I'm not trying to argue with you, but believe me, if you want to make it big, B.A.S.S. is the way to go. The FLW Jr. Championship is easier to get to. If you make it to the B.A.S.S., it's a bigger accomplishment. Do the research....it is so difficult to plug your sponsors at an FLW event.
It's simple really. If your in it for the money, go FLW. If your in it for a career, then go B.A.S.S.
If you want, I can list 10 examples of why BASS gives you more and better exposure than FLW.
You know I like you man but you got some facts wrong...
First off I have competed in both the FLW and B.A.S.S. Jr. World Championships.
Second, I do agree it is hard to plug your sponsors but thats about it.
FLW easier to get to???? Um.... they are both just as difficult. And now with more and more kids competing in FLW because they can still go fish with pro's and go to the big show, I would say FLW is more difficult.
B.A.S.S. is a bigger deal? Not anymore, now that there really is not big world championship for the kids anymore. You go fish a BFN divisionals. FLW, you still go to the big show. Last year in Hot Springs for the FLW world championship my sis picked up sponsors just by walking around.
And more exposure???? My sis and I have gotten so much from FLW it is nuts. Nothing from B.A.S.S. I have some DVD's if you want to see me from when I was in the FLW world championship. And during the FLW on Sundays on FSN they use to (have not watched in forever) have commercials and little plugs about their youth program and I was in them. B.A.S.S. never has anything on their Bassmaster program on Saturdays.
I'm sorry but from someone who has competed and been to both, FLW has given me much more and it was a much more enjoyable experience.