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Everything posted by Tin

  1. Teach them to fish... I have to put this in there, at the Alumni Day for the Rhode Island CAST program, I noticed a few of the kids from last year fishing this year, and it was amazing to see how they have really gotten into fishing. I remember one of the kids who was in my boat in 06' had went from a good old zebco push buttom and worms on a bobber to a Quantum Spinning set-up and was firing out an 5" salty stick and catching fish. A couple were between 2-3 pounds in just an hour. Also saw other kids who had learned to fish with spinning rods and artificials. So the kids and parents arent just going out and fishing once a year with the CAST program, it is becomming a weekend thing and they are learning. It was quite the sight to see.
  2. What can brown do for you? ;D That was awsome this morning, a good way to end work. Giving out those checks to two great organizations that change so many lives. Not only can there be another great event in RI but you can start spreading the word and getting more states involved. Do all the New England states have CAST?
  3. Places that are not windy, go to the park and go all the way to the back near Elmwood Ave. and fish the Legendary Polo Pond, Tillinghast Pond in West Greenwich near Vampires Grave, Zeke's/Big River side of Johnsons Pond in Coventry, those would be the ones I recommend.
  4. The dorsal looks like a shark, but the head looks like that of a dolphin. IDK :-? Either way I dont want anything like that near me. I think muddy is on to something though, a little too clear.
  5. Spider jigs are more of a finesse style, then the traditional flippin jig. I started fishing spider jigs and twin tail hula grubs a lot this year and I think for the most part they outfish the skirted jig, but I didnt get as many big fihs than on the skirted jig. :-?
  6. Used to do it all the time when I was younger. We would sink big stumps, or when they would draw the lake down we would make rockwalls and rockpiles. Little did we know it is illegal in the state of RI :. We did most of it in the winter of 02' and in the spring the fish were there and they still are. It is always the first place I hit when I fish that lake. Anyone ever try the PVC Trees?
  7. Ya, its only Flipper! : : lol
  8. Same thing up here, but it goes from 50 and rain and wind, to 30 and snow and wind. Good luck.
  9. Tin


    I know the leech and minnow thingy's are amazing drop-shot baits for smallies. Had to learn that the hard way by being stubborn and not swithing from the zoom meathead and getting by but whooped. But those are the only 2 things I would purchase from them. Like Bassfishingmachine said, their are better soft plactics out there.
  10. Go to a place where you wont get blown away or go from the bank in a private place. Colder temps are coming soon, if you dont go you might regret it. In the words of a good friend, It only takes one cast.
  11. I always wondered that too, nice input stringjam. It has always been "THE CRANK" of the CT River and Upper Lake Champlain. Learn something new everyday.
  12. So what would you do in a situation like that? Stay on the board and look like pray or get off and swim and look like prey? Damned if you do, damned if you dont.
  13. The boat sounds like a real fixer-upper. I would save and find a 12-14' flat bottom or v-hull, if you want to do the electric only deal. The just put seats on the benches of the boat. I would really recommend AGAINST securing a wheel chair. The recent PVA event will not allow the fisherman/fisherwomen to be secured in their wheelchairs. Instead those fishing are placed into a seat with a life preserver on. In case anything ever happened, instead of possibly drowning because they are secured in their wheelchair, they would float. Much much safer. So all you really need is a boat with two seats This is an amazing thing you guys are doing. Anyone who has an oppurtunity and take in natures beauty with you guys will surely appreciate it. Good Luck
  14. Its a New England thing, or down there it must mean you guys get rain. lol
  15. An Olneyville route, ouch, watch yourself, lol. Remember I load trucks that go that way too, you could have a rough couple weeks till Christmas. ;D ;D ;D ;D
  16. Dont waste your dollar. Also, ever think of why it would cost only $1? Spend the extra $$$ and go with a better line. Sure it is cheap, but is it worth loosing fish over?-My experience anyway.
  17. For bumping laydowns just stick to a square billed crank and you will be fine. And seeing as it is getting cold out, try a good old bagley balsa be, it has a great wobble for the cold water.
  18. Love the sexy shad, have it in the Red Eye Shad and the series 1 crank. Strike King cranks are the very first artificial I ever started fishing, I primarily stick to the series 1s, which I use for more of a small wake bait, series 1 which seem to tempting to most fish, the series 3 has treated me well, and the series 4s. I like the 4s but I have had issues with them coming out of the package and taking on water. So they dont float and dont run right. That would be my only complaint about strike king cranks. We really dont have water deep enough to crank with the 4-6 series so cant comment on those. The Red Eye shad and Diamond Shad are also great for lipless cranks, they do the same exact thing as other lipless baits for a third the price.
  19. You dont have to fish wood with a jig, a jig can be fished anyway on anytype of stucture. Since you have grass and hydrilla, go to a jig that is made for grass fishing. Like a grassmaster or a jig that has a bullet type head and where you tie the knot inline with the hook. It will come through the grass fine. Hydrilla ( which is the grass that gets matted on the bottom foot or two right? Dont have that in RI) Go to a light jig like an 1/8 that will rest on top of the mat of grass on the bottom. Also try a larger worm on the shakey head, you might not get as many fish but they should be bigger, rule of thumb most the time bigger bait = bigger fish
  20. Did the right thing, but feel bad for him. He is probably going to get tormented by his buddies now for getting beat up by a cheerleader.
  21. I do not know if I would carry an extra battery. You should be good with just a set of jumper cables. Just unhook the other batteries before you jump. If you are going to carry the extra battery. Just hook it up to the outboard. If you just let it sit until you need it. It will be dead when you need it. ' Another option is to extend your outboard leads to that compartment. This way you will have two separate systems. Daaaaaaaaah! Didnt even think of that. Solves my issue
  22. Come to think of it, last year I ran the 24 volt and the outboard on the two Everstart 29's along with other accessories and never had any issues. Whenever I went to crank it would always turn. Except when the ex-girl hit the key to run and we didnt notice, it drained them REAL quick, lol. It was also one of my reasons for dumping her, lol. ;D ;D ;D ;D
  23. Dougherty, thats how I was planning on it. My buddy's Ranger with a 36v trolling motor and outboard are wired like that on 3 batteries. Thanks for the input, just have to keep it in the back of my mind or an extra cranking in one of my compartmens with a set of jumpers.
  24. Not always. You have to learn when the bait has the angle and will skip and when it will just hit the water and you will have a nest to pick out. I always have the magnetic brake all the way up, it might take away but it can save you too, and the tension adjusted to the weight of the jig, so if it hits the water it wont over-run.
  25. Same here, I go to bed and they are say how he might regain conciousness and was squeezing a nurses hand. Then this morning when I got home from work, first thing I see on sportscenter was that he had past. Sad how fast a life can change in an instant. RIP
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