Hey guys just curious if anyone is or knows a mechanic in New Hampshire prefferably southern that works on Force engines. I messed up while I was prelacing the water pump impellar and pulled the wrong screw. If so please message me I will be putting this boat all back together soon.
Hello I was just looking for some info or maybe if anyone needed a partner I have been fishing the northeast mainly New Hampshire very heavy about 3 to 4 times a week but have not tournament fished since 1989 and 1990 when I won the B.A.S.S masters classic at lake Pawtuckaway and finished 7th in 1990. I looked into local tournaments this last summer and have seen a bunch in the area mostly lake Winnipesaukee but they are all team tourneys. Unfortunately I have no partner. I am looking to enter some tourney's and would be willing to travel if anyone needs a partner I bring with me good knowledge of fishing and plenty of tackle and rods. any help or info would be awesome.
Thanks so much
Well this day was all my buddies. This is the biggest fish he has ever caught he was jacked. I got one descent one and two smallies. He casted a rubber worm and didnt like were he threw it and I always try to coach him and help him out I saw him start to just real it in and I said stop leave it for a second always finish your cast why waste the cast you never know what could have seen or heard it. Right after I said it bam he killed it. Lol it pulled our little aluminum around He He hope you enjoy.
Thank you very much it was nice seeing we stayed through a really bad down poor and high winds for about a half hour. then off and on showers but it was all worth it my buddy finally eneded his drought of not landing one fish in the last three times out this week. He lost a nice one today when it jumped and I thought he was going to throw in the towell he was so bummed but he hung in there and boated three roughly 1.5 lb - 2.0 lbers.
Well stayed until about 9:00 it was dark and I lost my favorite polarized Sunglasses...Bummer but caught a bunch of Dinkies but finished the night off with this guy on a dark green floater popper mouse.. Man this floater has been real good to me the last few weeks.
Well todays trip will bring us to Taylor River in New Hampshire I will Post pics tonight of all catches. I have recently became interested in documenting times places, Lures and retrieve in a log book of all my catches we will see how long Im willing to do this..Lol
Wow thats a piggy. Nice catch I too have just recently started fishing jigs seems the little guys stay away from it only have caught 2lb's + Oh yea and man do you look happy thats all that counts this was my buddies biggest catch just got him fishing this year and he bagged this 2.5 lb but the look on his face tells it all. not his lazy eye LOL ;D He hates the pic cause of it.
Sweet have fun it was a little bit of tough fishing in the alton area but over by meredith they were killin anything with red on it. Expecially red flake Yamasenko's wacky rigged. Good luck
Thanks guys for the welcome, I am already loving this place tons of info and great people.
Nice to meet you all cant believe there are so many people from my area on this board.
Well hopefully someone will be able to clue me in as I think I got myself into a heap of crap Lol. I will start by saying I stripped down my Bayliner to re paint and seck it. While the motor was off I decided to replace the water pump impeller. I made sure the motor was in neutral when I removed the Linkage cables then while removing the lower end I nived the linkage while pulling the rod out.. I know dumb then to top it off I pulled the rod out of the lower unit too. My question is if anyone can tell me what I will have to do to get it all back together. I might have to go pick up a service manual as I do not have one. The funniest part is I work on motorcycles and cars alot which is why I cant believe I got myself into this mess. The rod connects at the top whit a roll pin and a cotter pin and at the bottom there is a hook like cam I am not sure how that came off.....HELP ARE THERE ANY FORCE MECHANICS OUT THERE...Lol
Sorry about the long read I appreciate any help I can get tremendously
Yea he was very dark. The funny story is I went out and got a hit on a yamasinko that i crimped the barb on he felt really nice then he jumped and I didnt keep pressure on him and he spit it I was so bummed cause I new he was a nice fish. I came back the next day casted twice in the same spot with a floating popper mouse and bam. I think it was the same fish he knocked the skirt and rubber off the hooks Lol.
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