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Everything posted by Jenny

  1. I wish that was true... the cows seem to be laying down more than not.... and well we could really use the rain. :-/
  2. Couldn't agree with you more. Yesterday evening was nice 7:30-9:30 pm.. breezy and only 95 but maybe it wasn't the weather that made it enjoyable but that I kicked my neighbors butts in our beer and bass tournement last night. 6 fish in only 3 beers I was doing good! No real size to 'em but anything that pulls my line gets my blood flowing. We where wading so being in the water def. helps beat the heat. Plus our lake is so low you can't get from one hole to another in a boat right now. It's best done on fourwheelers.
  3. Well, my parents only had one kid and my dad didn't get his " little boy" He got me. So growing up, I fished spring and summer and hunted in the fall and winter. I love being outside with God's creatures. Just in the last 5 years I started fishing heavily (daily) since my father passed away. It's a way for me to enjoy myself , relax, and remember my dad. Plus if I didn't use the skills he tought me I'd lose them. Thanks for asking
  4. Thats awesome. I've always wanted to try something a little different. I have a few ideas for som "creatures" . I never thought to use plaster of paris, for some reason I thought you had to have a metal mold. Thats what I get for thinking "inside" the box.
  5. I'll have to try that rock throwing trick, if thats all it takes to make fish bite. geez if it where only that easy....
  6. I live in a some what rual area... we have alot of cows. Growing up driving pass a cow pasture if the cows where all up eating, Dad would say it was a good time to go fishing... for if the cows are eating the fish and deer are too. I think this has something to do with the major and minor feedings of the day. Can anyone elaborate? I have found that I catch more fish if the cows are up and grazing than if they are just laying there chewing cud. Thanks in advance for your input!
  7. My nieghbor was looking for a pole he could keep in his golf bag... but I think he was accually hoping to catch fish. wow what will they think of next.
  8. HI! I recently dicovered this forum, and am hoping it will point me in a direction to better my bass fishing skills! I live in Florida and more than a hobby fishing is my passion as I am sure it is most of everyones around here. Just wanted to introduce myself! Thanks, Jenny
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