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Everything posted by Tin

  1. 6'
  2. 41-21 Pats
  3. Just call up the Maury show, they will set this straight.
  4. That video never gets old. ;D
  5. Seeing as though it is super-clear. How about a spawn tourney . Middle or end of May????
  6. I'm an Abu guy, but until I use their new Cardinals... Symetre. :
  7. The cat-fishing rod Russ? ;D j/k I should have also added, I feel more accurate pitching with a baitcasting set-up too. Plus, if you use fluro or mono, you can use heavier line on a casting set-up.
  8. Well, since know one else has else has asked I will. What types of lakes are you fishing? Are they big bowls that get rough? Rivers, electric only?????
  9. Yup, the wood seat is awsome.
  10. A baitcasting set up is always better for the jig and most t-rig's, because most times you are fishing these baits, you are fishing them in or around cover. You want the power to winch those fish out of there and get them in the boat.
  11. Yup, as LBH said, make money with your brain. The Marine and Automotive prgrams at New England Institute of Tech, where I went were ok, but I realize now that these schools are just there to pass you through and collect your money. Most don't prepare you for the outside. So now I'm back doing what I originally planned on doing, teaching. Another note, most technicial school's Gen. Ed's wont transfer. So watch where you go. Over 70% of college freshman change their majors these days, so just go to school and complete your Gen Ed's and hopefully by then you will have made up your mind.
  12. Hell ya!!!! I'm in. "The Battle on the Border" 8-)
  13. Just watching Sportscenter before I head off to work. Some Pennsylvania politician is asking that Roger Goodell be asked by...(can't remember if it was Congress or the Senate) why the video tapes of the Patriot's filming the Jet's were destroyed. Well, there could be an asterix afterall : Then the next subject was Upshaw talking about how they are ready to strike after the Superbowl. : Not good for the NFL or the Pats.
  14. Thats some great cold water fishing. And it is always fun on the jerkbait.
  15. Not off the top of my head but you could always start off in the "Field-Staff" and work your way up.
  16. X3,May be wacky rigs and tubes.
  17. I have a 7'3 MH Carrot. It is currently being "broken in" somewhere in Virginia. Ask five bass limit about it.
  18. A friend of mine had an 17' Astro with a 135 Black Max. A great set-up imo. It got up on pad quick and flew. I would take it over a Nitro anyday
  19. 1/4 Black/Red Terminator Pro Top Secret Jig
  20. ...you ever dated a girl because her dad had the only boat ramp on a 300 acre private reservoir loaded with 3-5 pound smallies.
  21. I like it. Great job
  22. i'm pretty sure my mom's never been to rhode island... :-? Hey Russ, didn't you have a UPS root out in Mass a while back? ;D
  23. Is there a website that shows colleges that have these teams in the northeast?
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