It is a crime to fruit the beer! Punishable by extreme humiliation by your drinking partners or others witnessing said event.
How so? What about orange twist in a Bud light?
Orange in bud light? That's a new one to me. I do enjoy the orange
with a Blue Moon though.
I went up to my neighbors house month ago, we was out on deck talking, he had orange twist all around his glass and beer pour into it. Gave it a more citrus flavor.
There a beer that just came into stores just recently. Called "Woodchuck" brewed in Vermont. Not bad at all.
Woodchuck is one of the best selling micro's at the liqour store I help out at. Granny Smith is the best seller by far.
And I must ask, what the hell is up with Michelob Ultra? It has been the best selling beer for the past couple months. Blowing away Bud and Miller. None of us at the store can figure it out... :-?