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Everything posted by Mattlures

  1. There are a few a would recommend, almost all American made with a couple Japanese but not LC
  2. LC makes very nice baits. High quality and productive all except their swimbaits. Those are way below par.
  3. The elite tourney guys are the best in the world at catching small bass. They become great at catching small bass because they are #1 intelligent, #2 have the resources and #3 have the skills that come with experience. #4 desire Resources are the time and money to fish and once you get to a higher level include sponsorship and local fisherman giving valuable intel to the top pros. I am sure there are many good fisherman who could be great if they had the resources to be great. Also not every good or great fisherman wants to compete in tourny's especially at a national level. You would have to be ok with that life style. I know I would have no desire to be on the road all the time and fishing when I don't feel like it because I have to. So desire plays a huge part in it. There are also some extremely good bass fisherman who have no desire to compete in tourny's but would rather hunt the largest bass in their area. They may be as good or better then the best pros.
  4. Has anybody fished this bait yet? I would like to hear what you think of it. Please refrain from complaining over the massive asking price of $13 I am just curious what the guys think of it who have fished it.
  5. Wow what a description!
  6. very soon
  7. I know this thread is old but I just saw this. The reason most of my hard baits always seem to be sold out is this. It takes me a long time to make hard baits. I do them in batches of about 50-300. Usually when I finish a batch they sell out in a day or two with the exception of a few less desireable colors or sink rates. So If you miss a release then it seems like they are always out of stock.
  8. The line tie has little effect on lipless multi jointed swimbaits. Even if they are very crooked the bait should still swim straight. If your bait is leaning, its a ballast issue. If you swapped out heavy hooks for lighter ones then that can throw off the balance. If I had to guess I would say the weight inside the bait is not centered. Or the hooks are to light to properly balance the bait. You could wrap some soldering wire around the hook shank or put a little lead tape on the bottom of the bait.
  9. The bigger, thicker, softer, the soft swimbait it is the more likely the braid will cut it. Hollow bellied type baits aren't as bad as they can compress and are smaller so you might be able to get away with braid on those.
  10. You don't want to use braid with soft plastic swimbaits either. The line can wrap around them and cut them like a knife.
  11. When you look at a sample of somebodies trout pattern, if your first impression is green and pink then that is incorrect and IMO ugly. You first impression should be bright silver. Then an olive top. The pink or reddish sides can vary but it should be thin and usually subtle. Like I said VERY FEW guys paint a good trout.
  12. I stay away from wood. most wooden swimbaits are made in china and that's why you see such poor quality. They may look good new but after a trip or two you will see the lack of quality. I did have a few wood baits made in china for me years ago and I had to go over every single one of them and re clear them. I wont go there again. When you buy a BD wooden bait make sure you get one that Jeremy painted and cleared himself. Those are the LTD's.
  13. Tom the OG castiacs were not glides. The current Glide swimbait is a 2 piece bait without a bill. The OG Castiacs would be considered a wake bait.
  14. Brock Hiroshima. He is one of the very few who can paint a decent rainbow trout.
  15. there are a lot of guys who paint beautifully but there are only a couple who do a good rainbow trout. Its as if they have never seen one before. I have seen way to many that have a grass green top and an overwhelming pink side
  16. Just because your rod says up to 20 oz doesn't meant it cant handle a little more. If you wanted to know if your rod would work, tie something on about the same size and weight(a 16in 2x4) and make a couple casts. Rod ratings are usually not precise
  17. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/Mattlures/Deadtwitch.jpg <a href="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Mattlures/media/Deadtwitch.jpg.html"target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/Mattlures/Deadtwitch.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo Deadtwitch.jpg"/></a> 13 inch Dead twitch about 14 0z Couple of good fish the big one was 11and change
  18. Mattlures Ultimate bluegill 17 pounds 2 oz
  19. Oliver Ngy of big bass dreams just drove out to Texas and fished for about 2 months and caught a bunch of big fish throwing swimbaits. He even started guiding local guys on their own home lakes. I don't think he got a teen but he got one over 12 and several over 10 and he was only there for a short time. That's what happenes when a guy knows how to target trophy sized bass. It didn't matter that the lakes were new to him or that the locals thought he was "fishing for sharks" with the "huge swimbaits" he didn't listen to them when they told him they wont work here. Learn big bass behavior and throw baits that are proven to produce high percentages of big bass.
  20. I agree Tom the numbers seem a little off but that fish looks huge. I have no problem with the weight. If they used a soft measuring tape around the curve I could see it adding a couple inches.
  21. Rolo and Raul the buzzbait has been a goto for me for years. I use squeaky non clacker buzzers. I fish them as slow as I can while keeping them on top and buzzing. I want a methodical retrieve. No variance in speeds. And lastly I fish them parallel to the shore lines. Usually about 2-5ft from shore as long as its a couple feet deep. I rarely get bit casting outwards into the lake. Try these tips and you might change your mind about buzzers
  22. all other baits besides swimbaits. I still throw a buzzbait a little but that's about it. I used to throw the original rapalas and plastic worms the most. But then I decided to catch big bass instead.
  23. Lol at black.... I have heard it since I was a kid. It is just bad info that has been passed along for years. Does black work at night? yes and thats why guys swear by it. But black does NOT work any better then regular colors. If anything its the worst choice of color for using on the bottom or under the surface. Just about the only time a bass can see black better is when it floating creating a silhouette. If anything White would be the most visable color. The truth is, at night the color probably doesn't matter at all and if it does its very little. I have tested my theory many times at night using the same baits but different colors with no noticeable difference. The only color that made a difference was glow and it had a negative effect.
  24. Catt and John are correct. The pond is out of balance. You cant catch bigger bass if they are not in the pond to begin with. There may only be a couple. I would remove every bass I caught that was under 2pounds. Depending on how big the pond is determines how many small bass to remove. Changing your tactics and learning how to target big bass is very important but if your fishing a stunted pond then you might already be catching the bigger fish in the pond. Those 15 inchers might be the mature bass
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