Flipping a 5# smallie in the boat,give me a break.O.K Roland Martin....
Your not catching smallies in R.I close to 5#.Don't try fooling anyone... :'( (close to 5 # means a 3# )
Here's what a 5# smallie looks like..
Who said I fish only fish in RI? Ever heard of Champlain, Sacandaga, or the CT River? Long Pond Harwich throws out some nice smallies too, and it is somewhat close. Plus if you don't believe me, ask Bassectomy, he has caught smallies close to and over 5 pounds in RI.
Watchaug and the Pawtuxet River are amazing places.
RI state record smallie is 5-15, so I don't see how catching a smallie close to 5 is impossible. :-/
Very nice smallie by the way. Did you flip it? ;D