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Everything posted by Tin

  1. Wow, too many hits in hockey or I'm bad with the mouse. 12.678. :-?
  2. With how bad consumers have been getting "it" by oil companies and such the past few years, I would have done it in a heart beat. Sorry
  3. When telling someone to set the hook, Drill em. After I set the hook, Booyah!
  4. Thanks Micropterus. Sad they got rid of that feature, it was a great thing imo.
  5. Once someone has that name "convict" people will stereotype and automatically assume the worst. And once someone has that title it is very hard to break, so it will be hard for them to be able to get back into society and "fit-in" or even get a job. Some may see an ex-con as a changed person while others will always see them as a con.
  6. Nope, had a gift card to ***.com and was just looking around. I fish a lot of flukes in the spring time and I have had a lot of success on Aaron Martens other fluke head so just curious.
  7. x2 It's become a common thing on the news lately and is quite a disturbing trend. Here is one of just a ton of examples...http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/viewArticle.asp?articleID=12013 But at the same time there you don't hear stories like muddy's on the news. All you really hear is the bad. So how many prisoners are changing for the good? Any statistics out there???
  8. http://www.***.com/descpageAMSCROUNG-AMSH.html Anyone tried them yet? Is the plastic to give it wiggle like a chatterbait or a type of weed-guard? Also why do they come in long and short bills? Doesnt look like it would dive like a crank... :-? Thanks, Mike Jr.
  9. Ya, after the whole kissing her half brother or whatever and Billy Bob Thorton's blood around her neck in a tube she seems a little out there. I'll take Mariah Carey
  10. Go with the PowerPro braid. By murky, if you mean you cant see your bait after a foot or foot and a half. A good all around pound test is 30 imo, diameter of 10. If you cant see your bait beyond a couple of inches you can get away with the higher pound tests.
  11. x2 http://www.goldeagle.com/sta-bil/faqs_stabil_marine_detail.asp?product=STA-BIL%20Marine&ID=184 It does sound too good to be true but ifs its around the same price it is worth a shot. These are the 3 big reasons why people who winterize their boat have fuel system issues down the line. So if it works, it will be a better investment than good old Staybil. imo
  12. Just your "Average Girl". 8-) Maybe for LBH. :
  13. Wow, just after the first 5 minutes I feel like my head is going to explode. Can't keep doing that, I'm really not in the mood for a migraine today. Russ, dont even try.
  14. Yes I meant the older 700's. I checked out Abu's website and all their spinning reels and I see pictures of Cardinals with Center Drag systems but none of their reels listed have them. Have they done away with this feature?
  15. ;D ;D ;D Usually "It's a big b@tch" or " Big Kahuna Tuna" as my man Rick likes to say..... I was thinkin' "There I go!", lmao.
  16. Ya Redline, that one is my favorite too, reminds me of the Batmobile. Of course I'm a truck guy but if I had to have a car it would be an Audi, loved my dads. The BMW wagon looks just like an Audi wagon, thought it was at first till I saw the emblem.
  17. Pretty light (compared to my Cardinals), not too pricey, and has that Center Drag feature that I love. Anyone ever use one? Need to retire a few beat-up Cardinals so I'm in the market for a couple new ones. Thanks, Mike Jr.
  18. Tin

    Ship Wreck

    No, I think the first attempt was acctually leftover empty cardboard boxes from UPS. As for shipwrecks. A hot spot on the CT River, about 3 miles south of Hartford, there is an old wreck in about 30 feet of water on its side, and when it is low tide the wreck is almost out of the water. The cool thing is since it is on its side, you can drop a bait in the portholes where windows used to be and pull out little keeper smallies
  19. Watch it! In some states, the use of corn in trout waters is prohibited. Check your state regulations. As for lures, 1/8 oz. Bouyant Flashes or 1/8 oz. Mepp's Comet Minnows with a silver or gold blade. Good luck.
  20. Awsome picture, and now with UPS on board, another state will be able to catch the"C.A.S.T. Bug".
  21. LMAO!!! Good one dad.
  22. The only thing that is tougher is carhartt. but they really don't last me that much longer. Work is pretty hard on my clothes, and I don't wear them after they get too messed up with holes or paint/caulk/concrete/glue/whatever. And at 20 bucks a pair, its all good. IMO Carhartt is the best when it comes to outdoor/work clothes. Just cant beat the durablility you get for the money. Love my jeans and hoodies. I'm only a 34x32, not exactly Big and Tall.
  23. I have owned both rods. The med/heavy with a fast action I used for jigs, spinnerbaits, and t-rigged plastics. The med/heavy with a moderate tip was my rat-l-trap rod.
  24. Water temp: If you are going to make the wart look like a baitfish, anytime. If you want it to immitate a craw which it is best for. Over 50*, under 50* craws are "dormant" or however you want to put it. Smallies under pressure: Finesse fish, use grubs, finesse worms, shakey heads, drop-shot rigged baits, and tubes as always. -or- Take advantage of a smallies aggressive/curious nature with reaction baits that they dont get a good look at or are moving really fast.
  25. If you want to help someone, or, have an issue, just send a personal message. That way we do not have to have Topics/Threads like this one. :-X
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