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Everything posted by Tin

  1. The first time I ever fished down south was on Norman. I know what you mean, we had 98* water on spots and you would see fishing busting on top all day long, blew my mind. Not to mention how all along the banks there was this orange/red dirt. Weird
  2. Russ, I remember seeing this info a while back in a Bassmaster Magazine. I want to say it was about 6 months back but it was the same data, Golf #1, Fishing #2 but a higher growth rate.
  3. Yup, thats Roland Martin's show 5BL. You should show Roland that example of your writting skills. I'm sure he would make you an executive producer or something. The best part was, as I'm reading it, it was in Roland's voice and I can picture this going on. ;D ;D ;D lmao
  4. I always get it a few weeks after I get a flu shot. :-?
  5. Can I light a fire in the woods to keep me warm? Will that help attract deer? :-?
  6. Pointer series is second to none for jerkbaits
  7. Ok, RI's forcast tomorrow, high of 34* wind chills 10-20* maybe colder. How do I take advantage of that without freezing to death or getting frostbite? lol
  8. Need new truck first Russ : The Power Ranger wont tow or stop a 21' stratos BassCat would be nice, best boat on the market imo. 5BL dont be hatin', lol. The posterboy is good for bass fishing, sur ehe does stupid things for attention. But he is breaking the stereotypes and attracting a new fanbase.
  9. My version of trout fishing is throwing a 6" trout imitation swimbait. Also trout dont suck, why do you think there are 20+ largies out where you live??? lol atleast they are good for something
  10. I got him guys... HO HO HO,..GO WASTE SOME MORE DOUGH or even better HO HO HO NO PHOTO? ;D Ouch
  11. No they are acctually all 13 and a half, 15 and a half, 17 and a half, 19 and a half, and 21 and a half inch fish, he just rounds up
  12. Wow, definatley. People either just dont care anymore, or those who do try to start trouble and dont use their intelligence and debating skills for a good purpose, but usually to benefit themselves. And as always $$$ makes the world turn and has taken the place of values and morals. There are few kind and good people left around. Sad we have to talk about this around Christmas :'(
  13. Up north too, well in RI anyway. Most lakes were either lowered so low or because of lack of rain are very low. If we dont have a snow filled winter (not likely, la ninia pattern) we will be in trouble. A few of the popular lakes have no or a creek 3-4 feet wide for an inlet. Gonna snow Sunday and Monday though . Hey LBH Yawgoo? lmao
  14. Find a BPS combo for that amount. They have decent quality for the price you pay.
  15. People are just starting stuff for attention or to aggravate others. People should stop worrying about issues like this and try to feed the hungry or do some good.
  16. 1. I think Green Bay has a GREAT QB after Mr. Farve retires. 2. A horrible pass-interfence call that killed the Pacs comeback, HE TRIPPED OVER HIS OWN FEET! 3. In a rematch if GB is has KGB and Farve doesnt rush or force things, they blow out Dallas. GB was weak without KGB on defense and not taking anything way from Romo, but I think if he was playing Romo wouldnt have 4 td's and all them yards. 4. NFL Network is really starting to p*** people off and most cable providers should just start carrying it.
  17. LMAO! You have got to be kidding me! I'm just at a loss for words, but am laughing. People need to really chill out, or its those few that like making a fuss about certain things for no reason. Santa has only been saying "ho ho ho" how long, beginning of time? A long time before the other meaning was coined.
  18. Sorry LBH I dont think this one creature that will ever go extinct.
  19. That was my question to the Loomis guy at an FLW expo. The explanation he gave me was so that you could work typical smallie baits (that are usually LIGHT 1/8 or lighter) like a grub, tube, and shakey heads, without compremising feel and sensitivity. I would really recommend them if you are going to fish plastics like the 3 stated above, thats what I have used them for and was impressed.
  20. I'm assuming they will keep them and Mercury though? Any new sponsers coming in?
  21. Yup, remember that old trial with the bloddy glove. Prime example, the late Mr.Cochran was able to prove to the jury that the police ruined the crime scene and DNA.
  22. Not a Croix guy anymore, but still love the AVS68MXF for my shakey heads.
  23. Yup, I'm gonna crank her up and burn some stay-bil through it today. Only one lake left to fish this year. My CT lakes have ice on them
  24. I'll say moves around and is looked amazing for the amount of experience he had. Could only imagine what he'll be like in a few seasons.
  25. Wow, nice fish, that little creek you fish must be something special.
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