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Everything posted by Tin

  1. Ok I'am more of a History and Physics guy so.... is this an event we have to let "run its course"? And, do periods of slowing economic growth always lead to recessions?
  2. LMAO!!! ;D
  3. The local FOX TV Station in Green Bay will not be airing Seinfeld this Saturday night because it is Eli Mannings favorite show. ;D
  4. I'm loving that chair surfer. Great idea!
  5. Well everyone in my family is going on a cruise in April, except me. I think I will give him a call. :
  6. This is just disturbing. Next all the members will move and build a village in Guyana. Anyone want some yummy fruit punch?
  7. You can launch from Echo with a outboard and run it just not between Memorial Day and Labor Day weekend. About the whole "launching and hauling from ramps" rule, if they enforced it, we would only have 6 lakes in the state to fish, well I would anyway, lol.
  8. with jigs of that weight a mh is more than enough.good choice!!! X2
  9. The PM was not an arguement in any way, it was acctually the goods and bads of both. I also wanted your hear more of your thoughts. It wasn't me jamming my opinions down your throat. If you took it that way sorry. Did you even read it? lol. And ignorant??? LMAO!! I won't even go there. This is just a thread that is going to go round and round. So I'm out.
  10. I fish points, shallow stumpfields, and docks on spawning flats. Usually all with either a rat-l-trap, light carolina rig, or jig.
  11. If I remember correctly, the arguement brought up was that it was our tax $$ paying for these ramps so they couldn't say no.
  12. When fishing heavy cover when abrasion resistance and getting the fish out of cover matter. Liek timber, brush, and grass. But not around rocks. It cuts like a razor blade.
  13. Bazuka tubes are the way to go. But people look at you funny when you are going through the airport with an 8' black tube on wheels that says Bazuka on the side of it. ;D
  14. About the 9.9 Ponds: This has been an issue for a few years now. There are tourneys on these 9.9 HP lakes all summer long with Ranger z20's and the correct permits. It is rule that is rarely enforced. Remember Alan, it is RHODE ISLAND. :
  15. Exactly what I was thinking. You could look down the road 5 or 10 years from now and realize it was acctually a really good thing.
  16. I thought this was the same forcast for last week in Green Bay. The weather said flurries and it looked like a blizzard there. Either way, Eli's handwarmers wont help him.
  17. Sandwiches in a funeral home? :-? But hey, at least there aren't any jukeboxes in funeral homes. ;D In the business they call those wake n bakes. ;D I like the forum running slow, you have more time to think of some smart ___ comment.
  18. There serivce is second to none.
  19. Finesse worm molds came in More to come soon.
  20. Thanks again G.
  21. The two big safety issues imo, is possibly burning yourself, and you have to have good ventilation. Those fumes can make you puke. You can vary the harness of the baits with the amount of softener you put it. As for amounts, it depends on what type of bait you are pouring, ingredients and color recipes can be found anywhere on line.
  22. Jigs, chrome traps, and stickbaits are all you need.
  23. I was worried there for a second. I was going to stock up on bang-o-lures and B2's on ebay before they go to $20 a piece.
  24. Thats what I thought at first, what a fatty.
  25. Awsome, those are some fat fish. I cannot even begin to tell you how jealous I'am right now. :
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