jShe better be happy with what I got her...
She loves the Celtics and Bruins (played basketball), and has never been to the new Boston Garden for a game. So me being the awesome boyfriend I'am gets tickets for the Celtics/Nets, 9 row up from the middle of the floor, January 14. PERFECT...
Until my doctors appointment last week. Where it is either have another surgery January 14, or wait until February. So I sell the amazing Celts tickets (which I pretty much stole for $250), and pick up Bruins tickets. Got 6th row seats behind the penalty box for January 1st game against Sid the Kid and the Pittsburgh Penguins.
Also got her some Venetian (spelling?) glass ring. She was a foreign exchange student part of last year and studied in Italy for a semester. Bought one there and it broke a couple weeks ago so grabbed her one of those too.