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Everything posted by Tin

  1. Bruins fan here, so I hate you. lol I wish it was further away though. Need more conditioning time still, the hills around campus are still kicking my *** and my $600 Graf's haven't gone on sale yet.
  2. Tin


    Thats what I couldnt figure out..you can't view anything. Do you mean the ads that were on the previous page Glenn?
  3. Just copied and pasted it from another forum. Had a 14 page thread going on them. Some good discussion.
  4. OR...
  5. There is a reason why it is now Russia and not the Soviet Union. I would like to believe it was aliens because that would be pretty crazy but I doubt it.
  6. Tin


    Yea I got that, then when I go to post it just freezes at 27% and won't do anything... I suck with these d**n things.
  7. The Dyatlov Pass Incident On February 2nd, 1959, during the cold winter on Kholat Syakhl ("Mountain of the Dead") in Russia, nine intrepid ski hikers decided to do what they do best, which is ski hike, whatever the hell that is. On February 26th, the first of their very dead bodies turned up. Man, who would have thought such a tragedy could strike on "The Mountain of the Dead?" But it was the discovery of the campgrounds that added the icing to the creepy-as-**** cake. The ski hikers' tent was shredded. The skiers were scattered around the grounds wearing either very sparse clothing or just their underwear. Three of them were found with crushed ribs and fractured skulls, but no visible defense marks or other signs of a struggle. Oh yeah, and one of the bodies was missing a tongue. In case you weren't already on the phone with Mulder and Scully, trace levels of radiation were supposedly found on their bodies. The official statement on what happened was about as vague and ***-covering as possible, saying it was caused by an "unknown compelling force." In laymen's terms this means, "**** if we know." The story has become an internet sensation over the years, with many people blaming aliens, and then ghosts, and then the yeti, or possibly all of them working in tandem. The Obvious Answer: So there's six things that freak people out about this one: 1. The no-tongued woman 2. A mysterious orange tan on the dead bodies 3. The ripped tents 4. The hikers' lack of clothing 5. The crushing damage done to three of the hikers 6. The traces of radioactivity The big fact that gets lost in the re-telling of this story is that the bodies weren't found until weeks later. It's not like somebody turned their back, then five minutes later all their friends were dead and half naked. That makes the missing tongue a lot easier to explain. As disturbing as it may be, the first thing a scavenging animal is going to go for is probably the soft tissue of an open mouth, especially if it still smelled like the burrito the hiker just ate. Laying out in the sun surrounded by white snow for days also accounts for the weird tan. The trauma and the destroyed tent points to an avalanche. Their state of undress can be explained by paradoxical undressing, a known behavior of hypothermia victims when their brains start to freeze and malfunction. In other words, it's the kind of behavior you'd expect from a group of injured avalanche victims wandering around in the middle of the night in the freezing cold. What about the radioactivity? Or stranger details that turn up in some accounts, like orange lights in the sky? Well, there's the fact that none of that stuff turns up in the original documents from the incident, and appears to have been added later by people who just can't resist making things spookier than they are. It's those later accounts that have stuck in the public memory, because so many of the original reports were destroyed (this was the Cold War-era Soviet Union, which treated casserole recipes as state secrets). So none of the details on their own prove anything other than a tragic hiking accident. The conspiracy-loving public widely reject this, too busy lighting their torches and getting their pitchforks to go hunt down an, "unknown compelling force." ...otherwise known as "snow" http://www.cracked.c....solutions.html
  8. hmmm...last I knew most of the time with a c-rig you wanted your bait to float...and fluoro sinks...... :-? Mono = too much stretch and it is a pain trying to catch up to the fish with a longer leader. So this usually means either A) a poor hookset = lost fish or Multiple hooksets = rip a hole = lost fish Go to a light braid..10 or 12 pound braid have a diameter of 2 or 4 lbs test. and you have zero stretch. If the visibility of braid is still in your head paint your leader black with a Sharpie.
  9. It was reportedly debunked a while ago. They said it was an avalanche in the middle of the night. They got hypothermia, went crazy, and animals ate their tongues. 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  10. We are still fixing things from the severe flooding in March. If this thing hits, we are screwed. The state is broke as it is. It's funny how all the local stations have it well off the coast but all the national and mainstream sites have it coming right off the coast or right over us. It's like they are trying to calm us down, lol.
  11. I have to check this out ASAP. Passchendaele is now on youtube and had some amazing battle scenes but the rest of the movie was awful. It was cool to see a WWI movie. I still think Christopher Waltz played the best Nazi character in Inglorious Basterds. Without him that movie would have been awful, imo.
  12. Just have to laugh at yourself sometimes.
  13. The bookstores make out good as well. The difference between used and new now seems to be about $20 to $40 max. So they sell a $100 book, buy it back for $40, and then sell it again for $80. repeat...only you keep the used price at $80.
  14. Naaaa...get a colostomy bag...plus I will be able to use it in a few years. LOL
  15. You mean handicapped? ;D LMAO!!.Got me...Back on the roids and 3 hours of sleep in five days. BACK OFF!
  16. Yea i look like a dummy for buying a $40 scale and trusting what it tells me...Tin your avatar pic really fits your personality Yup, you will get very far in college with this level of maturity and not accepting when you're clearly wrong. I'm out of here.
  17. You mean the irony that a severely handcapped woman earned a bachelors degree and some of you guys wont?
  18. I'm in... mbroggijr@my.uri.edu
  19. It has nothing to do with calling you out. I would rather have someone tell me I was wrong than going around showing people a picture of a 4.5 that I said was 7 and looking like a dumb__ . It's a learning process man. It's a nice fish regardless and to come on a deep crank is something I wish I could do. Just trying to help...
  20. The one in your avatar looks bigger.
  21. My total was for three books. My sister had to buy a chem book that ended up being $224 on campus and $47 online.
  22. Nice fish but sorry man that is not close to 7 pounds, more like 5 or so and the fish in your second pic looks around 4.5 or so. Still a great catch.
  23. Rent them... URI Bookstore = $560 Chegg = $164 My sister saved even more money than on Chegg by going to bookrental.com.
  24. lol...I don't think it was fixed though.
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