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Everything posted by Tin

  1. Call it crazy but the best part, they are playing in SAN DIEGO. And the Chargers have an issue with winning playoff games at home. Also the last time these two teams played, the Bolts just barely won in OT. So this is going to be another great game.
  2. Soft jerkbaits (Super Fluke Jr's) and Silver Buddies are always worth a shot
  3. 1. Stop drinking so much Mt. Dew. 2. Start making jigs. 3. Start making jig trailers. 4. Fix my trailer bunk boards :.
  4. Everytime I see the picture of the Pitbull that got owned by the porqupine I feel bad. But then again, how dumb can you be to keep going back for more?
  5. I cant remember if it is half ounce or 3/8 oz that sinks 1 foot per second. So you can count them down to the depth you want to fish. Anyone know :-?
  6. About $20, and just a long enough drive so I'm not there every week blowing my paycheck.
  7. A Nitro Z-9 with a 250 Merc Pro XS in some rough water.
  8. If anyone gets BWB Magazine check out this months article on "The Abrasion Equation. In it they have breaking strength tests. All the lines are 10 lbs test and you will amazed at what they really break at. PLine CXX 10 lbs test broke at 22.2 pounds! Overlall it blew away the compittion in almost every test, other lines included Berkley Trilene Maxx, Stren Original, Suffix Seige, and Maxima Ultragreen.
  9. Looks like you have a good fishing partner there Jimzee. I cant take the bulldog out on the boat without a life jacket. She can swim, but she is so dense she sinks.
  10. O come on, you just had to tell everyone. Good job > lol j/k On 3 lakes around here that get a lot of fishing pressure it has helped me put a limit in the boat in the morning or around dusk. With poppers, tie about a foot to foot and a half of line with a texas rigged senko, finesse worm, french fry, fluke. Doesnt really matter too much, atleast to all the smallmouth it doesn't. Their aggressive nature gets the best of them. But have also caught some largies on it to. You just see you popper go down like a bobber. It is just like a teaser rig imo. I also like it best in real clear clear lakes.
  11. Tin

    paca craws

    Texas rig the 3 3/4" inch ones with a screw in tungstein and pitch with it. I also have a buddy who loves putting them on the spot removers and pitching them around docks.
  12. Tin

    New PB

    Congrats! Got to love the jig.
  13. Once again, after a big Patriots win. Robert Craft is absolutley "gone" shall we say for lack of a better word in a post game interview. He was stumbling over words, would just stop talking for a few seconds and look like he was really confused, and made a complete ______ of himself. I could not believe it, and I'm a die hard Pat's fan. I mean come on, you didn't know you were going to be on TV or going to be interviewed after the game? :
  14. Yup... Wow folks look at this beautiful bass I would say about 5 pounds 2 sentences later, Well the BogaGrip says 7 pounds! Final Sentence, Lets release another beautiful 10 pound Florida bass.
  15. No New England sports teams are fun to watch any more. You all ready know the outcome of the game before it starts. A WIN!!!
  16. Sometimes with my finesse worm or trick worm, gamakatsu makes two good ones, the finesse wide gaps and the worm hook with the wre weed guard. Have hook up ratio issues with the finesse wide gap. :
  17. Pick up Call of Duty Modern Warefare, just got it yesterday and it will blow your mind!
  18. Way to go, be careful though jigs are addictive and you have to learn when to put it down.
  19. Sorry to hear that Mudster. Keep your head up.
  20. Likes to fish too
  21. The bulldog, aka Mack
  22. also... when you get your final answer, multiply it by two or three
  23. Best thing I can say is pay attention to your bottom composition and fish it vertically as much as you can.
  24. Tried both, both felt the same to me
  25. B.A.S.S. and the FLW's bread and butter is still in the southeast. But it is growing out west and up north. In a few years who knows? It could be a posibility. :-/ Also think of the travel involved too for the pro's and staff of the organization. A lot more $$$$ if the ctiy/state isnt willing to give them a great deal, which right now, a lot of things are suggesting B.A.S.S. doesnt have. Plus certain cities in the south will do anything to get these events.
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