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Everything posted by Mattlures

  1. out here in Cali the tropky hunters throw bluegill swimbaits.
  2. Glenn that was a great story! i have a similar one but without the happy ending :-[ I wa teaching a friend how to cast a baitcaster by casting into the lawn. As I reeled past some bushes one of my neigbors cats jumped out and hooked itself in its mouth instantly. I was using a 7in T rigged plastic worm and I never seen the cat untill it was hooked. I would not have had a hook on if i did. Any ways that poor cat gave me one heck of a fight. it jumped about 5 times and was hissing and making all kinds of noise. I had to get some leather gloves and wire cutters to free him. The cat did end up fine cause I seen many times afterwards but when ever it seen me it took off and it didnt come in my yard anymore.
  3. I decided to have a little fun ang go carp fishing with my ultralite gear. I ended up catching the world record goldfish
  4. Mike Long all he does is catch huge bass. Every year he has few over 15lbs
  5. The rain is one of the best times to catch big bass because it camoflauges the fisherman. The surface is choppy so they cant see you and they cant hear you. the light is reflecting from all diferent angles so they dont get a real good look at your lures.
  6. You guys should read " In pusuit of giant bass" by the late Bill Murphy. It is the trophie hunters bible. The techniques and stratagies will work anywhere and that book has definatley helped me catch more big fish. I also like "tracking Trophies" by John Hope, I think :-[ in this book the author puts transmiters in big bass and studies there habits in there natual inviroments Very intresting
  7. Your list is verry good. One that I think needs to be added is fishing at night. Definatley a good time to get big fish. As far as top water goes, believe me big fish hit top water. Big is relative. I have caught probably 50 bass over 5lbs on buzzbaits but I think buzzbaits are a poor choice for trophy bass. They are great for fish under 8lbs but there are much better choices for double diget fish. It doesnt sound like tinusp is trying to target big bass as much as he is trying to weed through the smaller fish. In situations like that I think the best bet is to throw big baits. Big baits is the best way to weed out the smaller fish. In the day time throw a big bulky jig or big plastic worm. At night Throw a waking swimbait or big worms. Most of the things that tinusp mentioned are right on for BIG fish but not nessisarily true for fish under 10lbs. Fish under 10 tend to be more agresive and will even chase a fast lure.
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