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Bobby Uhrig

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Everything posted by Bobby Uhrig

  1. Bobby Uhrig

    Bobby Uhrig

  2. I still haven't tried one.
  3. I never tried one
  4. Cavitrons HMMMM what are they??? There are many factors and variables that control Cavitrons. In fact I was out yesterday playing with them -I don't think too many people in the world throw them more often than I. Yesterday the wind was light at times but when it was more windy , the line acted like a sail and pulled the bait to the side-causing it to run faster- when the wind stopped -it ran straight- I ditched the 14 lb test and tried 10 - less resistance to wind and it ran straighter- Changed from the 1/4 to 3/8-14 lb test ran straight because the head was heavier and kept the baits center of gravity lower -no side tracking.. When adding a trailer-it acts like a rudder -It must be on straight or it veers to a side. As for tweaking the bait-make sure the wire on top lines up with the keel on the head. Nice and straight. The #1 reason they track to the side -Youre reeling too fast. SlOOOOOOOOw it down -you will find the sweet spot by adjusting the retrieve according to your components and conditions youre fishing.
  5. Won Best New Lure- I gave up
  6. When designing the Cavitron -I made sure to use a larger hook. I also set the hook back in the mold to create more gap between the blade and point of the hook. I truly believe that extra gap between the blade and point of the hook increases hookup rations -therefor not needing the trailer hook- BUT I take advantage of a trailer hook fishing tournaments - Like I said -Tournament +Trailer Hook Fun fishing None
  7. It will put small businesses out of business
  8. Im going to weigh in on this because I know about it first hand- THE PRICES TO MAKE STUFF HAS GONE THROUGH THE ROOF. If you are an "American Made " company like mine-you wonder how you stay in business. Wages for people to pack baits -make spinnerbaits -buzzbaits etc are 14-15-dollars per hour -Hell my secretary is 20.00 here in NJ -.. The rent on warehousing is crazy-excise taxes -workers comp -every freakn way they can bang you they do- I see the imported tariffs are going up- Have you seen the prices of Yamamoto- OMG That's because the 160 employees minimum wage went up around 3 bucks an hour- do the math at 40 hrs a week. You cant just eat those numbers and keep prices down... We lost Dicks Sporting goods because we couldn't keep giving discounts -Yes you can sell 30,000 buzzbaits but if youre not making money-WHY BOTHER- 10% ing yourself every year into the poorhouse. We have to get on an even playing field with the overseas imports on fishing and other products or "AMERICAN MADE COMPANIES" will be a thing of the past.. I fight every day to keep that flag on my logo. I push for people to buy my products. My quality is higher and when you call here you get a person not a push 1 for English. So are prices going up-you just wait and see when the full tariffs kick in .. The talk at ICAST was where the heck are we going to get our stuff made-- Ok Im done
  9. HMM NFL SMACK????? - HMMM if I wasn't talking to the two largest companies I do business with I would have Dusty Rhodes- The Rock- Stone Cold stunnerd him right in the middle of the isle- Then would have climbed up the Lowrance tower and Super Fly Jimmy Snookad him for good measure. I went looking for him but like the money we spend on fishing equipment -He was gone. Same would have happened to that Mike BullSH&^ Bucca - -but he didn't show up- Hes on my list as well
  10. I just returned from ICAST- HMMMM Ive gone 19 times now where they claim record numbers- The show definitely seemed smaller this year -Maybe because the fly fishing section was not there. Didn't really see anything that blew me away--20 different kayak companies- same old lures- Spiders-HMMMM -Tons of different clothing lines such as shirts- The show highlights were the technology growth in trolling motors and sonars. That's where the industry is heading. Good for them -very interesting. Same ol rods and reels- blah blah blah I spent time with Roland-Shaw and others but my highlight was actually spending time with Steve "BIG O" Parks - For some reason we have always bonded and have total respect for each other. I think the highest praise you can give to a man is - He is a gentleman- We have great conversations. If the industry had more guys like him-It would be a much better place. Otherwise it was a nice show- Oh Glenn did smack me then walk away -wretched
  11. No "attractant "is going to bring fish closer to your bait from a distance of 3 feet or more- the attractant dissipates to quickly by the retrieve of the bait. Its the job of the angler and lure itself (lure-get it!) to trigger the strike- The issue is ,when the fish gets close enough to the bait-the dispersion can help trigger a somewhat weary fish into striking that may not have otherwise. Spinner baits-buzz-baits crank baits are reaction lures- best use for "attractants" are for slower moving baits such as soft plastics. Ive video and studied fish underwater for almost 22 years. Those bass can inhale a bait and spit it out faster than you could ever set a hook. At times you don't even know you have a strike. The real attribute of an "attractant" is the ability of once a fish strikes a bait-is to get it to hold on to it long enough to detect the