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  1. Here is the official reason for this bass Mr. Long, >From the photos that you sent us, the fish that you caught appears to be of a spotted bass with a deformed head. This type of deformity is not uncommon in fingerling fish but is not often seen in adult fish caught in the wild. This deformity can be caused by an injury to the fish during its larval stage or it could also be from a developmental or genetic problem during its embryonic development. We sometimes see fingerling fish exhibit this condition at our hatcheries but they usually do not survive long in the wild. This condition has been observed in a number of different fish species. Nick Nichols Assistant Chief of Fisheries Alabama Division of Wildlife & Freshwater Fisheries 64 North Union St. Suite 551 Montgomery, AL 36130
  2. I sent "all" the photos to the state DNR fish biologist today. The guy holding the little guy, said he caught one just like it there two weeks earlier , heck might have been the same fish
  3. I use the Wiggle rig 100% of the time,, even when others are not watching me,, I do it because no other method of fishing has ever beat it "PERIOD" ! When it has been tested head to head ( in the same boat, or next to other fishermen on the bank) against all other rigs and techniques, I have NEVER been out fished, not even by a pro. Most of the time my catch rate is over 5 to 1,, today it was over 20 to zero against 6 other fishermen Now i have a number of "years" experience with it, it is not something most people can totally master with a couple of times fishing it. Although in many cases , well actually all cases I am aware of, people have caught more fish using it than anyone next to them not using it, but they have still not mastered it to the point where it catches "every" bass that sees it, regardless of the conditions or the mood of the fish. I have not seen a bass in years, I have not caught. It is still just a rig so you need to choose the right lures for the conditions,, just like today, I started with a worm,, and 6 cast, no bass, switched lures, and had a bass on "every" cast. It takes fishing from 2 dimensions to 3 dimensions , You can totally control the action of your lures in "all" directions,, now knowing what action is needed, under what conditions, is the key to catching "every" bass. This takes a lot of practice. Sometimes it takes leaving the lure in one spot, and vigorously working the lure, other times leaving it in one spot and just the slightest amount of action every couple of sec. letting it lay still between those movements,, other times it's covering water, working the lure, like you have never seen a lure move before, it's like a live bait fishing struggling against a hook. Sometimes it is just the death quiver of a dying minnow, other times it's swimming a minnow lure on it's side in a tight circle, just like a shad with it's gills injured . Bass like to chase things,, no doubt about it, but they also prefer, over anything, a "free" lunch, when they are not interested in feeding at all, they will still "always" hit a small morsel of high protein the can "mosey" over to and inhale. On the Wiggle rig the tiny Dynamite worm (1/8 inch X 2 1/2 inches) has nailed some awesome bass that ignored everything else. I now fish with a fluke above this worm most of the time, I am really amazed at the huge bass that pick that tiny worm over that fluke, the only problem I have with using it,, everything hits that tiny "wiggling" worm, and I mean everything, bream, trout, perch, crappie, cat fish, and even carp. You never know what you will be reeling in. In most cases, BIG bass don't chase pray,, they feed by two methods, ambush, and opportunity, the Wiggle rig is an opportunity fishing technique, it gives the bass a meal they "know" is hurt, that can't run, that they don't have to waste energy on to eat. The reason live shiner, and live shad fishing is so productive is the struggle of the bait, the fish know it's hurt. The problem of fishing this way is,, having live bait, live bait does not really struggle very long as they get tired too quickly, and live bait is not legal in tournaments,, the other factor is many bass fishermen don't think live bait fishing is a sport, the fishermen has not "tricked" the bass The Videos of lures on my web site show a lot of motion that can be created using the Wiggle rig,, because, well,, those actions catch fishermen (also many bass when they are in the feeding mode), but it is not the most productive way to fish the rig "all" the time. You, the fishermen can control the action with the Wiggle rig,, never before have fisherman been able to control lures this way. Remember the Wiggle rig does "nothing" to a lure It just allows the fisherman to do "anything" to a lure. Now the fisherman's true skill can be placed into his lures. If you have not tried this thing, you have nothing to risk, because it is the only tackle in the world with a 100% instant "total" refund including S&H, if you don't like it,, and you keep the rig, you don't even have to send it back, heck you don't even have to buy a stamp, just email me and tell me you want your money back,, and I hit "refund payment" at PayPal. So far,, no one has ever asked me to refund their money, but i will do it in a heart beat.
  4. What was even more weird is after I landed this thing,, no one, (6 other fishermen on the bank ) not even me, caught another fish
  5. I started the day wiggling a worm,, 6 cast no bass,, changed over to wiggling a tiny fluke, caught over 20 , one on every cast, until I caught this bass,, not another hit after I landed this thing. All the bass were spots,, this one has a spots body,, but sure not a spots head and mouth. What the heck is this thing ????????????
  6. They are already in the mail,, thanks I understand this rig is also awesome for ice fishing
  7. That is very true,, BUT, the thing we strive for is getting "every" bass to hit a lure, that is the goal of every fisherman, and every lure manufacture,, every bass will not hit a non moving lure, every time. I have fished against dead stickers, (in the same boat), they caught fish, I caught 10 to their 1, while wiggling, that was the lowest average of the many such test that were done. Now if needed I could easily dead stick the lure while it's attached to the Wiggle rig,, I never did it in these test, but I could have. That's one of the great features of using the Wiggle rig,, you can do anything with it, and do things no one else can do with any other method.
