think a lot of the "high pressure" comments are mistaken. It gets its share of bass fisherman as well as northern species. Thru spring and summer the biggest headache is from the pleasure boaters who rent all the jon and paddle boats, making noise, crowding the area, etc... This time of the year i have been out tere and you wont normally find much pressure there. That has been my experience but I DO stay away from Burke. If I had a jon boat tho I would prob drop it in this Sunday just as well as any other place. I was thinking about fishing this Sunday. No boat so prob shoring it but if anyone decides to do some fishing shoot me a PM -Josh
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