strike and set the hook.. Tournaments such as the BassMasters Classic are won at times by ounces- I cant tell you how many times Ive seen anglers set the hook only to come up empty. If the fish would have held on to that bait for a little longer-we might have crowned different champions. So oil based "attractants" are fallacies--they clog receptors-so don't even bother- The WD40 thing -nope not happening either. The word instead of "attractants" should be "ENTICERS" Anglers use these "attractants thinking that they are miracle wonders. . The fish are not going to come half way across the lake to get to a lure that has an "attractant" applied to them . You have to be near or on the fish to even have a chance to catch them PERIOD. So use your heads --think logically about how things work in the waters world-Its not rocket science- By using different ingredients I have learned to stimulate the fishes senses chemically. The lures stimulate them visually-Lure movement stimulates them through reverberation - Its all part of a puzzle-whoever puts the puzzle together more often-catches more fish- Its all about time on the water- Have a great day .
  12. Well we not going down with the Dicks Sporting Goods Team this year. Decided to get a booth on our own. I believe we didn't really get to showcase our products there properly. We have 2 New Products being sold there . Pretty innovative Stop by booth 4016
  13. Had to get custom made forged hooks for them -now super strong you can remove the skirt and put a fluke on or a swimbait to accentuate the wobble --COOOOOL stuff from Uncle B Bobby B
  14. I was showing them at Great American Outdoor Show--Possibly at THE CLASSIC Ive been hiding making new stuff notice the trailer keeper for swimbaits under the skirt
  15. Brand new from me. The jointed under spins.
  16. Im picking IKE This will be my 16th classic- There is no better spectacle in the fishing industry- Im thinking of getting a booth this year -Not going with Dicks after 9 years- - Stop by --NOT YOU GLENN !!
  17. Frogs catch giants no doubt- -when its matted up vegetation is when I go to the frog -its slow any methodical but I don't use it as a search bait - When I know they are in that area- I will sit there and pluck them out one at a time- You get 5 frog bite fish in a tournament I can pretty much guarantee you coming home with a check.
  18. My thoughts on trailer hooks- When fishing tournaments I always use a trailer hook -whatever I have to do to increase the odds of hooking that fish _I TAKE IT --when fun fishing -I don't use one- As for covering water. From May until Oct my day starts covering water with a buzz bait to find active fish. Usually I look for the greenest = healthiest weeds in the lake-Then I look for the "BASS MAGNETS " in the weeds such as rock-boulders -stumps-laydowns -That will position them in a high percentage area. Targets -cover- for a better use in terminology . Like the spinner bait -the buzz bait covers water quickly -I find the buzz bait will locate more active fish -call them out to say- Once I find a group of fish-I will try different techniques to catch them -spinner baits Jigs -etc. -Once I have exhausted those means -I move on -One thing I have learned is the bass are usually in the same area- The reason they are there -FOOD COMFORT AND SHELTER-- they are there for a reason and don't have to move until those variables are gone or depleted.. Yes Ploppers are great baits but I let the fish tell me what they are looking for- Ploppers are loud and obnoxious- Bass usually try to crush or destroy ?kill them - I can adjust the commotion by the size blade Im using -less commotion I use the 1/4 oz Cav Lots of commotion =the 3/8 or 1/2 oz sizes- Anglers that learn to adjust or adapt are the ones that produce more fish at weigh in - learn to evolve or become extinct.
  19. Ive been offered by certain insurance companies to do run -contests . They are the same insurance companies that back the HOLE IN ONE deals on the PGA -Half court Shots in the NBA etc etc etc. You pay 5000 premium- They cover to 100,000 No big deal- Heres where you make the money-if you caught it -NOW PERMITS PERMITTING You approach Bass Pro Shop- Lease the fish in their flagship store - Springfield for $5,000,000 yes million for the first month to put in their tank- Every dumb ass bass angler in the US would go there to see it -They would quadruple the attendance and sales- DONE -now to every other Bass Pro Shop for 2.5 per month
  20. My source for painted and plated shaker blades dried up -Im looking for the ones that have the 2 holes side by side on them -Any help -Thank you
  21. The only issue I have ever had with Bull Shad is THE OWNER- SOB -probably eating jelly donuts and his fingers slipped off the eye of the hook while using pliers -PUT THE DONUT DOWN
  22. Don't worry Im still here. I have been taking a little bit of a sabbatical. I am actually fried. I am trying to figure out this fishing industry. I never seen anything like it. I try to keep everything MADE IN THE USA- honestly no one cares- I try to stay 2 steps ahead of everyone else. Working with all of the big box stores had gotten so difficult. its such BS- TW is still the best- So we aren't going anywhere. Ive got my 3 new baits coming out soon- Glenn gets none
  23. Did seem overly enthusiastic about the baits- they - the worm- looked a little bent up out of the bag- -
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