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Everything posted by Tin

  1. I remember it like it happened yesterday.
  2. I 'm strange, I can cast left or right, and reel left or right with casting stuff. But for spinning I have to cast right-handed and reel with my left. Just can't do it with spinning gear for some reason. :-/
  3. He would only have enough girls to go up to April
  4. In RI it is 23 Degrees right now, a low of 9 tomorrow morning. Looks liek it won't get above freezing here for the next week either. :
  5. Modern Warfare or I would say go oldschool and say GoldenEye for n64
  6. Well it was about 25* out today and the garage was cold. So we turned on the jet engine heater and did a little bit of pouring. http://www.dropshots.com/MBroggi#date/2008-01-19/15:12:06 http://www.dropshots.com/MBroggi#date/2008-01-19/15:13:36 http://www.dropshots.com/MBroggi#date/2008-01-19/15:12:42
  7. What up with that last pic? It looks like the person taking the picture has no pants on :-?
  8. Love night fishing. Buzzbaits and jitterbugs
  9. Nice one lol. Come on Russ, you didn't have a pair of Ski Goggle's laying around?
  10. Ooohh snap, has the Crawdascious just showed up the Red Rocket????
  11. Ya in the top pic the lipped one will get through. In the bottom pic I wouldnt fish the pads with a frog, I think flipping is a better choice.
  12. Man, you guys are troopers. Definatley bring lipless cranks and jigs.
  13. I remember a while back you posted pics of some of the areas you fish. Personally I would give the lipped one a shot. From what I remember the pads were not too thick so I doubt you will have any issues.
  14. I put the Revo S, SC, or Pro Max on mine. Love the feel of it. Best feeling set up I have ever held. Now go break it in!
  15. Depends if you put salt in it or not.
  16. 3.5 or 4.25" as a jig trailer, t-rigged, on a title-shot head, or spot remover.
  17. That is not a pro-staff or field staff offer. That is a sales pitch imo. It seems like a lot of people are becoming suckers to this "buy in" thing that is happening more and more. How is buying a 5 rods, working a couple of weekends at a fishing shows, in order to get a discount or a few free products that doesnt cost much to make a good deal for me? It isn't! Most will do anything to say "I'm sponsered" or wear a patch or hat of their sponsered company. :
  18. I love the competition. I don't know why, I can't explain it. There is just something about all those boats at sunrise and the emotions. When you do something right and it pays off, it feels ten times better than when your fun fishing. Same goes for when you screw up, you feel awful. And if it wasn't for the competition I would appreciate those fun and relaxing days fishing with LBH and 5.0 as much.
  19. Don't mess with him. Some wish you weren't? Like who?
  20. I'm sure Ike's rant the final day of the Classic didn't help much either. Is word out whether or not Skeeter will be supplying boats for the Classic or will the Pro's still be in there own?
  21. x2
  22. Spot Remover Pro series with a Zoom finesse worm or when it gets brutal up here and 12" fish are hard to get Knuckleball jig with a Zoom Finesse worm cut down to 3.5".
  23. Stop for a second, put the rod down, eat something, and go back to work. In that couple minutes I can usually get my thoughts and ideas back to together.
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