One of the biggest reasons guys don't think big baits equal big bass is because......THE BAITS ARE NOT BIG. A long worm is not a big bait to the fish. Most baits that guys think are big, are not big to the fish. Small bass will eat anything they can chase down and fit in their mouths. Big bass preffer to eat big easy meals, but will still eat a small meal if it doesn't take a lot of energy to catch it. The size of the bait is not always what makes it attractive to big bass. Some baits consistently catch big bass and some don't. A Jig is not a really big bait but its not tiny either. It looks slow moving and easy to eat. If you want to target bigger bass, use baits that are know for consistently catching bigger bass. It means nothing when you hear somebody say "I caught this big bass on this little bait". Its the law of averages. There are millions of bass fisherman. There are millions of guys throwing small worms, and other small baits. There are going to be a few big bass caught on them. For ever big bass caught on a tiny bait there are thousands of dinks caught on them. I would say that probably close to half the fish caught on swimbaits (real swimbaits) are big or at least over 4lbs. Probably at least 1 out of every 10 fish caught on a jig are good quality fish. If you look at the guys who are consistantly catching big bass, they aren't using small baits. They are using swimbaits, jigs, live bait etc.