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Everything posted by Tin

  1. Thats a must with all flouro's on spinning reels. It makes all the difference in the world.
  2. Everyone is happy of course because it's Christmas but there is a little bit of chaos and panic mixed in because Santa did not label things rights or forgot the batteries and the bulldog is trying to get the ripped off wrapping paper out of the garbage to play with it. We also watch Christmas Vacation over and over and over again.
  3. (Cartman) Sweeeeeeeeet. Nice rat-l-trap fish. And congrats on the new PB.
  4. Ya, not a fan of the colors, nothing comes close to the BassTrix colors.
  5. he's right. somebody brought their pickup in our shop the other day. i didnt recognize the look of the bed lining, but it looked real good. when he came to pick his truck back up, i asked hime about the bedliner. he said he did it himself, all bought from autozone, and costs him roughly $175. i swear, it looked professional. it was the first time he had ever attempted to doing any kind of bed lining too. I did my Ford with Dura-Liner from Autozone, I did it myself and it came out good. Just should have added another layer or two. It has been a year and it hasnt faded and is still in good shape for the abuse I give it. Worth the sweat and $150.
  6. The one thing I will say it is all who you draw for a boater. He determines your day. You can end up with a guy who will back boat you all day long, not help with the net, and is miserable. Or you get the fun loving guy that will tell you everything he knows about fishing and shows good sportsmanship. I personally have had too many of the first types and will not fish a tourney unless I'm a boater. But I have had some real fun experiences as well. Also in some tourney's, the boater and non boater are required to split the day in half. Their half of the time includes where they want to fish and travel time is included in their half of the time. But in some tournaments the co-angler is not allowed to step foot on the front deck or else the team is DQ'd. Being a co-angler is one of those things you just have to try to figure out if you like it or not.
  7. Yup, the way to go.
  8. It's great that even B.A.S.S. Pro's such as these three have stepped up to the plate and voiced there disapproval. Hopefully ESPN/B.A.S.S. is realizing what a dumb move this is and will do something about it. I just wonder where Mr.Ray Scott is and his opinion on this???? :-?
  9. 23 months is a good FAIR sentance, imho. If he plays again, I doubt he will be any good and most are saying he wouldnt return as a QB because of the time off, but possibly a running back.
  10. It is not if they loose or not, it is how.
  11. Not to mention THE HILL, the pine-appple, Rocky Point, grinders, and tons of other references. I do think that Quahog closely resembles Warwick though. I remember one episode where there is a scene that resembles Warwick Neck. There is the beach, a few restuarants and Iggy's is one of them. Also across the water you can see an amusment park... Rocky Point?
  12. Not whining, just still cant trust them, once you do, they break your heart. I wasnt around for Bucky Dent or Buckner, but Aaron Boone and last years playoff loss in Indy broke mine. Last year, against Indy, Pats get the ball, time for that big final minute drive for the win that Brady is good for, first past, complete 17 yards. So we are all going, O YA! Their gonna do it again! Then, interception.
  13. OOOO Ya. If you are from RI or know a lot about the state the show is funnier. James Woods Junior High School, Buddy Cianci, coffee milk, cabinets, clam cakes, all the mobsters and corruption, the Yacht Clubs, traffic and other things, there is sooo much most people dont understand if you are not from RI.
  14. The only year where there could be an undefeated and winless team. But I still think if the Pats are going to loose and Miami will win a game it will be Dec. 23rd when the two teams meet @ Gillette. Us up here in New England have gotten used to heart break and it is almost expected at times. :'(
  15. Line-X for the 6' bed of the Duramax was around $600. What an investment though, can't destroy that stuff.
  16. I'm rolling on that one Mattm . Ahhh, Mangini and the Jets, the team that blew the whistle on "Spy-Gate" Belichick is going out for revenge this week, I REALLY think they will drop atleast 70 on the J-E-T-S, jets jets jets. I'll go with 73-10.
  17. Beisdes the Pats winning, the second best part of that game was how the Pat's targeted Anthony Smith (the guy who made that guarantee that the Steelers would win). The first pass when Moss BURNED him and the 56 yard TD pass to Gaffney. That was just great.
  18. A lot of teams seem to be having that Jackyl and Hyde syndrome this year. You never know who is going to show up.
  19. u I thought it was illegal to destroy $$$?
  20. I'm with fourbizz on this one. I like how the two look together in that picture though. Never really notice if I catch more with one than the other.
  21. x2
  22. Low light conditions, I look at it as a cloudy day. So topwaters and spinnerbaits. **Also, learned the hard way, a GPS comes in handy so you can find the boat ramp. lol
  23. Wow, that is great, I have a ton of bass stuff to get rid of, but I think a better place for it, the wood stove, dont want anyone advertising for this organization. At this weeks B.A.S.S. meeting,I'm having my name taken off all of the B.A.S.S. Clubs' rosters I belong to. Just curious, I'm not a student of the law or anything but how about a lawsuit from all of those loosing money because of this late notice?
  24. x3 That blade design looks like it would do more bad then good.
  25. Ya I was that bored today too. White stuff on the ground, ice, 35* high, just got onto the couch by the woodstove and played some good old Madden. Only 4-5 more months. :
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