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Everything posted by ZombyGuru

  1. ^^^ Ouchies!! that sucks man, not a good situation when your hooked on the bait with a fish. But hey it paid off nice bass!
  2. Thats is a behemoth, i would have been waving the crane in!!
  3. looks like a productive outing! it's nice to fill that "slow" time up with some good ole' fashioned bs.
  4. nice craftsmanship!!
  5. LMAO, what kind of hp/tq numbers you puttin down in that thing (dyno? if not you should ), is diesel out of the question....if not you should!!
  6. holy shnikes!! that fish is pleasantly plump for sure, with 8lb test what kind of fight was it like??
  7. preference to the white senko eh, who wulda thunk it. Nice fish man. I also use green senkos religously looks like i'm going to have to diversify.
  8. lmao good calls, wow don't i feel like a goon, and suprisingly the last one was kind of lethargic plus I had 60 pound pro line on so i wasn't too scurred.
  9. Finally we fished up that whole cove (lil slow with the soft plastics) and we moved into the river where we casted to no avail for about an hour while it sprinkled. Finally with a lil luck i pulled this ~43" northern just off of somebodies pontoon. All in all we had a good time and it was pretty productive even though it was cut short by some nasty weather. We sought refuge in the local tav for a cheeseburger and a cold bottneck bass! Oh btw if somebody could clue me into how to attach multiple pictures to a single post that would be great!!
  10. After we finished off that shoreline we switched sides and I lit into this 17 incher off of a stump (same bait)
  11. So my dad and I decided to go out to our local body of water (not our home lake) today late this morning since i am home from school but we didn't get out till bout 9ish. My intentions were to skip the lake and head to the river for some smally action but once we dipped into the drink I needed some instant gratification . It was windy and overcast so we headed back into a channel to get out of the wind. I was throwin a 5" gulp watermellon w/black flake sinking minnow and my dad the same. I pulled this 19"lmb off of a boat lift.
  12. That sounds delicious, Gator is a tasty meal!
  13. She is SOOOO huge! omg nice fish!
  14. halluva fish man! is that a straight pearl white or w/ flecking?
  15. Baitcasting for me, hands down. The control and I have when using it is uncanny (Posted by: the_Conceited_ReDnEcK)Tossing spinners, pitching plastics, casting cranks, all even go down to 1/8 oz. and be confident with a lil fine tuning.
  16. looks like money in the water, but i've had limited success. However, my buddy caught a 17 approaching 18 incher after he asked if he could try my rig out (3rd cast......). IMHO the baits are shoddy quality at best and overpriced. I bought two right off the bat and first one broke after 1/2 day the second the next day after one pike catch.
  17. gee....my pants are kinda wet.....thats kinda wierrrd ;D!!!!
  18. Thanks for the heads up! I definately love the action of a swim bait. However, i do know that the Booya chatter bates always break at where the eye meets the lead head. This really grinds my gears cuz the darned things are so expensive. Has anybody used this brand and know whether this is a common occurance?
  19. what year/model Ranger do you have, i definately dream of owning a ranger!
  20. Great fish! shattered my PB, i didn't think i seen it in any previous posts, but what was the length on that?
  21. lol, same thought here ^^^ ;D, anyway i haven't had any success on a toad yet either, although i would have if i would have had the hook closer to the surface of the bait..... :'(
  22. Nice combo, and good call on the chine-walking (which i didn't really know what it was), for anyone else who doesn't and more info. go here http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CFPage?storeId=10151&catalogId=10001&langId=-1&&mode=article&objectID=29986&catID=Hunting&subcatID=0
  23. I bet those made some phatty filets, nice fishes !
  24. dido ^ , man that things a monster!
  25. I C&R, i just fish for sport and fun, but mostly because i don't have the heart to snuff em' out!
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