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Everything posted by Tin

  1. Also, must be nice catching fish burning an in-line spinner in, and catching fish on it up here in January. Definatley try that Saturday at you know where. Especially under the bridge.
  2. The CT fly fisherman must think your a wacko. Using bass gear and drilling trout, lol. Do they rocket out of the water? ;DNice fish Tokyo.
  3. Not they are not circles. You still use the same hookset you normally do but are just as fish friendly as circles and the fish are always hooked in the roof. I used circles and didnt like them so I tried these on advice from a friend and fell in love with them.
  4. Just a question... I remember Hawg Caller posting about in a study bass ate baits that had gasoline poured on them, but does the scent of a marker or sharpie give off a bad scent that could turn fish away? Anyone out there do this to their braid and have it impact fish catches? I know I know, I'm probably thinking too much as usual. :
  5. Towards the end of last year I fished a lot with 2/0-4/0 Octopus hooks and realized some great things with them. I never ever gut hooked fish (including smallies) and EVERY time the hook was buried perfect in the top of the mouth. When I set a hook on a fish it never came unbuttoned on me, and I probably caught 80-90 fish on them in the litte period of time I used them. Are they usually this good or was it a fluke? Like I said, every fish was hooked perfectly and didn't loose one. Also any one know of jig heads for tubes? The smallies up here have a tendencey of swallowing tubes and dying shortly after.
  6. Despite the warm weather, fog, and rain, all the good cold water lakes are still frozen and thick. No fishing any time soon. And snow Monday
  7. Is the FLW Junior Championship better than B.A.S.S.'s? Yes I have competed in both and FLW's show is much better than B.A.S.S.'s. The kids and their families are stay for the entire Forrest L. Wood Cup, they offer travel assistance, and they acctually make it for the kids. They through lots of party's before and afterwards, instead of a night before dinner which they also do. As many parents have said, they make the kids feel special, all are called on stage during the final say weigh in of the FLW Cup, and the winners from each age group weigh-in during the final day of the FLW Cup. And as far as the tournament goes, it is a qualifying day, then a Super-6 type day for day 2. Which I along with many others who have fished it liked much more than B.A.S.S.'s. As for the rest, PM sent.
  8. Alan, I didn't think the Dicks in Warwick or Smithfield carried Avid's. I was in there last week and they didn't have any, and I have not seen any in either since the time they opened 4 or 5 years ago. Or does one of the employees have a secret stash of them?
  9. Alan, I'll let you mess around with some of my stuff if you want. As far as rods go, either Castaway, All Star, and since no one up here sell's Avids, Croix's premier line, you can find some for $75 Reels- Abu's Max series casting reels for under $80 are an absolute steal, me along with a few others on the board are amazed with the Pro Max. For spinning reels, either Abu 700 and 800 series Cardinals, or Shimano Symetre's.
  10. You would be surprised how little electricity a fishfinder uses, I have mine on the trolling motor batteries and never had an issue.
  11. Just wait until you refish the Park with it, lol. You will really notice a difference, you dont have to go get you lure out of cover, your lure takes the cover to the boat.
  12. You dont have to worry about any of this if you use heavy braid and a heavy rod. 10/10 times if you get stuck, either the braid will break the tree, or your hook will just bend out.
  13. Sit down, shut up, and hold on. lol Doesn't complain about bugs or the weather, someone you can learn something from (doesnt have to be a better fisherman than you), and can CAST so your not getting stuff off docks and out of trees all day.
  14. On the other hand, I also hate when it's obvious that you pulled up to a 4 way stop AFTER someone, and that person waits there as if it's your turn and doesn't wave or flash the lights. I always think to myself, "Are you waiting for me? You got here first!" Then I start to go, and the person starts to go and we both stop, then we wait again, etc Hey Tokyo, how about New England weather? ;D
  15. Wow Pain that is crazy $250-300, I know on Cape Cod it is going for up to and over $350. 100 miles south of you were I'am it is about $150-200, delivered.
  16. x2, Trust me on this we own a logging company and have over a thousand 35 foot logs ready to be split in my yard. Its more work than you think. If you don't have machines than you will work yourself to death for a few hundred bucks, possibly get injured, or drop a tree wrong and cause some serious damage. Go get a job or another one.
  17. Nice, your a true die hard. And work is for people who can't fish.
  18. An amazing day today, it is 60 degrees out and might hit the mid sixties, sunny, no wind. And it is January. Last week we had overnight lows below 0 and a few days it didn't even hit 20. When I left work at 9am I was thinking, ok, shower, hook up the boat, pack a lunch and go on the boat. O NO WAIT! There is still ice! Got my hopes up and forgot it was January. 50's until Saturday then cold next week and possibly a snow storm Monday. Got to love New England weather. Might have some open water by Saturday though, hopefully. Sorry for the rant, Cabin Fever is really starting to take its toll. > > > >
  19. Got it http://e21fishing.com/contact.php
  20. One thing I have to say with the knuckleball heads though it lighter line like 12 pound or lighter, a medium action rod, and no braid. The hooks bend out fairly easily. I wish title-shot would do something about them. Besides the hook (the most important part lol) the design is awsome.
  21. x2
  22. Round 1: Buckeyes have the better band imo.
  23. Tin

    OK one...

    Awsome job
  24. x2, Traps, 1/4 oz jigs, and little husky jerks and pointers.
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