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Everything posted by Mattlures

  1. Brian one of the great things about swimbaits is you can cover a lot of water. Many times you dont have to hit the fish on the head to catch it. Most swimbaits are big and push a lot of water. Big bass can see, hear, and feel them from farther away then other baits. I look for structure or cover that has close deep water access. I especialy like points working them up hill and down hill at an angle across. One huge benefit of throwing swimbaits is the amount of big fish they draw out. Even if you throw one all day and don't get a bite your are likely to see more big bass then you would ever think. By doing this they reveal a lot about where they hang out on that particular body of water. You add that info to big fish that you have caught, structure that you have graphed and you can start piecing together your swimbait milk run. In general each spot has an optimal way to fish it. It has an optimal angle depending upon how the fish are sitting on that spot. When I fish a new lake I will start by throwing a swimbait and working along the shore. Usually outside of the normal shoreline boat path. I will take inventory by marking spots where I have seen big bass. Then I will comeback later and graph the area and try and figure out the best approach to the spot. Eventualy after several trips I will have located several big bass holding spots. I will try and learn the best way to hit those spots. After a while I can show up to that lake and go through my milk run. It can be very productive. Of course some of the spots only hold those fish at certain times of the year and other spots hold them year round so I adjust accordingly. I will also just cruise around looking at my side scan and mark spots sometimes without making a cast. After a while you can really get tuned into a specific lake. Oh I also turn off electronics and make long casts when I am approaching a known spot.
  2. I can explain it. A jig is a proven producer of big bass so his results are a good example of what a skilled fisherman can do with a big fish bait. Well done Big-O. He is not a Barney.
  3. This question depends a lot upon the angler and the area he fishes. The time leading just up to the spawn is when bass are at their heaviest. Not because of the eggs but because the fatten themselves up in preparation for the spawn. They feed a lot. This is the favorite time for most swimbait fisherman. The actual spawn is a great time to hunt a huge bass because you can pick with fish your going to attempt to catch. Summer time is one of my favorite times because I can catch a lot of big bass on my bluegill baits. Summer at night is probably the easiest for me. The big bass come in shallow at night to feed. They are easy to locate and you can just work down a shoreline on foot. Slow and steady top water baits like waking swimbaits both hard and soft and buzzbaits are my favorites.
  4. When I say big baits= big fish and small baits=small bass I am using a generic phrase. When I say big fish baits and small fish baits I am being more accurate. The reason being is there are a few smaller sized baits that are proven big bass producers. The small crayfish being the best example. One thing to think about though is the few small baits that are proven big bass producers tend to have 1 very important thing in common. They represent a slow very easy meal with very little effort to catch. Big bass don't like spending energy chasing small baits. Small bass do that. Big trophy bass have learned to get the most meal for their efforts.
  5. You have touched on one very common swimbait misconception. That it takes days to get a bite. Maybe for guys who haven't figured things out or are just beginning or guys who tried to save money and bought unproven cheap swimbaits. but the guys who are decent at it get lots of bites but again my main point has been missed. Its not only about swimbaits. its about baits that consistently catch bigger bass then other baits. While most big baits fall into the big bass catching category not all big fish catching baits are big. A small crawfish is one of the most proven big bass catchers ever. Jigs and top water frogs can be great choices for catching big bass. One thing you said does baffle me. Do small baits catch as many big bass as big baits? NO plain and simple. Now again I am not classifying baits as big and small. I classify them as big bass catching baits and small bass catching baits. IMO jigs are a big bass catching bait and so are crawfish and so are frogs and so are buzzbaits at night but I think of them as small fish baits in the daytime. But to answer your question more specifically No. I will give you a reasonable scenario to illustrate my point. If Barney goes out with his senkos, crank baits, drop shots and spinnerbaits and he catches 20 fish in a day. he will most likely catch 10-15 dinks, probably 1-5 keepers and maybe 1 good fish over 4 or 5lbs. If I go out and fish all day targeting big bass I will probably only catch 3-5 with maybe 1 fish being a keeper and the rest being between 4-8lbs and possibly a 10+. Now if you kept count over a year and we each fished 25 days. Barney (your average fisherman) would probably have caught 2-10 fish over 5 and maybe an 8lber and it would be very rare if he caught a 10+lber. Now he probably would have caught a few hundred fish. If I went out for 25 days targeting big bass I would have probably caught 50 -100 fish. However I would have certainly caught at least a couple over 10lbs and probably 20 over 7lbs and most of my fish would be over 3.5 lbs. I would have a handful of dinks I would also have a couple bad days thrown in where I caught none or 1. Barney would most likely always catch at least a few small fish with no skunks. Of course this is hypothetical but I do believe its realistic based on what I catch and what I see the average guy catching fishing the same lakes as me. Oh and if a really good trophy hunter went out for 25 days his numbers would be closer to Barneys but his fishes weights would be like mine or bigger.