  8. I have heard of fishermen doing this with the rig, I never have,, most people cast for these fish Here is the type emails I get on the rig http://ezknot.com/kail.html Now Tom has told no one he fishes against, about the rig, he lets me use this on the web site because he thinks if they ever find the site, the jig is up anyway
  9. Hooking the lure depends on the lure, and where your fishing it,, you want to rig weedless if snags are a problem On the video,, I need them done professionally ,, I know that, and am working on getting it done
  10. WE ( the customers ) can claim that, you can 't If you say it and the everyday Joe who thinks he just found the magic wand of bass fishing when purchasing your product reads that and he doesn 't get those 10 bass an hour you are saying you get when fishing with your product then the first thing he 's going to feel is that he got screwed and begins to bad mouth it. Good point I just got back from doing some "bank" fishing this morning Fished from 10:15 to 12:30 I caught 31 Spotted bass from 1/2 to 1 1/2 pounds The guy next to me had to try the rig, as he was being skunked, I rigged up one of his rods,, he caught only 6 in the last hour I was there, while I caught 13 standing beside him. Same lure, with me giving him instructions. It is a rig that needs to be practiced with I've been using this rig many years. I always out catch everyone else ,, well almost, my 9 year old grand daughter gives me a run for the money, she has beaten me a few times with her using it. The place we were fishing is the discharge from a 17,000 GPM pump that fills the lake. it's like fishing behind a dam, shad really pile in there and the bass follow them
  11. It "is not" usually fished straight down, it is just the only way we can video it. It is at it's best at the end of a long cast in shallow water It is so effective from shore,, I have not used my bass boat all year,, why even fool with it ? I have done most of my fishing from two lakes this year,, both have very large areas where you can bank fish,, I can average 10 bass an hour walking the banks of these two lakes.
  12. I could have made the same post, but people would not have believed "me" It was one of the best enforcements of the rig I have ever read. I need to get permission to post it on my web site
  13. Thanks for that report It's just nearly impossible for me to get across, just how effective a fishermen "can" get with his presentation using the Wiggle rig over all other rigs,, and not just in drop shot applications, it works with any soft plastic application were you would use a weight,, even along the banks, and in very stained water
  14. The reason a rubber band won't work is physics,, you cut rubber thin enough so you don't need three or more Ozes of weight to hold it in place to get it to stretch, (so you can get your action) and it breaks when casting,, same thing with "all" elastics manufactured anywhere in the world, also the slightest weight snag, means you break off. When I first got the idea, I tested the principle with a strip of rubber, it took 4 Oz'es of weight to get the first one to work with the weakest rubber I could find. I then tried "every" elastic thread manufactured, I called or emailed every company in the world for samples, the last thing I wanted is a "special" ordered material to make this thing work,, because of the cost of such a material. None of the manufactured material would work, I then asked the companies to make me an elastic that could stretch in less than 1 OZ resistance, yet had at least a 6 lb breaking strength. "NONE" could think of anything that would do that . One day I was looking at some 100# "Spectra" fishing line I use for salt water fishing, I got the magnifying glass out and found out it was a hollow braid, I took some supper fine rubber, and a needle, and threaded the rubber through the Spectra, pulling the Spectra down , bunching it up on the needle, and rubber. I did this until I had covered a 4 inch section of rubber (it took about 3 hours to make this 4 inches). I then tied a knot in the Spectra at each end over the rubber. I just made the worlds strongest bungee cord,, it worked great, I caught a dozen bass on that one cord. I called Honey Wel about making an elastic with their Spectra,, their engineer said it was impossible,, Because Spectra has no stretch, I called an elastic manufacturer and asked them the same,, they also said it was not possible, I then called my patent attorney. By the way,, my "invention" is anything and everything that stretches between a weight and lure. I went over board to make sure it would "NEVER" be banned in tournaments,, B.A.S.S. got the first exclusive story on it, (June 2001 Bassmaster), part of the deal was they never would ban it. It is currently used by many of their pros, you will probably never see anyone on stage saying they were using it, because I won't "PAY" them to do that. I guess many people don't know, but unless they get paid to tell,,, they just don't, it's not to their advantage to tell anyone what they use to win,, why "give" your secrete away? They are paid to promote their sponsors products on stage, whether they actually used them to win or not. It's just the nature of this business, and keeps the little guys little, as only the mega companies can afford to pay them. I could sell out to Berkly,, then everyone would buy it,,but I would not make a penny on the dollar from all my work.
  15. Your advice is well taken,, I agree with you about it,, but tell me another way,, I would give anything for a better way to present this,, but being as I own the company,, anything I say about it would be considered a commercial. I could, I guess, get me another email address and "pretend" to just be a happy fisherman using it But that is something I will never do, it's just not honest. I sure did not mean to make anyone look like a moron,, I sure don't think they are. What I think is I'm not being able to get just how good this thing is across,, I am believing that that is the problem, it is too good, so good no one believes it. I know why they are so Leary,, they have been screwed by so many companies that have made such claims in the past, on stuff that was just no better than they were already fishing with, and a lot of stuff actually worst than what they used. They have all been conned before. These con companies are still out there, and still trying to rip off as many fisherman as they can. I am not one of those companies !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 80% of my business is repeat orders Next time you go fishing,, put that rig on one of your rods,, don't wait until the fish won't hit anything else, just use it for a few cast, please give it a chance.
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