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Everything posted by Tin

  1. lmao, Cant wait. Like the "come on pocihontas (dont know how to spell it)" thing.
  2. Ok, pitch is how far forward the boat goes for a turn of the prop. I would say if the motor pushes the boat fine, dont change the pitch.. You'll can a few more mph, or loose a few, the motor can spin higher. It is a trial and error deal, trying out bigger and smaller props, and it will cost you $. And to avoid a big explanation just keep the battery fully charged when not using it.
  3. 1. The plate that shows your capacity and max. hp. 2. If it is a v-hull I would say AT MOST a 15 hp. If it is a flat bottom I would say a 10.
  4. Nice spinnerbait fish. Nothing beats when your burning that spinnerbait just under the surface, then seeing a big flash and the bait dissapears, then your rod is two-thirds over. One of my favorite things about fishing.
  5. When the water was a little wamer about a month ago the lily pad deal was on. But since the water has really cooled down, (Sunday was 30 in the am and the surface temp. was low to mid 50's.), I have been picking off fish on the little or big drops infront of beaches and on real real shallow docks in the sun on beaches. I guess they are just starting sunning themselves cause they're chilly. I have also noticted when the wind is pushing on beaches (doesnt matter which direction), they fish are real real easy to get on a rat-l-trap. The other little gig of course is just finding shallow rockpiles (made up of rocks the size of basketballs or bigger) and just chunking a little 1/4 oz. jig at them picking off the fish, then wiating and letting another one move up and get him. Thats been the go to deal for big fish for me in the fall. Go lunker in a tourney Sunday doing it
  6. Avids are great. As far as the warranty goes, I have had issues with returning rods that should have been covered. Once had an Avid for about a month, when for some reason it snapped 1 foot above the cork while casting a super fluke. They wanted $50 for a new rod and it cost me another $25 in shipping. Which isnt what they told me over the phone, and since they already had the rod, I didnt really have a choice. But that was my only complaint with St. Croix, besides that they make a great product.
  7. I use Abu Tornos and Revos and it is much better with no brakes. As long as you have chunking a heavy bait. But as soon as I go under a 1/4 it can get nasty. And as I learned, never try to skip a jig unless you have the brake on about 7 or 8.
  8. Great to pitch to brush, holes in coontail, or the edges of grasslines. Just a good all-around bait. I like there super-hogs, better. Smaller and compact, its like a beaver mixed with a brush hog.
  9. Ok know the hook is a number 4, but need more info. What type, so on and so on...
  10. Thats rough, but atleast you havent had a cold front go through every Friday for the past month and trashed weekend fishing. Could always be worse. lol
  11. Same here. Its going somewhere, but it seems like it isnt going where it should be >
  12. The brush guard saved the truck. Only a little buck 120-130 pounds and I was doing about thirty. Could have been worse.
  13. O ya, rematch! Any time any WHERE!
  14. In the few lakes they put trout in that have bass (Breakheart, Stafford, Watchaug)for example. These lakes are the better lakes in the state imo. They usually throw out quality fish and I have caught 3 pound largies with 10 inch brook trout tails sticking out of there gut. So they do it them. But back to the trout and Rhode Island. Its funny it seems like everyone in the state fishes for trout from the second saturday in April (opening day) to the third saturday, then you never see anyone fishing anymore. I just cant figure this state out. Cant wait to get out of college and move to the shores of G-Ville
  15. That second one looked like a real football.
  16. I have only caught a few down on Neely Henry but it seems like they are the opposite of smallies. Where as a smallie comes out again and again, the spots seemed like they just kept digging down.
  17. I just figure out where the fish are in there seasonal patterns and where they SHOULD be then go for a reaction bite with a jig, trap, spinnerbait, or just giving the senko a quick drop. If it doesnt produce, I'll slow down and take it one step at a time.
  18. If you cant tell by the colors or markings of the fish, just check the tongue, Spots have teeth on their tongue.
  19. And of course had the raingear on till I met up with Matt, when I got home I ordered some Cabelas Guidewear stuff yesterday. So no more cold wet days for me . Now if only my dad would buy some so he would use the rain as an excuse. ;D
  20. New England weather can kill ya. I left my house which is about 15 miles away and it is blue skies, no wind, just perfect. As soon as Matt and I step out of his truck! Rain. And no I dont have earrings lol, and didnt feel like waiting a few hours for x-rays and such, plus they really cant do too much anyway, except painkillers. But yesterday was a rough day, and today I killed bambi with my truck. I need my luck to change because I'm fishing a tourney tomorrow so.
  21. Rhodey is like twenty something. Its sad because they stock nothing but trout, and put no money in for bass or anything. Just trout!
  22. Anyone try these rods? I like the cheap pro- sport series, but was considering buying a few of these. Thanks
  23. The past couple weeks the most productive bait has been a 5" watermelon with chartruese tip *** version of a senko. I did have much confidence in the color but went with LBH and Matty 5.0 this past weekend and caught some fish with it. Then traveled to a 4 other lakes in the past week and caught more fish than I usually do. (But I was fishing different areas too). I really cant stand fishing it, I usally have to cast it, put the rod down, and walk around the boat, then a little while later pick up the rod. I'm just too used to power fishing with a jig or rat-l-trap. But it puts fish in the boat. My favorite way to fish is pitching a jig at anything and everything.
  24. Stop it leftcoast! Your making me want to move out to Cali. Dont get me wrong we have some great fisheries that will spit out 6's or 7's every once in a great while but they dont throw out fish like that :'(.
  25. Ok in Rhodey most of our lakes with the exception of South County are man made, they have dams, old river channels, rock formations, and so on. But in most of the lakes you can find groups of baitfish, whether it be groups of 20-40 sunny's roaming the shallows or groups of dozens of yellow or white perch in the coontail. This even goes for our natural lakes, even though most are really choked up with grass, if you can find the edge of the grass you will see groups of baitfish roaming around. There are not exactly "schooling" or in "balls" but they are in large groups shall we say. As for natural lakes that dont have much grass or dont have lots of baitfish. I will just try to find rocks and fish them hard with a jig or tube. Its really simple but it gets the job done.
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