  6. No The idea is something that looks big and swims on the surface at night. I bet you can afford a buzzbait.
  7. Making this type of statement is a major misconception.It may be technicaly right but it implies that they are equal and that is VERY wrong. This is a much more accurate way of presenting this info. Do big baits catch big bass...Yes and its very common Do big baits catch small bass...sure sometimes but its not the norm Do small baits catch big bass...sure sometimes but its not the norm Do small baits catch small bass...Yes and its very common Also just because you and your friends have not figured out a bite doesn't meant that bite does not exist or that somebody else hasn't figured it out.
  8. Tom everything you just posted is absolutely correct. However big bass, not trophy bass, is relative to each body of water. If the biggest class bass in a pond is 4lbs then that is a big or at least a bigger bass. Catching big or bigger bass is not exactly the same thing as trophy hunting for the largest 1% of trophy sized bass. Most lakes do not produce huge bass. Most lakes don't have all the ingredients. But just about all lakes have different size classes of bass and most guys that are asking for advise on how to catch bigger bass are just wanting to catch bigger bass then they are currently catching. Catching big or bigger bass can be hard. Catching huge trophy sized bass is much harder and when you are specifically targeting a couple fish in a lake then location is by far the most important factor. However when your just trying to catch bigger bass then other factors can be equally or more important.
  9. Raul the mission fish witch is very similar to the weed slinger was designed as a plastic worm/ swimbait. I think your idea is definitely worth trying. It sound like a very good fit for you. I would also consider the weed less Hudd 68.
  10. Raul I made this post for the blind that are listening to other blind guys for advise on how to catch bigger bass. If you have figured out how to catch the sized bass your after then you certainly are not blind. Its not all about 1 specific type of baits (swimbaits). If your catching the bass you want on worms and jigs then I agree with you. I wouldn't fix something that's not broke either. However if, that bite goes away you may need to change tactics. But I would keep throwing them as long as they produce the bass your after. I personaly will use any legal and or moral method that I think gives me the best chance at a big or trophy bass. I have no problem using live bait (except for the hassle and cost) or sight fishing or if I thought senkos gave me the best chance at the biggest bass you could bet that's what I would be using. For me I beleive swimbaits gives me the best chance at the biggest bass most of the time. I also will use jigs, crawfish, and a few others when I think they are the better choice for that specific situation. I also still believe swimbaits are the highest percentage big bass producing class of baits.
  11. Guys this post isn't about swimbaits. Its about stacking the odds, percentages and averages. Its about how important bait choice is. Its about the when where and how but most of all its about Barney. The guy who catches one big bass out of a 100 all on senkos and now he comes to the conclusion that senkos(it could be any bait) are a great big bass bait. He only remembers the 1 big fish and totally excused the 99 small ones. Or how Barney has caught tens of thousands of small bass with a handful of big bass and he thinks he knows how to target big bass because of the handful he caught. Now he is giving advise (almost certainly bad advise) on how to target big bass. The blind leading the blind.
  12. Speed nailed this one perfectly!!!! Also consider how much feedback I hear from customers, not just about my baits but other swimbaits. Many times they tell me what they are catching but then say they don't tell anybody else and they are sorry but they wont send pictures or if they do its a close of a fish with out there face in it or no background. These guys are consistently catch big bass in places that other people think swimbaits don't work well. They are keeping quiet about it. Every time I hear somebody say they don't work well in my lake I just shake my head and think, if they only knew. Think about what a swimbait represents, what it mimicks. They mimick the primiary food source of big bass. Big bass primarily feed on small fish, not tiny minnows or little shad but small 4-8 in bait fish are a big bass's primary food sourse. If guys are not having success catching big bass (big being relative to their area) on their lakes then its the anglers inability not the class of baits. It could be they are not using them where, when, and how they should be or maybe they did not make a good choice in baits. With so many swimbaits on the market there is a good bait out there for just about every situation. Problem is there is also a ton of junk out there to. I will cover the topic of "I tried them but they don't work here" when I do my swimbait misconception post. remember guys when somebody catches 1 big bass to every hundred or thousand small bass he is not a knowledgeable big bass angler. He may be a great bass fisherman but he is not a great big bass fisherman.
  13. This is the type is misconception I am trying to clear up. Of course small baits catch big bass and of course big baits catch small bass. ONE OF THE BIGGEST PPOINTS OF THIS POST is, its about percentage. For every big bass caught on a small fish bait there are hundreds or thousands of small fish caught on that small fish bait. That's why its classified as a small fish bait. For every small bass caught on a big bass bait there is a MUCH HIGHER percentage of big bass caught that's why it would be classified as a big bass bait. Its about averges and percentages. Notice I am not saying trophy bass, I am saying big bass. Where I am from I still think a 6lber is a big bass. Not a trophy but still big.
