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Everything posted by Tin

  1. LOL, nice. I just posted this because there was a huge blow up on another board I belong to where there was debate if a fish was 2 pounds or 6 pounds and it resulted in the police getting involved because of threats and about 6 bannings lol.
  2. Glenn can you up the PM Inbox/ Sentbox limit again. I'm too lazy and am sick of seeing the "full" message. ;D
  3. If they wanted to protect fish I would have figured they would extedn the no fishing season. Most bass around here are not off beds until late May and I would assume (I know, I know) that the fish in Ontario would be a lot farther behind, even smallies. When are fish off the beds there?
  4. Most guys I know who fish those use Gammy G-Locks. They have such a small gap they are just about weedless and have a better hook-up ratio. When around the grass they pop it like a tube to avoid getting snagged up.
  5. These dumb drunks did run-overs. While looking for their friend it was believed he was struck multiple times.
  6. Scales that lie! No personal attacks or examples here but I have never seen so many fish that were weighed on scales in the past few weeks that are a lot smaller than what they are said to be. Just because most are pre spawn and full of eggs does not mean you can add 1-10 extra pounds lol. Most guys on here are not dumb and realize these things. Some of you should be so lucky that Glenn and the Mods go for the family friendly atmosphere. I have seen some brutal threads on other boards where people get chased off or threatened not to go to certain lakes or tournaments. Keep it honest because it is getting really annoying.
  7. Tin

    NFL Draft

    If the Pats draft Tebow like everyone is saying up here, I will go back to being a Titans fan.
  8. It was even better than the "Chicken and cow use whale and dolphin as scape goat?!" episode. It was only a matter of time before this episode happened.
  9. This has been a big local story for a few years now. http://www.wpri.com/dpp/news/local_news/local_wpri_barrington_ryan_greenberg_sentencing_20090722_nek
  10. Wow, well put from a sociological standing! It truly does have nothing to do with limitations on ability like there could be in a sports where strength and size matter, but your social location and economic status. I think a lot of us forget how priviliege (specifically white privilege) has helped a lot of us get where we are and afford expensive hobbies (such as bass fishing). Here is another little or big thing rather, look up "The Mommy Tax".
  11. I do it as well and so does everyone else. I just hate to see people come into this section thinking they know it all and I wouldn't want them to make the mistakes I made. (yes, I have made mistakes, lol). I jumped into a couple of BIG sponsorships to learn things the hard way and have been screwed over by two BIG companies. You don't realize how much work it takes to work off 10 free $300 rods a year. I think it is best to learn as much as possible before jumping into things or throwing money away in tournies you have no business being in. I still deal with it, there are a few lakes in the state where I just keep donating to the fund. I swear some of those locals tie up fish or something. :
  12. Que? lol Don't send me a nasty pm, LOL.
  13. I got a nice PM from him, lol. Can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.
  14. LOL, You picked the wrong website to post up Charlie Moore stuff, and especially a website with a lot of New Englanders. I truly cannot stand that guy, you should see him after he gets beat by a couple of 17 year olds without film crews around :-X .
  15. 74.... :-[
  16. I own 2 more Carrot Stix than I should because of the gf. >
  17. So one day soon can you help me figure out the female psychy? That would be worth full time pay to bring my stress level back to a acceptable level. : My unprofessional advice is if they bring stress ditch them. lol
  18. I'm with J on this one. I skip my jigs on a 7'3 MH Casting Carrot. But I crank up the brakes and NEVER use arrowhead or grass jigs, they just won't skip. The Arkie style head work's best for skipping jigs imo. Tubes on a jighead or a senko are the go to baits to learn how to skip on spinning gear.
  19. I want to see one too. Even though I live in RI, I was able to catch a few spots on Neely Henry and Lay Lake. They make Champlain smallies look like $@$%##@s. lol Couldn't imagine the fight.
  20. Get married and have a couple of kids and then you can talk about not having a life! I dream of going back to college. Even senior year with 1 CPA prep class that was 4 hrs (8-12) M, T, Th, F and three other classes on top of that. It could all revert back to the saying of " I can't wait to be done with high school", but I dream of the day where I work 40 hours a week and have to deal with a family instead of 40 hours a week and 18 credits, lol. Luckily I will only have to take 15 or less the next few semesters. I'm done with being a poor college student.
  21. I have had 2 smallies netted that would have given me a win in a Bassmaster Weekend Series Divisional. Both were in shallow rubber nets, one threw the hook and the others' line snapped on the set screw of the net. So both were in the net, came unbutton, and flopped out. I was going BS. It was also the morning after the now famous spider issue I had. I have also had smallies jump out of the livewell while reaching for ones to cull and get out of the boat, >
  22. Dude, an accounting job on a Caribbean Island...that might make me forget about bass fishing, lol. I'm definitely with you on the Western Literature. Shakespeare I really enjoy, but I took a Gen Ed Western Lit class that was solely based on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight with a prof that could have been Sir Gawain himself. No joke he looked like a 6'4" version of that creepy "Precious" thing from The Lord of the Rings.
  23. I don't know how you guys do the accounting, business, and finance stuff. It would drive me insane. I dodged all of that during my Gen Eds somehow. My girlfriend got an associates or some certifications in it from Hofstra now that she is back her and out of NYC she is going for Speech Pathology with a minor in Spanish. There seems to be just so many people in my neck of the woods that do not have jobs but degrees in accounting/finance/business/marketing with more experience it would be useless to go for a degree in those areas. I know a couple of the schools in the state have seen a large drop in those majors.
  24. That's great you're almost done. Finance or Econ? I have 2 semesters left then grad school. : It's a never ending process.
  25. I know I won't be having a life... - Advanced Latin (have to finish the language requirement and because I took it in high school I need a minimum 4 years > ) - Ethical Problems in Society and Medicine - Experimental Psychology - Into to Clinical Psychology - Psychological Testing : Winter break can't come soon enough...
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