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Everything posted by Tin

  1. Jigs, jigs, jigs, more jigs, and trailers, Watermelon and Green Pumpkin Zoom Fat Albert grubs, Strike King Red Eye Shads, and last but not least finesse worms.
  2. People who throw trash at boat ramps and into lakes > > People who don't catch and release > And of course, people who take forever at a crowded boat ramp. >...(stratosdad)
  3. Don't over think or analyze something. Keep it simple, a 1/4oz or 3/8 oz black jig with a black trailer will catch fish no matter where you go. When you start getting more confident with them, then start messing around with colors. Remember too, colors are for fisherman, not always fish.
  4. No, it would be a great thing us Yankees could fish year round!! If there were educated people back in the day when the last ice age came about, do you think they would have come up with this idea of Global Freezing? It is just a weather pattern, and if it isn't we will probably all be long gone before anyone finds out if it is a good or a bad thing.
  5. Ok finesse jigs usually have an all around smaller profile and are more compact and may come with a lighter wire hook. Swimming jigs usually have a different type of head design like an arrowhead for example so they come through cover better. When you get into pitchin and flippin jigs you have tons of options... If you are fishing wood, the arkie head design is best. If you are fishing rock a football head design is best. If you are fishing grass, a bullet head or grassmaster design is best. All jigs have their times and places. As for trailers, the norm is a chunk or something resembling a craw. Sweet beavers have become popular too.
  6. That pic says a thousand words. Still cant believe that.
  7. Finesse fish, little baits and light line. Shakey heads, finesse worms, t-rigged grubs, tubes, and of course senkos.
  8. A 7-4 on 6 pound test, wow. on top of catching big fish, you know how to battle them. Thats awsome
  9. Nice article RW, lol : It's sad how many people are just jealous of teams and organizations are successful.
  10. Sweet, and the worst part is, the Bruins are not bad, lol. They are 2 wins away from the best team in the Eastern Conference and would be a 4 seed if the playoffs started today. They are a bunch of no bodies doing something. I could only imagine if they went out like the other New England teams and picked up a few good players. But what is sad, is this is their best highlight since the start of the new millenium. Enjoy, lol. Man I miss P.J. Stock
  11. How did that shopping cart fight? How far out were you when you hooked it and did you ever get it to shore to get your lure back? Lol, it is amazing what 65 pound braid can do. Didnt want to break the rod so went over on the trolling motor and go my jig out, but the hook was bent out so that was the end of that one. The next time I fished there my buddy actually got a four pounder off of it. I couldnt believe it. Must have been holding some heat or something in that 40* h2o.
  12. Won't work for me >
  13. x2 or its a threat to my pets/family.
  14. I wouldn't want to coach the dirty birds either. ;D
  15. If I remember correctly, isn't the brush guard made of different material. My problem with the evolution jig was that the guard was too soft for fishing brush and they would get hung up very easily. Didn't have that issue witht the jig-x. Also where you tie the knot is much different.
  16. Sorry to hear that, like what was said before, chin up and stay strong. You still have the memories and dont forget those.
  17. Just for testing positive for the juice, I can never look at Rodney Harrison again. Once a cheat always a cheat. And anyone remember Sammy Sosa's corked bat a few years back? MLB snuffed that out before it got too crazy.
  18. I dont know about those deals, thats more of a salesman deal than a sponsership. With past and present deals I have had, it has always been based on my fishing-ability and image. If you have a good reputation and can fish that will take you pretty far imo.
  19. The highest they get around here is about $150. And that is the biggwst tourney in RI, it is 100 boats on a 650 acre reservoir and first takes about $5,500. Besides that everyone just fishes little 10-20 boat pick up tourneys after work, they are ones just about every night of the week and usually go from about 5pm-9pm. Its just laid back and a good time.
  20. 1. Yes, amazing bait, pitch it or use it as a jig trailer 2. Yes and yes, Zoom split tail, rarely. 3. Since the super hog and beaver have come it, they have been replaced. 4. Too much info to post. Let the fish tell you what they want, if they are grabbing the trailer and not the jig, go lighter. I usually stick to a 3/8 oz jig, but will go heavier for deeper water or heavier cover. I use a heavier jig when I'm dragging it so I maintain bottom contact.
  21. For that $100 I will accept check or money order. Just kidding, a big bass on 8 pound line will always get your heart going.
  22. Pimp my raft...http://youtube.com/watch?v=6NlguYFj4Bg
  23. There is only one spot you need in CT to catch fish and big ones at that, and it never freezes. Hint: Starts with a waterfall in Voulantown, connects a chain of lakes, is "OVER-looked", and you bette rhave tin to fish it.
  24. Hate to admit it but I would to. Also like to see what Ricky Williams could do if he could stay "low" and healthy. Pac-Man Jones as well. These guys have amazing talent, they get the fortune and fame, and they ruin it all with stupid moves. Too bad, but they have no one to blame but themselves.
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