  14. Tom I completely agree with your post. It was informative. More importantly it did not minimize the importance of other factors such as bait choice and technique. They are all pieces of the puzzle and each time you figure something out it helps solve the big puzzle. It doesn't always matter which part you figure out first. Each time you figure something out the other parts get a little easier. My point is, if you find big fish, that's one part and a good start but its not the only part or the only start. You still have to figure out how to get them to bite which is way easier said the done.You can also start with lure choice. You still have to find them but if you make good lure choices you will increase your odds and any time you increase your odds your solving the puzzle which will lead to catching more bigger bass. You can also try night fishing, again there is a good chance that will increase your odds. So will being stealthy, and so will using good gear. It all adds up, some more then others. There are so many things you can do to stack the odds in your favor. If you do enough of them you will catch bigger bass, its that simple. Your statement of "to catch big bass you most fish for them", is very similar to what I say a lot. "if you want to catch big bass, stop fishing for the small ones" If guys would think of big bass as a separate species from small bass and learn their habits as a different animal which require different locations, baits, techniques, gear, and mind sets it would be a lot easier for them. Unfortunately for most guys (myself included) I had so much prior bass fishing experience it was difficult for me to relearn or commit to targeting big bass. I started by switching baits. I started throwing swimbaits. I also started fishing more at night. I also started to sight fish. Each time I did one of these things I started to catch more big bass and bigger bass. Then I started to fish the smaller lakes which were known to hold bigger bass and guess what happened? I caught even bigger bass. Location is very important but there are other factors that are also very important. The more you figure out, the easier it gets. The more you stack the odds the better chance you have at success.
  15. If the op does not change his location and only changes his bait selection to baits that are know to consistantly catch bigger bass then his odds still go up. If the Op is asking which baits produce bigger fish then answer that question with proven big fish baits. Its a huge part of the puzzle and it definitely can help him catch bigger bass. Example: If I am fishing a 5 acre pond and I am throwing swimbaits, jigs, and cradads and 2 other guys with equal skills fish the same pond at the same time together with me but they are using small drop shots, jerk baits, and 5in senkos, who has the best chance of catching bigger fish? I would of course. That doesn't mean I would catch bigger fish every single time but I am positive that over time my average fish would be bigger.
  16. Big fish tend to let their guard down some at night. Cover the whole pond throwing a buzzbait parallel to the shore where the water is at least 2 ft deep. Then cover the pond again throwing a large slow swimming wake bait like a jointed rat, ms slammer, etc. . Those are two of the most reliable consistant summer time big bass techniques. The fish in your picture arrears to be healthy and bigger then a typical stunted bass. I would guess there are better fish in there.
  17. I' I'll agree with that but sometimes its condescending and other times when somebody is specifically asking about baits, its insulting by insinuating that the op shouldn't waist his time with selecting lures or techniques because they certainly have not considered location
  18. I agree with your assessment on snags. I would recommend a weed less Hudd or other weed less bait. You can also get creative and rig your baits to be more wed less. Also you might be surprised at how well a good lure retriever works.
  19. Are the bass you catch fat and healthy? is so then there is a good chance there are better fish in there. You have to target them. If the bass your catching are stunted then they will be small and thin.Usually in small ponds that get over populated there are a bunch of small skinny fish. Even then there are usually a few bigger skinny bass with big heads that are able to eat the dinks. In those situations there usually not much inbetween those 2 sizes.
  20. "My thoughts on swimbaits: Swimbaits were designed and are most effective in the clear, deep, rocky reservoirs of California. They do work other places, but that does not mean they are the best option for all lakes. How often do you get stuck with normal lures? 3,4 times a trip? Now imaging there is a $25< swim bait on the end of your line when you inevitably break off. Based one of your earlier posts, it sounds like you don't have money coming out of your ears (aka 99% of the population). This makes losing those expensive swim baits really hurt. In addition to this, they work best in clear water. Most man made lakes have poor visibility, making swim baits not as effective. " This is so wrong!!! This will be on my biggest swimbait misconception post. Yes Swimbaits are designed to be realistic to help fool the big bass especial when the water is clear and they get a good look at it. To think that this is a negative thing in less then clear water makes no sense at all. Swimbaits work incredibly good in non clear water. I think they work better in non clear water. They push a lot of water, more them most regular baits. and when the bass gets close enough to eat them, the realism help seal the deal.
