Just make sure you pack that tube tight with newspaper or something so they dont get damaged. You want those rods moving as little as possible in the tube.
I dont understand how bait and tackle stores survive up here anyway. In southern New England we have had Cabelas and Bass Pro go in within a hundred miles of each other and are putting a hurting on all the little stores in between. :-/
Want to loose a ton of weight fast?
Go eat some Chinese food. For 24 hours you will feel like someone is stabbing you in the stomach, you were run over, then backed over by a large semi, and live in the bathroom.
But I have lost 12 pounds in 18 hours.
Its a trick with a long piece of PVC pipe, grains grinded to a fine dust, and someone flips a light switch. It makes a big explosion with in the pipe. There has to be something else though, I can't remember what.
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