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Everything posted by Tin

  1. It just boggles my mind why there is a need for a person to wear 4 polo shirts. And anyone around here who still pops there collar is just asking for a beatdown.
  2. Now if they will only step up their spinning reel series and bring back the Stamina Drag system. 8-)
  3. To add on, you have given her the wrong idea and she thinks you just want to be friends.
  4. Relationships are not always a great thing. And most girls are not even worth chasing after.
  5. Wow Micropterus, you have gotten TOO good at photoshop. That is too funny though.
  6. Hate to say it but they are nothing special, and the "technology" they used isn't new either. Just stick with a regular Lewis with different hooks.
  7. There are better choices, Terminator, Eakins, War Eagle, these are just a few.
  8. You got it out and that is good. Keeping it in can lead to you going off the deep end and doing something stupid.
  9. I got a friend from NJ and she said it started down there a couple years ago. And the guys who are afraid to go tanning spray than bronzing lotion stuff on lol. Thats why some look orange.
  10. Doesn't matter, as long as it has chrome sides Or a good old red craw pattern.
  11. LMAO, Popper Pimper. Cracker. ;D I knew those skirts would be perfect. Did you move the hook to the center 2 holes too?
  12. I did that a few times this year. Whenever we went out I always got atleast one over 4. They must bring good luck or something. She couldn't drive the tin to save her life but could back the trailer down and pull the boat up. :-/
  13. Whats that pic prove???? :-? We know its you, but is there any video of you reeling THAT fish in?
  14. Yup 30 lbs. Power Pro for the reasons Saavedra listed.
  15. But most teens and young people don't have a mindset like that. Most are just happy getting free stuff and don't want to give back to the company, and do not know what "Constructive Critisism" is. If I'am starting a company and want to start a staff, hate to say it but teens would be the last group I would look at. But then again, up here we don't have many young people who do fish. :
  16. It is acctually quite amusing, they always wear those J-Lo type bug-eyed sunglasses, night/day doesn't matter. And you see them all at gyms struggling to put up 100 pounds on the bench. My buddies and I get a kick out of it and usually torment them.
  17. Metrosexual, lol. Funny part is a lot of them are not even Italian. They all love shopping, the $200 ripped Abercrombie jeans, wear 5 different polo shirts, button their shirts half way, wax their eyebrows, and get manicures. And they think they are tough and them and "their boys" can beat up anyone. RI is full of them.
  18. Lightest most sensitive rod on the market for $150 is an E21 Carrot Stix. Its an absolute steal.
  19. Yes Redline, my high school and college are filled with them. Can't stand it.
  20. No, that is just what the 9 pounder spit up when I got him to the boat 8-)
  21. Awsome fish, surprised the trout get that big there, figured the bass would eat them all.
  22. LMAO. I think you need some serious help. Very good idea though. ;D
  23. Nope, but the when they feed the fish at 1:30 it is amazing. That was probably the high light of the day.
  24. Attempting to jump out of 5.0's crawdacious in the parking lot, getting my foot stuck. And fall out of it (which was already in his f-150) and coming down on my side into a curb. The ribs hurt for about a month. Was not fun. But now I look back, it was funny. 8-)
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