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About skunked_again

  • Birthday 08/09/1969

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • My PB
    Between 0-1 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
    LOZ - Table Rock - Melvern - LOZ again, no really...

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Community Answers

  1. I have a derb as well. Going to be a lot of boats on that pond for a long time to come.
  2. 2 days on Grand. One bite. True story.
  3. https://www.facebook.com/darren.graham.54/videos/1045443969577015 True story.
  4. If anyone is looking to road trip, avoid Table Rock for a few weeks. Fishing so very tough right now.
  5. For anyone looking to take a ride, Table Rock is starting to come on. The big bite is still after dark, but the daylight bite was good also. Had a personal best Spot last week on a spinner bait. White or close too is good. Good jig bite, not much top water. There are jerk bait fish out there. Those bites were skinny bass. Square bill. I fished mostly ledges. The only good bank fishing was from Piney Creek up to Cape bridge. Late in the day I dropped the spinner bait and picked up an underspin with any run of the mill soft, white, shad bait. I used 3/8th tungsten. This is what the bait looks like. Def would do again soon. I tossed all types of jerk baits from Megabass to Rapala. The best for me was the Jenko 110 suspending, in of all colors Table Rock. Caught fish the whole time. Well done.
  6. Anyone willing to drive a bit, Truman and Stockton are both fishing well. The high water has made both lakes a jig pitching paradise. For Truman take your DT-14, and scrounger type baits for when the sun gets real high. I had the HD Swimmer as the trailer. Look for gravel banks. The Ned rig was money on Stockton when the sun got high. I would bet a tube on 1/16 oz would be hot too. Something is up with Gardner. The lake is off.
  7. I had a Shimano Cumara I broke about 2" from the tip. I did THIS to fix it. The process works very will if you take the time to fit the outer rod. The only time I can feel much difference is on light baits. You might consider this as an option next time.
  8. So... Anyone get the boat out today? lol
  9. Cedar Lake in Olathe used to give up nice fish. Today it gave up nothing.
  10. Not true at all. I've had 3 Trackers as well as an older Nitro. The only issue I has was the boat builder (employee for manufacturer) did not glue in the water pick-up inlets and they leaked. Then the mechanic at BPS destroyed the floor fixing that under warranty. My brother bought a Lowe from Cabelas and had to return the boat because he had to bilge non-stop. Their mechanic couldn't fix the issue. My V-16 is tough. Has a 90hp Merc 4 stroke. Pushes the boat great. I fish the Bass Bash on LOZ in that boat if that tells you anything.
  11. Personally I'd look for 1990's 17' bass boat with working trolling motor and build that. You'll have a bigger selection in the end. The price difference is smaller than you might think. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/127799329152264/?ref=search&referral_code=undefined
  12. I tried Edgewater and they were booked as well. Thanks though. That looks nice. Ended up at Kings Cove Resort.
  13. The normal resort we stay at on Table Rock Lake is full this year for our trip. Anyone have suggestions for the Kimberling City area?
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