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Everything posted by Tin

  1. x2. Rhodey is still 4-5 Months till prespawn or when the ice is off > > >
  2. Sorry Raul, generalized that. Everyone I personally know that owns a kistler, including myself when I snapped one in the tailgate of a truck. Sorry to hear of your issues with them.
  3. Agree with Blade, if someone is asking questions about a product and you have not personally used one, just dont bother posting. I mean, dont put a product down unless you have experienced a problem with it. From my experiences I didnt experience an issue with the reel seats or anything else. But obviousley others have, and thats the great thing about a site like this, you get to see everything and everyones experiences. Flip a coin I guess.lol
  4. Ya but he probably had you crying you were laughing so hard. Him and Swindle should start a comedy club. The last seminar I saw him at he was two hours late because of 14 inches of snow we were getting, and he just talked about how bad our weather was and told "Yankee" jokes.
  5. Football for rocks and steep drops. Arkie for brush.
  6. Ya, might see what DEM has to say. Dont know much about the whole LMB Virus but if its transmitted by poor water quality then this is the place. This place redifines poor water quality.
  7. HAH! dude your not alone : i think i have the idea, but what exactly is a spider jig? is it a soft plastic w/ many "tentacles"? From what I've seen, it's a finesse size jig like a 5/16oz. and it has a wire for a weed guard instead of the traditional brush style weed guard. The skirts are also thinner and smaller. I too use twin-tail grub trailers and I have yet to catch a fish on a jig so you are not alone. My bud catches fish on a spider jig or any other finesse jig all the time. He hasn't caught any large ones but they put fish in the boat. We'll flip docks for hours. He'll catch a few, I'll catch nothing. Not even a bite for me. I've got a quality rod so I can feel the bites if I get any. I did a lot of flipping grass and brush with them and used a traditional brush weedguard and like I said the bait itself compared to the skirt and trailer of a regular jig is more compact. I think it is a lot like fishing a slim stickbait vs. a regular stick bait, it must be easier for them to take in or just a small difference like that can make all the diference in the world.
  8. Yup, I fish a lake that is loaded with schools of 2-4" white perch, this is really rare is RI so the whole lake is just loaded with bait and rocks that hold craws. But still catch fish that should go 5 but are 3 and half or four. Have huge heads, but bolemic bodies. I would say 40% of the fish population is like this and the other 60% are all chunky. And it isnt like you find the skinny fish in one are and the chunky ones in another, they are mixed in. Cant figure it out either :-?
  9. Same here, boat is covered, until tomorrow anyway high of 48, lol. Then a cold front and the forcast says high temps wont get out of the mid to upper 30's after Friday and possibly the first snow of the year Sunday night. It has been a colder than usuall fall this year too. The lakes that dont freeze until late December have ice on them in the morning so it isnt looking good. I need to make the deck extention, installation of the new Minn Kota, and a few other boat upgrades last until March so I wont go too crazy wondering around the house.
  10. X2 But there aren't too many big tackle places around here besides the new BPS and Cabelas that would do that. Besides Dicks and Wal Mart there are only a few (4 or 5) small mom and pop owned tackle shops around that are worth walking into. And my mom said BPS on Black Friday wasnt crowded at all, so it seems like there isnt as much as an interest over here or something.
  11. Sweet. Ever heard Drop-Shot like its Hot? My personal favorite.
  12. It has the fish and everything, it is just a matter of getting lucky and hitting it on the right moon phase. We will have to figure that out Matty.
  13. lol, Sorry Matt, couldnt resist. Just the little bluefish the fish is eating is a good time, couldnt imagine getting the bigger one.
  14. LMAO, knock knock.
  15. Thats one of the things everyone says about Kistler, their cutomer service is great. And when going for a new rod, that is one of the big things I go for, besides weight and sensitivity. As for St. Croix replacing your reel seats :-/, it all depends who you talk to with their Customer Service or who gets the rod when it arrives at the factory. Key word in their and most other rod companies warranty programs are LIMITED.
  16. New 6'9" mh casting carrot stick, some Optimum 4" suspending swim baits, and a ton of GYCB Twin Tail Hula Grubs, in Green Pumpkin, Aquamelon Gold, and Black Blue
  17. Have a brutal tourney or two and I get burnt out, get to the point where I hate fishing and want to take up a new hobby. The 15 minutes later I want to go fishing again, its a vicious cycle.
  18. I'll take 105 over -15 with a windchill ANYDAY! Just a few more years, and I'm out of RI
  19. Muscles and a scraper!
  20. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ya! Worth every penny. Especially if you are on a new lake or running in a dangerous body of water like the CT River. And it come sin handy when the fog or a storm rolls in. Also if you fish a lot of night tourneys it is a good investment.
  21. lol. I would say Strike King since they started that whole coffee thing. Can't wait to see how it produces. I'm SURE certain pro's (KVD and other Strike King pro's) will catch all their fish on them in the 2008 Classic.
  22. I was fishing one day and out of the blue a 3 and a half pound smallie jumped out of the water and landed on the top of the head of my trolling motor, bounced down onto the gator mount, and then back into the water. I just stood there like so . Craziest thing I have ever seen a smallie do.
  23. Ouch!!!!!!! thats a burn...
  24. Worst part is, seeing as though and will never be taken out, it never has or ever will catch a fish, lol.
  25. 1. If you have to yes, but trolling motor is the best. Time is crucial in a tournament, I personally would rather use my trolling motor if it can do what I need it to do. 2. Once again dont waste time, just snap it unless it is the last one and it is working. And it retrieving a lure you will spook out the spot you are trying to fish and so it will trash your spot for a little while. 3. As I take it, dont just cast to a dock or laydown from straight-on, if their is a fish there, give him a lot of different looks and presentations. Like I said about time, dont waste it, you could be making casts and possibly catching fish.
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