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Everything posted by Tin

  1. Yup, like Johnny Cochran's "Chewbacca Defense".
  2. I agree with Burley. At full price they are not worth it at all. Not too mention, I have seen too many of them snap on hooksets. I don't think BPS Foxboro stores them right or something.
  3. They are prereq's for a reason dude. I would definatley take one of them just to get a good base. And that is huge when jumping into a calc course no matter how good you are in math.
  4. In RI I know Calc 1 and Statistical Analysis 1 are both accepted as entry level Calc Credits.
  5. Good thing the Raptors are not in the NBA playoffs. A mention of Canada and the thread gets closed down.... :
  6. http://www.weei.com/images/bear ;D Got to love EEI.
  7. If it was a bad knot you wouldn't have gotten the fish all the way to the boat. :-/
  8. I want to see a sweep and Lucic DROP Lacroque.
  9. What is a Folgers coffee can with winch cable wrapped around it considered?
  10. There are girls in WV... :-? Figured Burley scared them all off when he went to visit Jimzee...
  11. Mine have taking a ______ pounding so far and have no issues. And if they break, send them back. :
  12. Forcing myself to finesse fish deep water instead of living and dying with my jig rod....$
  13. Just pitch when you need to get over something that you can't skip under.
  14. Take Burley's advice and be thankful you weren't trying to do that with a size 2 or 4 drop shot hook. You really would have been frustrated! ;D Yup, in 30mph winds and 6 footers with 5/6 pound line... ;D
  15. Anyone seen the trailer for it yet? Looks better than Borat and so is the plot.
  16. Why? Because I have found that the cheap rain gear does the job needed to be done, that's all. I dont feel like I need expensive rain gear. If you ever wore the expensive stuff you would realize how wonderful it is. ;D I wash mine 4-5 times a year and have owned it for 3 years, never had an issue and it still works great.... Did you read the tags? :-?
  17. For clients that forgot or don't have rain gear they are better than nothing. Should get you a good tip too....
  18. 1. It will never be known 2. Dottie is the world record imo 3. There won't be another 4. Micro should replace Laurence Fishburne on CSI....
  19. Tin

    RI DEM...

    I just can't wait for this guy to see some of those crazy guys from EG or The Bucket throwing those 12" MC Slammers... ;D
  20. Tin

    RI DEM...

    Hope he never sees you guys using those "real" striper plugs... ;D
  21. With light line and open water the fish can do whatever it wants. When I'm using treble hooked baits (with the exception of jerks and spooks) I give the fish plenty of freedom because I don't want the trebles to tear holes. If I'm fishing around cover and using braid I will usually have it cranked right down and just winch them in. No need to fight them if you don't have to.
  22. Tin

    RI DEM...

    What a day with RI Department of Environmental Management agent... Friday...I'm out fishing because it is way to nice to be in class. The wind is howling out on one of my favorite lakes and this is the time to catch big smallies. It was blowing 15-20 and I was right in the middle of it throwing a big shallow diving Smithwick. When a DEM agent walked up onto the dam, and asked "Are you trying to snag trout with your striper bait?" I said "No just trying to get some big smallies." "There are no smallmouth left in this lake and don't let me see you doing it again. I need to check your license and such." Everything checks out and I'm not wanted for turkey genocide or anything so he keeps watching me. I put down the jerkbait and pick up a tube. After 10 minutes of observing he gets in his nice new truck and leaves.... : All was fine, I caught 3 "extinct" smallies over 3 pounds along with a 24 and 26 inch rainbow trout that ATE the jerkbait. The two biggest trout of my life.... ;D
  23. @$#$%^&*(&^%##$@$$! A win and a giant musky, hope you bought some lotto tickets too....
  24. I'm glad that when I said how amazing they were last year and how they are comparable/better than Croix and Loomis everyone said BS, and now most have fallen in love with them. ;D
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