  21. Yes. but its not just that post. It seems like its on every big bass topic on this site.
  22. Big baits = big bass but a bait does not have to be big to be a consistant big bass producer. Small crayfish are a consistant big bass producer. They are one of the exceptons. I will also make a post later on about the misconseptins of throwing big baits. On of the biggest misconception is the "fishing for 1 bite a day" Or not catching anything for days. This is not the norm for guys who have some things figured out.
  23. I would also like to add that just because somebody only says location doesn't mean they don't know what they are talking about. If they have a high percentage of big bass and they expand on how to locate big bass then there post can be gold. WRB is a good example.
  24. First let me say that location, location, location, is so over used and over rated especially on this site. That's right I said it and I'll own it. I have seen many post where a guy asks for lure suggestions and at least one person chimes in with location. He didn't ask you about that did he? No and that simple answer does not help him in any way. Big bass do not live in some magical mysterious secret hole where all you have to do is find them and they will instantly turn stupid and eat what ever you throw at them. Anybody who has ever bass fished know this is absurd. Right place at the right time only gives you an opportunity. Its only a fraction of the varialbles. The entire process is extremely important. This includes, your approach, your presentation and hugely important, your lure or bait. You have to do a bunch of other things right weather you realize it or not. Catching big bass consistently is different then catching one ocasionaly. Targeting big bass is different then catching a bunch of small ones with a good one ever once in a while. Catching big bass consistently is about percentages and odds. You want to do everything you can to stack the odds. First, yes location. obviously and I emphasize OBVIOUSLY if your looking to catch the biggest bass you can, then your odds go up when you choose to fish lakes that hold more big bass. Learn the habits of big bass in your lakes and they will be easy to find. Does this mean they will also be easy to catch? Of course not! I live in possibly the most pressured fishing area in the US. I have no problem finding big bass. That's easy. Now catching them is adifferent story. Learn to stack the odds in your favor. Learn to recognize the percentages. Example. Barney catches 100 bass on Senkos. 95 are under 2lbs. 4 are between 2 and 4 lbs and 1 is an 6lber his new personal best. Now somebody posts a question asking about big baits for big bass. Well guess what Barney says? "Big baits don't wprk any better because I caught my PB on a Senko so I recommend that for big bass" WHAT?????? did he somehow forget about the 99 other bass that were not big? That senko produced 1 out of a 100. 1 percent and now he thinks that's a great big bass bait. That is absurd!!!. When I am targeting big bass I would estimate that 40% of my bites are big. You know why? because I am throwing baits with high percentages of catching big bass. Do big baits catch bigger bass?..... YES! period! They up your odds. Anybody who tells you differently does not have enough experience or they are unable to process all the info they have taken in. In other words they are "Barney" who caught the one big fish and forgot about the 99 small ones. It means nothing that a tiny percentage of big bass are caught on small fish baits. There are allways exceptions especially when they are millions of guys fishing for small bass. If you catch enough small bass, chances are you will luck into a bigger one. This is not targeting big bass. This is not upping your odds. Most guys who have caught big bass have caught them just like Barney. They look back over decades of fishing and remember the handful of big bass they have caught and then they recycle the same old bad advise on how to catch them. If you catch a small percentage of big bass then you are not doing it right. You also should not be telling others how to catch them. Its the blind leading the blind. Example. Think of the guys that consistently catch big bass. Butch Brown, Matt Allen, Oliver Ngy, Matt Peters. You can see these guys videos all over youtube. They aren't using small bass baits. They are using baits with a high percentage for catching big bass. Do you think they catch 1 big bass out of 100 dinks? You bet they don't!!! I am sure they catch a very high percentage of big bass. They do a whole lot more then just "location" and they use big baits. There small bass are Barneys good bass. My whole point to this post is help guys sift through the bad info posted on forums about how to catch big bass. If the answer is coming from a Barney then pay no attention. If the answer is simply "location" then that is so obvious it isn't helpful either. Now let me say of course location is important. There has to be big bass there to catch them ( thanks captain obvious) Figure out where they like to live in your bodies of water. You want to find them? Throw a big swimbait all day and they will reveal themselves to you. You might catch some or you just might get some followers. Pay attention to where they came from and what type of structure, cover, depth etc and find similar conditions and there is a high percentage that similar spots will also hold big bass. Trust me. it is a whole lot easier to find a big bass then it is to catch them. This is why I made this post when guys start posting the location response it takes away from all the other important factors. Don't believe me? again pay attention to what consistant big bass guys are using and how they approach a spot. Remember if a guy has caught thousands of small bass with a handful of big ones. He is not consistently catching big bass He might be a great bass fisherman but he is not a great big bass fisherman.
  25. Wow without calling anybody out, there is some of the worst advise I have seen in this thread. Some of it is good, some bad, and some is just ....really bad.
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