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Everything posted by Tin

  1. O come on Cody, you havent figured this place out by now. ;D :
  2. I know!!!!! lol I'm saying it's the helmet to helmet hits and the hits when you can't protect yourself and have your back turned that are dangerous. And the NFL should work on the helmet designs like the NHL did. Something for protection. Thats my main point.
  3. x2 - All players are of equal importance. I'm not suggesting football be "civil", but I think each player should be protected equally. There was just a thing on ESPN about Roethlisberger playing with a concussion and how recently the brains of 6 NFL players who suffered concussions while playing had never really healed and suffered permanent damage. How do you propose we protect boxers? Why sign up for something knowing you'll get hit? Apples and oranges dude.... You want to box (I would love to if I didn't already have too many concussions lol), thats your move, you know what you are getting into. If you don't know what can happen to you just look at Muhammad Ali. And you will be seeing more boxers in the future suffering from Parkinsons. The helmet to helmet stuff and the way your head hits the ground is what you don't sign up for but happens.
  4. X-Tools pliers are the biggest pieces of junk on the market. The worst thing about them is the floating. Tried to throw them in three times, never could get rid of them. Worst purchase I've made in the last three years. x2
  5. Great observation Matt, their market has diminished greatly. I will bet they took a big hit also in the short note and Post Card dept with Email being faster and cheaper. As the suits like to say they need to "REINIVNET THEMSELVES" They do, they raise the price of stamps every year... ;D
  6. Talk about a good start for Wake. They are playing some great defense as well...
  7. x2 - All players are of equal importance. I'm not suggesting football be "civil", but I think each player should be protected equally. There was just a thing on ESPN about Roethlisberger playing with a concussion and how recently the brains of 6 NFL players who suffered concussions while playing had never really healed and suffered permanent damage.
  8. Bring out the guillotine! Let's convert to the metric system and get rid of the days of the week!
  9. Hope you didn't buy his Hover-Lures too. ;D
  10. DEFINITELY NOT TRUE on the Tennessee River. Our spawn is in progress and will be over in early March. The water temperature is +/- 52 and will not be anywhere close to 59 anytime soon. 8-) Then maybe Roland is wrong...but I'm not gonna be the one to tell him that. ;D His endorsements of bs products overshadows his 9 AOY wins in my book.
  11. No disrespect but you need to fish more. You can find both species making beds and spawning in water over 50 degrees. And I have seen largies spawning in early July with water temps in the mid 70's numerous times.
  12. Wow, Spedra being "Elite" makes me want to go emo... Where has the little ____ gone anyway? :-? :-/
  13. When did GitRDoneIke start posting again? If it is rough on the water and the boat is going to be fun or if I'm skiing moguls defiatley boxer briefs. Any other time boxers or basketball shorts.
  14. There are no guidelines on the spawn depending on where you live. ;D Up here we can have a week in the 70's in the spring and warm nights so the water will hit around 60. So the fish will come up and make beds. Then the next week it gets cold and the water temp drops to the low to mid 50's. Some fish will stay on beds, others will leave. You just have to always be looking around the the sights you see will amaze you.
  15. I don't crawl or drag my jigs unless I'm looking for something or bumping the jig into something. If you are just dragging a jig around with no cover you are not fishing it imo... But I will pitch finesse jigs around docks and light cover and just either... A) Just let the jig drop and go for reaction hits Fish it like a shakey head. Where I will just let the jig fall, sit for a second or two, then shake it along the bottom for a foot or two.
  16. The fall of this Roman Empire began fifty years ago....
  17. Forget the quarterbacks, the NFL needs to take care of all its players not just QB's and specifically shots to the head. Forget the knee injuries, injuries like concussions and head trauma are causing serious issues for players later on in life.
  18. If you live in New England, fish for smallies, and your favorite lure for them is a senko....then you need to fish for them more. Go rippin a big jerkbait just under the surface on a windy day or a big spook when it's cloudy and slick and let me know if a senko is still your favorite bait... ;D And as seen in RW's avatar smallie fishing in the south looks pretty good too.
  19. packs are too expensive. You just buy lucy's now. ;D Can't buy potes cause I be pawh.
  20. With the discount you get they are worth every penny.
  21. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/picrender.fcgi?artid=1615279&blobtype=pdf
  22. It will help you with hook ups sometimes and hurt you other times imo.
  23. Tin

    Wii Fit. OMG!

    It makes watching hula-hooping fun....
  24. I like my Newports with a 40 of Olde English and a blue flag hangin' out my backside.
  25. Are you kidding? The number of attendees has tripled since I signed up. If I wasn't going there would probably only be 10 people going. Right now it looks like only 17 are going.... ;D So there were only 5.6 people going before Burley signed up??? The .6 is Russ
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