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About slomoe

  • Birthday 11/01/1983

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    Northern Virginia
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  1. slomoe


  2. I've gained 40 lbs since summer using Rippetoes starting strength and a gallon of milk a day. I'm getting ready to switch over to Wendler's 5/3/1. Looks like a great program.
  3. slomoe


    What are your goals? just lose weight? As a novice you can gain muscle and burn fat doing just about any type of exercise. Eventually though you'll have to progressively load your muscles to see improvement. This is very difficult to do on a conditioning/aerobic program. You may still be burning fat, but you'll be losing muscle too. Make sure you're eating enough food too. People like to eat waayy too little when on a new program. If your not eating enough you will not recover and a lot of times your body will hold onto it's fat as a reserve. My suggestion, drop the p90, pick up a barbell and get as strong as you can. You'll burn fat and look better than you would if you had 'teh ripped core' I'm not sure what is going on nowadays where guys feel the need to be smaller. I weighed 140 lbs last summer, trust me it's not sexy.
  4. lol. Whats up Andrew. You been back there recently? I hear that place is getting beat up.
  5. Or you could punch mats with swimbaits.. ;D
  6. I've caught fish on baby wakes, mission fish, slammer, Matts hard gill, and my personal best last season was on Mike's Bull Shad. I would go with an Okuma. I have the MH but its a little lighter than I would like. I would go with a heavy or extra heavy.
  7. Best day was a trip with andrewdo and Mepps in July. Caught my PB with a 6 inch bull shad. I also hooked another on my second cast about the same size but it shook off. 6-3 on one scale, 5-6 on another. I'm calling it 6-3 ;D Thanks for a great trip guys!
  8. me too
  9. This + Deadlifts Search for Mark Rippetoe on youtube if you need any help with form. P.S. you can't get "cut" without lowering your bodyfat %. At 165 you might want to put on some more lean mass before working on fat loss.
  10. http://www.amazon.com/Starting-Strength-2nd-Mark-Rippetoe/dp/0976805421/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1254134174&sr=8-1 http://www.amazon.com/New-Rules-Lifting-Maximum-Muscle/dp/158333338X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1254134257&sr=1-1 These are probably the best two books to start with. I'm reading NROL now but I'll be getting Starting Strength soon.
  11. The only reason I would buy a phone off ebay is if its a killer deal, or I needed an unlocked phone. Usually a phone by itself will be $120-$180 more than it would be with a contract. The dealers use their activation/renewal commission to discount the price which is why its so expensive to buy the phone by itself.
  12. Great site. Thanks ;D
  13. Sweet fish dude!
  14. looked like a male in the picture. Mines "neutral" now also. ;D
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