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Everything posted by Tin

  1. Most definitely! And, I love it! X2 One of the best feelings in the world. 8-)
  2. Circle hooks are great but I have had too many smallies throw them on me. I like an Octopus (non-circle) for smallies now. Everytime you set the hook it is a sure bet the smallie is coming in the boat and everyone is hooked it the top of the mouth.
  3. ;D I knew someone was going to go there, it took all my strength to not bring up that industry.
  4. Sweet
  5. X2 Solid during the winter, almost dry in the summer.
  6. Dreaming: I would like to move down to the Coosa River chain and be a guide and start a plastic and jig company. Simple, but it would be a great life. In reality, I will probably end up being a School Psychologist, and if college doesn't work I could always stay at UPS.
  7. This is too funny, but I'm really confused and weirded out too. ;D :-/
  8. I thought it was the other way around. After the other night, I'm sure you will be.
  9. I have been waiting for this color. That monkey is gonna spank me this week.
  10. Got to love those Cape Cod ponds. Awsome Tracker by the way.
  11. At Wrestlemania we might just hear the last...WOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  12. Flipping a 5# smallie in the boat,give me a break.O.K Roland Martin.... Your not catching smallies in R.I close to 5#.Don't try fooling anyone... :'( (close to 5 # means a 3# ) Here's what a 5# smallie looks like.. Who said I fish only fish in RI? Ever heard of Champlain, Sacandaga, or the CT River? Long Pond Harwich throws out some nice smallies too, and it is somewhat close. Plus if you don't believe me, ask Bassectomy, he has caught smallies close to and over 5 pounds in RI. Watchaug and the Pawtuxet River are amazing places. RI state record smallie is 5-15, so I don't see how catching a smallie close to 5 is impossible. :-/ Very nice smallie by the way. Did you flip it? ;D
  13. I don't think I have ever laughed so hard in my life Redline. That thing isn't just Ammo, it's a Nuke.
  14. All depends on the amount of attention you get.
  15. ;D John and Russ, you guys argue like an old married couple.
  16. 50's and rain tomorrow through Friday, then 40 and rain/sleet Saturday. 1st tourney is on Sunday, 53 and sun. Wonderful :
  17. Burn it and snap it out, or YO-YO it.
  18. Give him credit, he did hook up with Brooke's friends. lol 8-)
  19. Coming Soon: Flair Knows Best ;D
  20. Welcome!!! You will be a Ranger guy if ever get on a Z520.
  21. I can honestly say I don't know what my PB is. :-/
  22. I have few secret spots I dont tell many people. But it is more of the technique than the spot IMO.
  23. Either way, if I'm at my moms I'm 5 minutes away from CT via 114. And from my dads I go just go a couple miles down 165 and I'm in CT. I fish a lot on Pachaug, Glasgo, Amos, Beach, Long Pong, and a Wyassup. But have a couple tournies on the CT River out of Haddam and Hartford this year.
  24. Wow, that sums everything up... :-X I'm really just starting to find this drama crap funny.
  25. Dean, what are you really going to miss? Destruction of the A's? As if that hasn't been done in a few playoff series in recent years.
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