Hey folks, new guy here back into the fishing scene after a 20 year hiatus :'(
Some recent fishing excursions:
July 1, Massabesic: Skunked. Put in at the parking area on Londonderry Tpk, paddled down past the marina. My buddy caught a pickerel and a yellow perch and that was it, not even a nibble for me.
July 4, Gorham Pond, Dunbarton: Nice little ~100 acre lake. I caught 4 small largemouth, all <2lbs. Tons of milfoil.
July 7, Piscataquog River, Manchester: Put in at the West Side ramp near the railroad trestle. Skunked, although the trout loved to jump and bat at my chug bug
July 8, Bailey Pond, New Boston: My in-laws live in New Boston so I excused myself from the family BBQ and got out for a few hours Caught a 2lb largemouth, a pickerel and a tiny bass of some sort, couldn't identify it as a larry or sally. This pond is ripe for the picking for an expert angler who really knows how to pull em up out of the weeds.
I'm really happy to be back into fishing, it's been too long and I forgot how much I love it. Got myself a nice short and stubby canoe that's perfect for fishing. So if you see a guy with a Sox hat in a red canoe picking a birdsnest out of his reel, say "hi", it's probably me